View Full Version : Looking for a DM Quid pro quo opportunity. You run SKT, I'll run whatever you want

August 27th, 2018, 15:16
I've been wanting to get in to a Storm King's Thunder game since it came out. it was the newest release right after I started playing 5e and I have been avoiding GM'ing it on purpose so that I could get a shot at running it as a player.

As the title implies, I will run anything another experienced GM wants to run in exchange for them running a Storm King's Thunder game for a group of 4-6. I can help recruit if you would like. My schedule is very open in terms of being able to find a recurring night for us to play. I'm on eastern time and would be looking for a weekday evening game from 7 or 8 to 11 or midnight. Ideally, it would be a weekly game with each of us GM'ing our respective games every other week. However, I'm open to any schedule that will allow us to get started relatively soon.

A bit about me.

I started GM'ing pen and paper 30 years ago, but took a 20 year break before getting back into the hobby about 5 years ago. My desire to play more games led me to using FG as a GM about three years ago. Since then, I've leveled up my FG proficiency exponentially and am slowly perfecting my GM craft. In the past 3 years, I've run PFRPG homebrew content (based off official sources for lore and geography with a lot of custom maps and story) as well as a few 5e campaigns and one shots. At the moment, I have 2 starter set groups in motion with plans to graduate them to bigger campaigns in the future. I've also completed some of the yawning portal and have a Princes of the Apocalypse game in progress. Prepping for one of my start set groups to run Curse of Strahd beginning in oct/nov.

September 3rd, 2018, 04:41
I would be up for this if you are still looking. I am available most weeknights after 8:30 pm Eastern Time and ran a good chunk of STK in a prevous campaign so I am familiar with the adventure.

My experience is similar to yours in that I played a ton of D&D (mostly as a DM) “back in the day” but had a long hiatus from RPGs. A few years ago I started up again with 5E and ran a fairly long in-person campaign before a move brought the game to an end. Recently I started looking at FG as a way of getting back into gaming, but have not run any games online yet, so I imagine there would be a bit of a learning curve there. My style tends to be somewhat “old school” in the sense of focusing a bit more on combat and dungeon crawling, though I believe that roleplaying and storytelling are critical elements to keep the game from being just an exercise in dice rolling.

Shoot me a PM if you are interested and we can discuss further.

Nate Grey
September 3rd, 2018, 13:37
Hmm.. I might be interested in this in case chrisnhurd doesn't push through.

September 4th, 2018, 18:14
I wish you the best of luck in getting your game. This is a good idea, offering quid pro quo adventures for people. I hope it works out!