View Full Version : [LFP][Savage Worlds][GMT/UTC, 9pm Thursday evenings] Buccaneers Campaign

August 8th, 2018, 18:41
Privateers in the Caribbean

FG License: Ultimate (you can join with a free demo license)
Game System: Savage Worlds

Time Zone: GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) = UTC + 0 https://time.is/GMT
Day of week and time: 9 pm gmt / 21:00 gmt, Thursdays.
Planned Duration & Frequency: 3-4 hours, bi-weekly.
Term: Medium length homebrew campaign.

Text or Voice: Voice only
Voice software used: Discord

Roleplay & Combat mix: 60 RP/40 combat
Number of Players in game & needed: Looking for 1-2 more to join an established group that's been playing for a few months now in this setting. Lot's of adventures, excitement and laughs.

About myself: I'm an experienced GM of over 10 years in a number of gaming systems, who likes to create personalized story arcs involving the characters around the gaming table. I encourage in-character roleplaying and character development with realistic interactions with a living breathing world. Voice acting is encouraged as I do the same for my "actors" in the game to varied levels of success.


Campaign Description

A semi-historical campaign, with some elements of mysticism and voudou set in the Caribbean during the Golden Age of Piracy, thus has a general feel similar to the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Where the nations of England, Spain and France (and the Dutch to a lesser extent) jostle for position and power under the beating Caribbean sun.

As it stands now the crew sails out of the bustling portal town of St. George on Grenada, where the English flag beats to the Caribbean winds in port. England is at war with Spain, and relations with the French are uneasy. The cannonball holes in the older northern fort at the entry of the bay are a constant reminder of Frances ambitions.

In your hands you have an English letter of marque, allowing you to plunder Spanish ships as they war upon England in these turquoise waters. The crew sails as privateers of the English crown on a newly captured warship with a crew complement of almost 30 souls under their command.
As for the crew you'll sail with, there is Will Hayward, your English captain, which is as charming as they go. Van der Brek, a fine Dutchman which is an experienced gunner and field commander. Finally there is the enigmatic and mysterious voudou priestess Tanesha, hailing from the islands themselves who sails with you and serves as the ships doctor.

I've spent hours upon hours entering new content, setting up historically accurate maps and images to create a rich setting for you to take part in. All you'll need to play the game will be shared to you from my server during games.

Table Rules

#1 Read and understand the Table Rules before joining your first game.
Be courteous and respectful to your fellow players and GM.
If any problems arise during sessions, keep them off the gaming table. Instead shoot me a private in-game message and I’ll make a judgment call on the spot and deal with it accordingly. Or you can bring them to me after the session to be discussed and dealt with in a private manner.
Rule Disagreements: If we disagree, you have three minutes to either find the rule, or convince me it should work how you want. After that I'll make a ruling and tell you why I think it should be that way. There will be no further discussion, and the rule will work that way for the remainder of the session. After the session I will have a more thorough read of the rules, and if you're still unhappy we can discuss further. At the start of next session, I will announce a better-thought-out rule, which we will use from then on, unless we find flaws in it.
Respect other peoples time, don’t be late to planned sessions.
If you can't make a session, let me know with as much advance prior to the session as possible. That way if there aren't going to be enough players for the upcoming session I can notify everyone else so they can make other plans for the evening.
Prior experience with Savage Worlds is not necessary, but you will need to read the character creation section as you will be expected to create your own character. Though within FG it should all be drag and drop more or less.
As a GM my main focus is on the grander scheme of things and running a good game, so I trust the players to handle their own part of the game correctly and honestly and learn the rules as well as they can. So please read the rules and refresh any weaknesses in your knowledge as they come up and make sure you become the masters of your own characters inns and outs. Players with little to no Savage Worlds experience will be given help and time to get to that point, but in the end it does require a little effort on behalf of the players.
As a GM my workload is often vast. You can think of what is presented to you during play as the top of an iceberg, that is usually the only part you see of what it takes to make the story and adventure possible. So anything you as a player can do to make life easier and the game more enjoyable for everyone is appreciated. The prior note is a large contributor to this.
During play we use headsets over Discord for voice.
There will be no streaming or recording of any kind of the sessions nor is it allowed for any of the players involved.
If at any time you have any questions, feedback or concerns. You’ll find that I’m very approachable and reasonable, and you can always send me a private message or we can have a short private talk after a session.
RPG Etiquette! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9X2Tz7QegM
We're all here to spend a few hours in good company and to have fun, so do your best to bring your good mood and share your imagination and varied acting and voice acting skills with us during play times! :)


How to apply

Simply answer the following questions and send them in as a PM or post in the thread below.
I'll read through all the applications and will send private messages to those which I think might make a good fit. Thank you for your time.

Do you have any previous role-play experience?

What would be your preferred focus for the game?

What are you hoping to get out of the game?

Are you a friendly and flexible person that is able to get along well with other people?

Do you enjoy in-character roleplaying?

Are you an engaged player (active participator in the game, in interactions between the players, their characters and the world around your character)?

Post your character concept.

August 9th, 2018, 15:02
Hi Styrmir,

I'd like to be considered for your campaign. Here are my answers to your questions:

Do you have any previous role-play experience?
Yes, have played AD&D 1e, 5e, Call of Cthulhu, and recently savage worlds. I am relatively new to Fantasy Grounds but know the basics and can create characters without hand holding.

What would be your preferred focus for the game?
I like mystery and story driven games, with a peppering of combat. I like solving problems with my head rather than my fists, and I believe in teamwork above all else.

What are you hoping to get out of the game?
Lighthearted fun, memorable moments, and shared enjoyment.

Are you a friendly and flexible person that is able to get along well with other people?
This goes without saying...

Sample character concept:

A doctor/anthropologist/scientist, sent by the royal college of science to bring back samples of new and exotic creatures and plants I may find in my travels in the new world. I pay for my way providing medical services and scientific advice to the captain and crew (in my line of work this is mainly amputations). Although I am not skilled with weapons, I do know how to manufacture poisons, irritants and other mixtures that I have successfully used in battle to escape or disorient enemies. I am also a member of a secret society that has a secret mission for me (... to be agreed with GM) and I can use contacts in various ports to further this mission. My hindrances: Delusional (from secret society lore and strange belief system), Slowpoke, Vow (to secret society and royal college of science). Edges: Chemist, Scholar, Medic

August 13th, 2018, 09:28
We have 3 players, but there is still space for 1-2 more. First session this upcoming Thursday. :)

August 19th, 2018, 21:08
Upgrading to Ultimate license. One spot left now until we're full.

September 28th, 2018, 20:03
We are having a blast so far, lots of excitement, in-character roleplaying and laughs!

One of our players has become a Commodore with the capture of a Spanish price ship.
A Spanish plot of assassinating the English governor of Grenada has been discovered.
Voudou has entered the stage, with a mysterious bruha as one of our players.

We have room for 1-2 more players to join our hearty band of Caribbean adventurers!

Please answer the application questions to join this great adventure of ours that is unfolding and growing further with each session. :)

October 29th, 2018, 14:11
One of our players had to leave due to the ending of daylight savings hours, causing a timing conflict, so we have an open space for one more sea dog.

November 29th, 2018, 14:07
Hey there i would love to joy your game :)

Do you have any previous role-play experience?
Yes i played table top for couple of years and now FG for some time

What would be your preferred focus for the game?
i enjoy it all from epic battles to roleplaying a drunk orc in a tavern

What are you hoping to get out of the game?
Fun :) Friends the usual

Are you a friendly and flexible person that is able to get along well with other people?
i sure hope so :)

Do you enjoy in-character roleplaying?

Are you an engaged player (active participator in the game, in interactions between the players, their characters and the world around your character)?
i would say i am quite action driven and like to play along

Post your character concept.

because i would be joining in i would say a Sailor Goliath
who has been exiled from his home for a crime he commited
has no choice but to roam the sea and try to forget his past

oh and he is 8ft tall about 370lb

December 1st, 2018, 13:37
Had a very exciting game last Thursday. The crew sank and plundered two Spanish merchant ships and made a narrow escape from a Spanish war fleet in a tropical storm. More sea hands that enjoy in-character roleplaying are needed to man the riggings for future adventures on land and sea. :)

December 12th, 2018, 00:42
Do you have any previous role-play experience?
I've been DMing for over 10 years, however Savage Worlds has been my favorite system since I've discovered about it. Currently I've been DMing a SW campaign for over 10 months.

What would be your preferred focus for the game?
Immersion and storytelling, be through combat, roleplay or description, what I'm looking for is to be part of the group's tale and spin my own story with you.

What are you hoping to get out of the game?
Finally being able to play my favorite system as a player and not a DM. What I'm looking for is a group that gets together and tells a story for 3 or 4 hours.

Are you a friendly and flexible person that is able to get along well with other people?
I believe I am

Do you enjoy in-character roleplaying?
That's the entire reason I play RPGs.

Are you an engaged player (active participator in the game, in interactions between the players, their characters and the world around your character)?
Probably too much! That's what I enjoy doing.

Post your character concept.

I would like to use the words Discipline and Hope as a concept. Two ideas that come to my mind are, an idealist priest, leaving his monastery to spread not the words of God, but the deeds. By the same token, a tribal ritualist, or tribal priest leaving his island driven by a cryptic dream. Both characters could work as either spellcasters or fully mundane.
However, I'm not opposed to come up with new concepts, let's talk!

Thank you

March 8th, 2019, 16:00
We have a spot or two open for some more brave or foolhardy adventurers to set sail with the crew in their exploits.