View Full Version : LFG 3.5, 1 player, any tone will do. Availible EDT weekend evenings.

August 26th, 2018, 20:31

1 player here.

Available weekly at: (Set by Eastern Daylight Time)
Friday after 6 probably, safer to assume 7.
Saturday any time from afternoon onward, midnight is as far as I can go on these days though.
Sunday 2 P.M. - 9 P.M. Basically no leeway here.
Unknown in terms of how long I'm going to keep this up? If its fun enough I can probably make time. But you never know what might eat schedule.
Can probably do voice, haven't tried my cheap garbage mic on this game yet.

I'm using the licensed version of the game btw, should make things easier to manage.
Looking forward to a 3.5 game. It looks like a middle ground between the over-complexity of Pathfinder, and the over-simplicity of 5e.
No experience, beyond making a character and triple checking I got it right.

I decided to make a wizard my first go for some inane reason. He's done, and a character that could fit in pretty goofy or serious settings just fine. The guy is LN, not a Judge Dred, just a guy who cares about his personal code of ethics, and only really applies it to himself.
If you want me to play another class that's fine: I'll probably need some time to get the character set up, but I won't mind doing a session zero if needed.
I think I'd be fine with most alignments, just be careful how far you go with the evil.
I prefer supporting roles personally, combat is not to taste(might go for tank if I must, but not seeking that out any time soon).
If you want me to play in another setting that's gonna take some convincing, kinda got my heart set on playing these rules.

It is both honest and dishonest to say I have no experience with D&D, Dishonest because I played it as a kid. Honest because the version I played was 3.5 only stripped of anything an 8 year old wouldn't be able to understand. Also I'm in my twenties now so it's obviously been awhile.
I'm not sure if I'm more likely to crack jokes at dark scenes, or drag down a cheery setting with dark remarks. Maybe I won't do either? Not knowing what I'll end up doing in a roleplay is one of the reasons I want to get involved.
If I had to pick my alignment irl, I'd say I switch between lawful-neutral, and Neutral-good depending on circumstance. I laugh like a serial killer though, be warned ahead of time.
If you don't want to get into an argument about politics just don't bring them up around me, the argument, it beckons. Though if you at least let me say my point, I'll at least be a good sport about it.
I'm cool talking about all sorts of media. I know a tiny amount about anime, kind of like music(mostly indie, and oldies), know a little bit of comic lore, know more than any sane person can about Homestuck or MLP, and am almost entirely ignorant about movies.
I'm also cool talking science stuff, just be careful about politically contentious topics unless you're into that kind of argument.
Oh incidentally, even if I like you: If my character hates yours, retribution may occur. Even if I dislike you, I intend to commit to character too much to let my personal feelings interfere.
Unless we're not doing much RP in the roleplaying game, then it's whatever to whoever; but I'm pretty sure that's not what we're here for.

August 27th, 2018, 05:25
Welcome to the forums Kenik! Best of luck in finding a campaign. You can also find plenty of game listings on the Official Fantasy Grounds Discord Server. You can check it out here: https://discord.gg/hBxQTm

August 27th, 2018, 23:13
Ah thank you, I will take the invitation under consideration.