View Full Version : Adventure on FG store or DMSGUILD

August 19th, 2018, 01:10
So, today some bad things happened in my life and I will try to forget about it by gathering my 2 best friends to start a rpg session... but I have nothing prepared... any of you know a good Adventure for 2 players in the FG store or DMSGUILD? I tried looking but most of them are 4 players+
I wanted to start a game tailored for just a few players...

August 19th, 2018, 04:01
Hola Arcanum the best way to handle this at short notice would probably be to give your 2 PCs an extra level and an extra magic item and then scale back the enemy here and there if they are still underpowered.

August 19th, 2018, 10:45
I was thinking of doing just that but I runned a test and the combats of an adventure for 4-5 players are too heavy for only 2, even with the extra level

August 19th, 2018, 11:06
Another way is for each player to control more than one character.

August 19th, 2018, 13:32
Hey Arcanun. If you're ok with lower level adventures, perhaps try one of the free modules that you can find here:


Maybe just level up the players 2-3 level higher than normal and give it a go? Give them a few more healing potions than normal, make sure not to use flanking rules, etc. I always recommend secrets of skyhorn lighthouse but there is a fair amount of combat. You might try Crow's Rest Island by AAW. I ran my girls through it (2 of them). I played a character so we had 3, but I think if you tried maybe 2 players at 3rd level it might work. Really fun adventure that you might enjoy. You can follow it up with Crypt of the Sun Lord, Champions Rest, etc. if you like it. Good luck and hope you get your friends together.

Raven Darkstone
August 19th, 2018, 15:14
Remember that you are the GM/DM so you can alter what you see fit to suit your needs. Have your two players be 3rd level and run them thru a level 1 adventure, have an NPC (that you PC) join the group, maybe have them each have an apprentice they are mentoring so they each run two characters. There are a lot of things you can do and/or tailor so it fits you and your group and most importantly, make sure you all have fun :-)

August 26th, 2018, 19:03
Just a quick update and thanks for all the ideas.

I put both characters like 2 levels over the adventure with some generosity on loot, some encounters are really hard tho :P for 2 ppl

August 26th, 2018, 19:53
Yep, action economy. 2 characters still only have as many actions as 2 characters.

August 26th, 2018, 20:58
Just a quick update and thanks for all the ideas.

I put both characters like 2 levels over the adventure with some generosity on loot, some encounters are really hard tho :P for 2 ppl

Just tweak the encounters to have fewer enemies, give big ones less hp and a little less damage. If there are control powers like stun and grapple, make them easier to escape (lower dc, etc). be generous with letting the PCs use environmental effects, like instead of drawing an attack of opportunity for moving out of a space where they are being flanked, let them slide under a nearby table with an acrobatics check to avoid the oppy or to give the attacker disadvantage, etc.

Also make sure the character builds don't suck. Like an unarmored dagger-wielding gnome paladin with 14 int, only 10 con and the actor feat (which builds on charisma not int). Don't let the players bring characters like that to a 2-player game unless they are really, really good at the tactical side of the game.