View Full Version : LFG - Player looking for Long-term campaign

August 30th, 2018, 04:45
FG License: I have the standard license, and so can join any game that there is.
Time Zone: Central Time USA
Day(s) of the week, frequency, and time: I'm looking for games on the days of Monday, Thursday and/or Friday at any time from 3:00 PM to 10:30 PM
Term: I would hope for games that are long-term as I hope to bring a character to life and form a story from before the first session and to carry on with it
Voice: I Don't mind as long as there is voice chat. Text chat doesn't have that much fun to it in my experience. I much prefer Discord, but if you use Teamspeak or Skype, that is fine!
Game System Preferred: I much prefer 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons, but I am open to learning others Systems.
Game System Experience: I have a lot of experience with 2nd Edition D&D all the way to 5th. I have a few one-shots under my belt with Call of Cthulhu, and a long-term Warhammer 40k Dark Heresy game. And a few years of Pathfinder.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I've had the license for a while, but haven't used it much as I've been using a lot of Roll20 lately. But I learn quickly.
Character Type Preferred: I'm open to anything when it comes to types of characters. I've generally played everything in the field. From healer to Tank, to designated Spell Caster. Even mixed a few together. I don't mind any role at all, so if you have a preferred one for me, just ask.
About me: I've been playing tabletops since I was eight-years-old starting with 2nd Edition Dungeons and Dragons with my father and some of his friends. I am currently nineteen years of age and prefer the Roleplay over Rollplay of Dungeons and Dragons. I love bringing characters to life, and having a story behind them, just so the players and DM can expand onto that. I'm a dedicated player and make sure to respect the DM of homebrew rules and such. I know that just sounds like being a kiss-***, but as a DM myself, I rather let them know that I'm thankful for the hours of time they put into making the story.

Hope to hear of your interested, and to see you in the future!

August 31st, 2018, 17:08
Look up THAC0 Tavern group in the FG Forums.
Our campaign is just over 1 year old and the intent is to provide the players
years of Adventures in order for them to progress their character.

September 7th, 2018, 04:29
Check out my post but it’s wednesdays