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View Full Version : lfp: pathfinder ruins of azlant ap

August 19th, 2018, 18:10
[edited/updated: 06 feb 2019]

looking for 1 player who can generally be reliable with attendance.

- your pc is on an isolated and remote setting where coins mean little and being on your own brings a quick end.
- you must work together to survive and thrive, relying on problem-solving with limited resources.
- your surrounding is fraught with hazards and has no shortage of things out to get you.
- it may be enjoyable and fulfilling for players who, in real-life, like problem-solving and / or are collaborative in nature.
- rp / combat ratio: 60 / 40 (lots of opportunity to freely rp off-line on discord)

read on if this is your cup of tea...

- current # of players: 5 (session min: 4)
- communication: voice (discord)
- schedule: tuesdays, 20h00 - midnight (est or gmt-5)
- game start date: started (on-going)
- duration: long-term, all 6 books
- fg license: gm has standard license and cannot host players in demo -- player must have at least standard license to join

current line-up (apl 4):
- elf magus
- elf cleric
- gathlian kineticist
- human bloodrager
- tiefling rogue (unchained)

read below and consider carefully before applying so we don’t waste each other’s time, and you know what to expect:
- long-term campaign
- adventure path is collaborative in nature/content
- rp / combat ratio: 60 / 40
- fg experience is nice to have; at least novice pathfinder experience is a plus
- play / work well with others for everyone’s enjoyment
- likes problem-solving with limited resources
- in the spirit of working with others for the good of all

play styles (in-game or out-of-game) that won’t be compatible:
- disrespectful (obviously)
- lone wolf attitude
- chaos for chaos sake (likely be met with random fatal accident)
- absolute selfishness
- anti-social behaviors

gm pet peeves:
- min/max pc builds
- flagrant rules exploitation
- metagaming

geesh! all this sounds strict... perhaps. it's more to weed out certain gameplay styles.

download player’s guide from paizo (https://paizo.com/products/btpy9uir?Pathfinder-Adventure-Path-Ruins-of-Azlant-Players-Guide) and give it a good read (gm recommends at least twice).


pm me for more details or have questions.

August 19th, 2018, 18:37
i'm inerested i can do saturday afternoon/evenings into the night

August 19th, 2018, 21:34
Interested, long time PF player, new to FG.
Available in order of preference -
- Sat afternoons (Central time) can play quite late if necessary
- Sundays around noon until roughly 9 central
- Friday evenings, roughly 5-10 CST

August 20th, 2018, 01:44
Hi, I am interested. I am available to play late Tuesday evening. Experienced with PF and FG. Have a standard license. Thanks.

August 20th, 2018, 02:16
I have a keen interest in playing Ruins of Azlant, and I like your added criterias - cooperation, thematic characters and importance to role play!

I have limited availability unfortunately; I’m on the same slot as Kozzom, ie. late Tuesdays.

August 20th, 2018, 04:02
@ tahl_liadon : Re-reading the RoA Player's Guide brings up some house rules that may be relevant to character creation.

How much into the "you'll be stranded far away, be self reliant" are you thinking of going?

For example, mundane spell components are typically solved by buying one spell component pouch; will that suffice, or should spell casters stock pile or plan on foraging for resupplying spell components? Similar question for ammunitions (arrows, bolts)?

Characters taking crafting feats could be a boon in this AP (as evidenced by one of the campaign trait), unless the source materials cannot be obtained. Without giving spoilers, are you able to provide guidance if a player would be frustrated by developing a crafter?

August 20th, 2018, 14:30


starting at lower level, yes, it is a legit concern when thinking of a class, esp e.g. one that relies on magic or alchemy, or a class that relies on mundane ammo.

don’t be too overly-concerned about that. there was an initial expedition that had already established before the party’s follow-up arrival to the settlement. there will be basic resources and facilities available once the pcs arrive, that much i can give. it would be a matter of making use what’s available and sustaining your resources once there.

a pc would just need to plan ahead to gain certain skills and materials as best as a lower-level one can (at least for the first book, which would end with pcs achieving 4th level).

the writers created and were aware of the remote/isolated (but not sealed off) setting, so they’ve devised ways to allow gm flexibility and for pcs to cope so as not have this concern be a crippling game-stopper. as you said, there are campaign traits that give players the opportunity to gain more gold or relevant boons to start. it’s up to players to plan and select what’s best for their pc build — whether thinking of a class or just rp’ing background.

another relief solution (for gm to manage) is to fill in party gaps with npcs. as with this, the player’s guide made a point to mention that social skills should not be something to ignore.

what’s more important is once the pcs get there, how they work together among themselves and the colonists to overcome being isolated (where supplies can be replenished but would take, literally, shipping time), and sustain resources during their time there. that’s why i stress the need for collaboration, resourcefulness, and problem-solving.

August 20th, 2018, 14:45
This is exacly what i was looking for, I am in 100%. I am available on most afternoons and weekends. What time zone are You into?
ps: I have played some DND, oneshot in pathfinder, craving for something longer.
pps.: I had prepared a character concept i would like to try. more info priv.

Kung-Fu Joe
August 20th, 2018, 14:59
I'm interested. Looks like a fun adventure path. Tuesdays would work best for me-- I'm in the EST time zone.

August 20th, 2018, 15:10

glad you’re excited about this. all scheduling details (still tbd) and timezone, in original post.

Kung-Fu Joe
August 20th, 2018, 16:10
Out of curiosity, how are you planning to do Ability Score generation?

August 20th, 2018, 17:29

Thanks for the explanation and dodging spoilers. ;) I’m very excited about the collaborative survival and exploration start of this AP!

In the hopes that the game scheduling meets my availability, I’d like to toss in my first character concept:

The son of an elven weaponsmith in Almas who has been making fine blades for the Eagle Knights Navy, I would be joining the expedition at the recommendation of my father to start my smithy in the remote port, aiming to produce unique Azlant inspired weapons for the Navy.

My trait campaign would be Resourceful and I would be an elven Magus.

If this concept doesn’t fit well with the rest of the party, l will change it. I would prefer to avoid divine casters though; I’ve been playing too many of them lately. The second campaign trait that caught my eye was Azlanti Scholar.

August 20th, 2018, 17:39
@kung-fu joe:

ability scores: point buy, high fantasy, 20.

with exception with ability scores, most if not all situations for campaign, will use standard pathfinder rules.

August 20th, 2018, 22:55
I would be interested in joining the Tuesday Night crew, so long as it is after 7pm. I would be also interested in playing a Blossoming Light Cleric of Shelyn.

August 21st, 2018, 01:28
those at possible tue evening table plz pm me your email. i’ll start a google folder for you to drop in your pc ideas for review.

August 22nd, 2018, 01:04
Hmmmm... To my fellow Tuesdayers who have submitted character concepts, may I humbly suggest you re-read GM’s opening post on this thread? Some quotes from his post:

“1st level pc scores may not be:
- lower than 8 after racial modifier
- higher than 16, after racial modifier”


”rule books: all outlined/suggested in ap player’s guide (tbd if others are needed) — important: it’s up to candidates to review the player’s guide thoroughly, and know what source books are available for play; you will waste both yours and my time, and will disappoint yourself, working off other source books”

And finally:

”download player’s guide from paizo and give it a good read, at least twice”

To context that last point, we have applied and been selected to settle the remote remains of Azlant. I imagine we are like early European settlers coming to America...

Kung-Fu Joe
August 22nd, 2018, 01:21
Hmmmm... To my fellow Tuesdayers who have submitted character concepts, may I humbly suggest you re-read GM’s opening post on this thread? Some quotes from his post:

“1st level pc scores may not be:
- lower than 8 after racial modifier
- higher than 16, after racial modifier”Thanks for the reminder! I was re-working an old concept for this character, and forgot to tweak the ability scores. I'll make those amendations, now.


”rule books: all outlined/suggested in ap player’s guide (tbd if others are needed) — important: it’s up to candidates to review the player’s guide thoroughly, and know what source books are available for play; you will waste both yours and my time, and will disappoint yourself, working off other source books”Here, my choice of sourcebooks may or may not fall within this category. The ARG certainly has quite a number of options which might not really fit this Adventure Path, but I thought that a Merfolk character would work well with the setting and within the parameters laid out in the Ruins of Azlant PG. However, if tahl_liadon should object, I'll be happy to switch to an Undine character.

My other questionable sourcebook would be Pathfinder Unchained for the Unchained Monk. Personally, I feel that the Core version of the class is somewhat underwhelming, and that the Unchained version is a much better take on how monks should be handled, but I'll switch to Core should the GM prefer.

And finally:

”download player’s guide from paizo and give it a good read, at least twice”

To context that last point, we have applied and been selected to settle the remote remains of Azlant. I imagine we are like early European settlers coming to America...Here, I agree. The PG notes that we were recruited in Almas, in the nation of Andoran, and explicitly notes that characters can have originated almost anywhere in the world so long as they can reasonably have made their way to Almas. I think my character concept will fit that bill, but-- again-- I am prepared to change it, should the GM object.

August 22nd, 2018, 03:16
The ARG certainly has quite a number of options which might not really fit this Adventure Path, but I thought that a Merfolk character would work well with the setting and within the parameters laid out in the Ruins of Azlant PG. However, if tahl_liadon should object, I'll be happy to switch to an Undine character.
While it's true that the RoA Player's Guide leaves the door open to "any race that could be found in Almas", the section about races on Page 7 uses merfolks as an example of an exotic race not fitting at the start...

Kung-Fu Joe
August 22nd, 2018, 03:28
While it's true that the RoA Player's Guide leaves the door open to "any race that could be found in Almas", the section about races on Page 7 uses merfolks as an example of an exotic race not fitting at the start...Yep. I've been discussing it with tahl_liadon. He seems open to the idea, provided I'm prepared to roleplay the Merfolk restrictions properly.

August 23rd, 2018, 02:24
To my fellow Tuesdayers: I'm always a sucker for tying character backstories to create deeper bonds in the party. In his current backstory draft, my elven weaponsmith has been in Almas for 130 years. If you'd like to tie our characters, have a look at Seldlathel on the Google Drive, and send me a PM. We'll figure a common story.

August 23rd, 2018, 14:39
candidates in tue table:

i want a final tally: post and confirm that you can make the tues schedule:

every week, 19h00 - 23h00 edt, gmt-4 (average, shorter or longer depending on session/situation).

if your tue availability holds, i want to begin a maiden session on the first tue in sept. i’m spending time and energy to put together materials for first book so we may have a good start, and all have ongoing rewarding game experience.

i want to review and firm up pc stats in the next couple of days. please give my original post another good perusal for any updates you’ve missed since last read (and i strongly recommend reading other candidates’ posts to glean additional useful details to help flesh out your pc), then make any adjustments to complete your pc ideas/stats.

i’m not going to assume that everyone has read and got all the information required for pc generation, but it’s important you clearly know which rulebooks are available for play. ask me if you are unsure. my time and energy invested is free and is valuable to me, and i respect yours.

at this time, i don’t intend to add any other sourcebooks as there are a lot of options available (much, much more than most ap) from which to choose. if you cannot work within the extensive list of sourcebooks, perhaps this campaign won’t work for you.

additional note: on a personal level, i am open and encourage any pc role playing background that’s rewarding for you. feel free to rp, e.g. a lbgtq pc, or one that has a disability (even if affecting in-game mechanics); you will have my full support.

Kung-Fu Joe
August 24th, 2018, 00:07
candidates in tue table:

i want a final tally: post and confirm that you can make the tues schedule:

every week, 19h00 - 23h00 edt, gmt-4 (average, shorter or longer depending on session/situation).I can make the schedule.

August 24th, 2018, 00:16
@ tahl_liadon:

Scheduling: It will be tough for me to make 19h00 start times (because of work/kids). I would reliably be there at 20h30. I should frequently be able to connect to Discord by 20h00, but not as reliably on FG at that time. (I would be using my phone for Discord.)

Maiden Session: I have to travel for work on Tuesday Sept 4th. I'll try to take an earlier flight so I can play from my hotel room, but there's a possible conflict on that day. I should be able to confirm by early next week.

My Character Sheet: It is ready for your approval on your Google Drive. It should be in line with all criteria except one rule I broke and asking for your approval: I picked Masterwork Artisan's Tools as concession item from the Bountiful Venture Company. I don't know when I'd get to use them; it's mostly for flavor. The rule I broke? The item is worth 55 gp; I've paid the extra 5 gp from my starting money on my character sheet. Please advise if you disapprove, and I'll revert to standard tools as my concession item.

My Backstory: I'm current chatting with two other players to have backstory tie-ins. The backstory currently on your Google Drive is first draft and will be tweaked/polished up before the maiden session.

August 24th, 2018, 01:09
I think that is 19:00 gmt is 3:00pm EST, which will not work for me. I do not get off work until 6pm EST which means the earliest I can do is 22:30 gmt. If my gmt time is wrong please correct me.

August 24th, 2018, 03:58
I think that is 19:00 gmt is 3:00pm EST, which will not work for me. I do not get off work until 6pm EST which means the earliest I can do is 22:30 gmt. If my gmt time is wrong please correct me.

hey, i believe you've misread my timezone info:

1) we are currently using daylight savings, which should be indicated as "edt" -- which is my timezone as well; and
2) gmt -4 is same as edt, which i included for those who may not live in the states

sorry if that caused confusion.

so schedule is actually set for your timezone: 19h00 - 23h00 edt

August 24th, 2018, 08:01
For me it also would be better if we could start at 20, also i will probably need to go like 30 mins before end. One time deal though. On the others i will be as long as needed.

August 24th, 2018, 12:26
Hi, I am in a similar situation as lachancery and I have work/family responsibilities that wouldn't let me start until around 20:00 to 20:30 EDT (more toward 20:30 would work out better for me). I will upload my character to the Google Drive today, please let me know if you have any questions about it.

August 24th, 2018, 12:47
I have uploaded my character to the Google Drive. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.

August 24th, 2018, 16:15
ideally, i’d like to run each session for 4 hours without extending too late into the night.

it would work for me if those who are preferring a later start time could commit to starting at 20h00 (edt). i could work with occasional 20h30, but not as a regular schedule.

as gm, there are challenges to overcome: i have had the experience where doing regular 3-hour sessions met with less than desired results, with all campaigns ending prematurely. this reduced play time and pace has caused:

- a lost of interest in some players, then attrition set in, people slowly dropping out of the game, which in turn...

- a need to do new recruiting of multiple players, which took time while game was delayed, which began the cycle of attrition where those waiting get impatient (and/or found a new campaign to join) and abandoned ship;

- disruption in encounters, especially getting more lengthy and complex at higher levels, where they were more often than not get interrupted until next session; and

- accomplishing less than usual per sessions, then campaign not only felt like, but also actually dragged on; this also lead to attrition as some players who didn’t want to continue beyond how long they have in mind each book would last

i completely appreciate and understand other more important life responsibilities that demand priority over gaming (i have a kid myself). i also wouldn’t have a problem with occasional schedule variation (as it would be expected). however i just need to know if you can commit to prioritizing — once a week at night — and stick to this regular schedule. otherwise, it already sounds like scheduling could get wishy-washy, and be unpredictable for everyone involved.

final word: if it doesn’t work for you, it doesn’t work for you. no biggie.

maiden session could be 2nd tue in sept.

August 25th, 2018, 04:14
Hi, I don't want to commit to being online and ready to play at 8 PM and be late consistently. I am will let someone else take my place in the game and will see if I can locate a game that matches up with my schedule. Thanks for your help and guidance and hope the group has fun. Thanks.

Kung-Fu Joe
August 26th, 2018, 20:21
Updated my Character Sheet with everything I think we need for first level. I chose Scholar of Azlanti for my Campaign trait, and took a Hydration Backpack for my extra-starting-gold item.

August 27th, 2018, 00:40
all right, candidates, good news:

i decided to open up these sourcebooks for use:
- adventurer's guide
- ultimate combat
- ultimate equipment

August 27th, 2018, 18:58
Sorry for my delay, between work and home, had little time to work on this. Plus I've been waffling between Shelyn White Mage Support or Iomedae Battle Cleric. Finally settled on Shelyn White Mage Support.

I've tried the discord link, but it appears to not work on my mobile, I will try again when I am at home on my desktop.

Lastly some food for thought. Would the GM be open to the Unchained Option Rule of Background Skills?
Here's the complete rules breakdown for the optional rule. https://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/background-skills/

In the short nuts and bolts to it. It allows everyone 2 extra skill points, but they must be spent on certain skills. This allows a player to flesh out their characters a bit more on skills that aren't normally taken. For example if this rule is allowed, my Shelyn Priestess will be taking Perform (violin) and Craft (painting) as these are skills that her deity would smile upon.

This leaves my other skill points open for vital adventure skills like Knowledge Skills, diplomacy, etc.

Take your time and let me know what you think, hope to be in discord tonight.

August 27th, 2018, 19:32
@kwarner1986 --

it seems you've missed out on some updated rules info: an important one for you is that you may use blossoming light archetype.

i updated discord link... please check google doc for communication and other updated info. thx

August 31st, 2018, 13:12

August 31st, 2018, 15:02
I would love to join in on this, but I would unfortunately be a half hour late for each session as I assist in coaching my kids soccer practice. If you don't mind that fact, I'll throw my glhat in the ring. If you do, good luck in your game and have fun!

August 31st, 2018, 23:43
greetings. did you find enough players for this on tuesdays?

September 1st, 2018, 00:02
@steff - hi. thx for the interest.

currently, i have the ideal number of candidates (5). however, i would like to enlist a 6th depending how fitting i think the candidate could be in the campaign, both in-term of in-game rp and out-of-game player interactions. pm me about yourself, tell me why this adventure path would be fulfilling for you and what you'd like to get out of it.

review my original post carefully to get a sense of what kind of campaign i'd like to maintain long-term and what i'd expect from participants.

October 15th, 2018, 03:45
looking for one additional dedicated and committed player -- see updated original post for this thread.

November 30th, 2018, 19:03
(30 nov 2018)

looking for one additional dedicated and committed player -- see updated original post for this thread.

Aradon the Black
November 30th, 2018, 23:40
I am interested in playing the game. I am new to Fantasy grounds but I have license and everything.

December 1st, 2018, 01:24
I am interested in playing the game. I am new to Fantasy grounds but I have license and everything.

sent pm.

February 7th, 2019, 01:28
(06 feb 2019)

looking for one player -- see updated original post (above) for campaign description.

February 8th, 2019, 21:18
I'm interested. Experienced with Pathfinder and FG.

February 8th, 2019, 23:50
thx for interest. pm sent.

February 9th, 2019, 22:49
I would be interested as well. Experience with pathfinder and fg.

February 9th, 2019, 23:44
recruitment currently closed -- thx for your interest.