View Full Version : LFP - Starfinder (Skitter Shot adventure) - Friday 7 pm (GMT +2) - 2 open spots left

August 27th, 2018, 20:17
FG License: Standard
Game System: Starfinder

Day of week and time: Friday 31/8, 7 PM (GMT +2)

Voice: Discord

Number of Players needed: 2
Characters: Premade characters (or if you want you can make your own -Has to be: Race Skittermander, Level 2)
Premade characters still available:
1. Dakoyo - Male Skittermander priest mystic level 2
2. Gazigaz - Male Skittermander xenoseeker envoy level 2
3. Nako - Female Skittermander spacefarer soldier 2 (Claimed)
4. Quonx - Female Skittermander scholar mechanic 2

Details of your scenario:
This adventure gives the players a chance to play as a group of six-armed aliens called skittermanders.
The adventure emphasizes teamwork and roleplaying as the scrappy underlings rise to the occasion and become true heroes!

Side notes
1. All players are welcome, even if you have no experience with FG or Starfinder.
2. This will be the first game i run and play on FG, so I'll use this as a testgame.
3. This will also be the first Starfinder game i run, but I have been a GM for many years in other RPG games, so don't worry too much about this fact.
4. If you apply, you can claim a premade character.
5. The rules are: be mature, be friendly and helpful. We are all here to have fun.

1. Though Skittermander fur comes in a variety of colors, an individual Skittermander's fur color bears no obvious correlation to her parent's fur colors or the environment in which she was born.
2. Skittermanders use their six arms to gesture a great deal while speaking, the positioning of their arms often changes the implications of their words, from great emphasis to withering sarcasm.
3. A Skittermander's name grows as the Skittermander ages and passes certain milestones. A name begins very short, usually no more than one syllable. New syllables are added with the passing of time or whenever the Skittermander feels like it. Addes syllables are often repetitive, and many Skittermanders adopt parts of other alien names (particulary Vesk names) into their own.
4. Skittermanders have a fluid outlook toward leadership, deferring to whomever has the most expertise to tackle the task at hand, the concept of permanent governance seems strange to them.
5. Most Skittermanders become fascinated with a particular specific topic, whether it be the religious rites of a small sect of worshipers, the interplay of fundamental particles at a quantum level, or the native cuisine of a tiny icecovered topics, even if the information is useless to others.
6. An adult Skittermander retains a whelp's ability to eat just about anything, and many get the urge to binge on a specific type of cuisine or a certain flavor of food for several days. This typically occurs immediately after getting a taste of a new type of food or flavor.
Though Skittermanders can talk excitedly and at length about a topic, seemingly without needing to take a breath, they also fall into long bouts of silence when undertaking particularly challenging tasks.
8. Skittermanders don't understand why other species indulge in diversions and pastimes that give a false sense of fear. Skittermanders don't go on thrill rides (such as rollercoasters) or consume entertainment in the horror genre.
9. Early Skittermanders developed a series of myths and legends centered around the constellations of the night sky. Many Skittermanders still hold these partially secular, partially spiritual beliefd; some religious scholars think this is a form of the faith of Ibra the Inscrutable.
10. Skittermanders believe in the equality of all beings, no matter their race, creed, gender or orientation.

August 28th, 2018, 08:28
Only one spot left, be quick! All new players so if you want to experience starfinder (it got frigging lasers!), now is your chance

August 29th, 2018, 10:16
Only one spot left, be quick! All new players so if you want to experience starfinder (it got frigging lasers!), now is your chance

Would love to Join in but 1am Start time would kill me...
I want to Play this game so badly, I have played it one time since its release from Paizo. All my time has been spent creating it all....

August 29th, 2018, 12:48
All work no play must make you a dull boy.

There is definitely need for more starfinder players in all the different timezones.

August 29th, 2018, 19:35
Would love to play, but if I'm doing the time zone conversion right, that's basically Noon (12pm) CDT (GMT -5) on Friday and I'm at work then.

August 29th, 2018, 19:43
Come to Europe, we have coockies