View Full Version : New Fantasy Grounds GM Tech Questions

August 11th, 2018, 21:09
Hey all! So I'm going to be running a game for the first time with Fantasy Grounds shortly here. I've been just playing around with the Demo mode trying to get the hang of it until my next paycheck. Just a couple of questions thus far.

1) Is there a way to load up your own custom map or a image of one? Failing that is there a way to draw your own in Fantasy Grounds?

2) (This one is more system specific) When using the Fate module is there a way to get the system to automatically roll defense and factor stress like it can for 5e attacks and damage?

August 11th, 2018, 21:18
Welcome to the forums.

For #1 see the first section of the Images page in the FG user guide in the Wiki: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Images

August 11th, 2018, 21:33
Thanks! That link was super helpful. Any idea if it's possible to save something you draw on an image? Or would you be better off making a image in paint and saving it that way?

August 11th, 2018, 21:39
Thanks! That link was super helpful. Any idea if it's possible to save something you draw on an image? Or would you be better off making a image in paint and saving it that way?

Unless all you want to draw on an existing image is pen lines I'd go with the second method.

August 12th, 2018, 01:50
Except dont use paint! use something with a few more features!

Three of Swords
August 12th, 2018, 02:58
Except dont use paint! use something with a few more features!

This! Gimp is free. It's powerful enough for anyone but professional designers (and even some of them prob use it). It does have a learning curve, but once you can use it, your maps can become amazing.

Even if you just draw lines on a plain background, it'll be easier to use, if you figure out how to use the grid and snapping feature.

August 12th, 2018, 07:27
Thanks! That link was super helpful. Any idea if it's possible to save something you draw on an image? Or would you be better off making a image in paint and saving it that way?
Lines drawn on an image are stored in the campaign folder, under drawings.

August 12th, 2018, 16:16
This! Gimp is free. It's powerful enough for anyone but professional designers (and even some of them prob use it). It does have a learning curve, but once you can use it, your maps can become amazing.

Even if you just draw lines on a plain background, it'll be easier to use, if you figure out how to use the grid and snapping feature.

Thanks, I had no idea Gimp existed. Downloading it now.

August 12th, 2018, 19:08
See this for more software for mapping; https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?20879-Map-Making-Software-summary

August 13th, 2018, 00:13
I love GiMP but it is not something that is super quick to just jump into.
Paint.net is an easier generic paint tool.
Plus there are all the map builders which are fantastic and can really make things easier for you.