View Full Version : LFP: Explorer's Guild, a Sequential One-shot 5e League

August 22nd, 2018, 23:16
Campaigns are amazing. What we do changes the world. Unfortunately, keeping the same group together every week over a long period of time is nearly impossible.

Explorer's Guild is built with our busy lives in mind. Each game can stand on its own, but the changes you make change the world, which will affect future sessions. Steal from the dwarves and they may just come to hate outsiders. Masquerade as a goblin god and tell them to go on a rampage, they just might. Bluff to a queen about a vast empire to the far north, and she might just send some diplomats out to find them. Those are just some of the stranger (and more awesome) things we've seen already, but what will you bring to the table?

We playtest a lot of content, and write some of our own. The system is setup with a Nexus, an inter-dimensional bar, where each session starts (and hopefully) ends. This enables our characters to jump between our GM's tables.

Our website is here: https://explorers-guild.github.io/
We hang out here: https://discord.gg/YxR8r3y

See you soon.

August 29th, 2018, 23:06
I've played a number of sessions with ProNobis (and others) running this type of a game where you can go north to the orc town, or west to the elven forest, or whatever you want on the day you play. It's a blast! Sure leads to some unexpected events for everyone involved, even the GM.

January 20th, 2019, 16:41
Hi guys!

Thank you so much for those that have already joined. We have found that since we built our league on top of a library of free modules that makes GMing easy that we are swamped in GMs and could really use more players. We plan on running up to 3 one-shots today and more in the future... but we do need more players to make it work. The two one-shots with space open today (1PM EST 16:00 UTC, and 7PM EST midnight UTC) will both be streamed (GM with camera but only audio of players), but that is not the norm (people have been asking me how I run 0 prep games and I've finally agreed to stream a few examples of both 0 prep, 30 minute world building, and on the fly supplements for pre-made campaigns).

See you soon!