View Full Version : [LFP][D&D 5e] Entomophobia!

August 6th, 2018, 18:40


FG License: Ultimate
Game System: Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition

Time Zone: MST (UTC -7)
Day of week and time: Saturday, 6:00 PM MST
If new game, planned start date: I'd like to have a Session Zero on Saturday, August 11th, at 6 pm.
Planned Duration & Frequency: Games will likely be biweekly, depending on player availability. Session duration is up for discussion, but I typically run them from 3-5 hours, depending on player involvement.
Term: Long-term

Text or Voice: Voice is a must. Text can be used for flavor, action declarations, information delivery, and questioning (the whisper function will be used often).
Voice software used: Discord

Roleplay & Combat mix: 70/30. I've had good experiences with sessions heavy on either, but I find that a group more geared towards playing their characters rather than kicking down doors and slaughtering sacks of stats tend to have a better time.
Number of Players in game & needed: No players currently. Looking for five, seven at most.
Character starting level & equipment: 3rd Level, Normal Starting Equipment (Class & Background kit)
Character restrictions: Please stick to official sources only. If you have something else you're really wanting to try, go ahead and ask below and I'll make decisions on a case-by-case basis.

Details of your scenario: Do you hate creepy crawlies? Do you fear that light prickling sensation of tiny segmented legs brushing against your skin? If so, then this is either definitely not the game for you, or it is a good opportunity to conquer your fear!

I am looking for a small group of players who are interested in a bit of a crusade against all manner of horrible, monstrous, giant-sized bugs. If you've ever watched the films in the Starship Troopers or Tremors franchises and thought to yourself "Yeah, that seems like something I could do," then you'll probably be a good fit with the theme of this game.

There are a few things you should know about me as a DM. First and foremost, I love character development and exploration. If you come into this with a good attitude and a desire to explore the world, I will happily oblige.

Second, the meme about improvising everything? That absolutely applies to me. I create a general setting, and then focus in on specifics depending on player character actions and exploration. Right now, I have a few regions conceptualized in this game, and will be working on a few maps with Inkarnate to get started, but this setting will largely remain vague until a time comes that something needs to be ironed out. I have a lot of free time on my hands, but that doesn't mean I enjoy painstakingly mapping out every nook and cranny of a location in a place that the story may never reach.

Third (and this ties into the second point), I tend to heavily personalize my games to the PCs that are created. Because the world is left as something of a blank slate, I am able to work with players to create a setting and story that they will be more invested in. This means that there are generally few restrictions on character creation, and I will happily work with players to establish things for their characters to do within the world. For example, in a previous IRL game I was DMing, I sent a questionnaire to my players beforehand, and used it to seed the setting with familiar NPCs, locations, organizations, and monsters for them to eventually encounter and play with.

Fourth point, I am a very roleplay heavy DM. While combat certainly has its place, and can be fun and engaging, I prefer seeing what a player can do with the information provided, what questions arise, how their character develops as the game goes on, and what sort of feats they can accomplish through forming bonds, planning, and good execution. Make no mistake, there will be a lot of combat in this campaign, but much like modern zombie fiction, the monsters and battles will serve as more of a backdrop, against which human (or humanoid, in this case) drama is able to unfold.

If all of this appeals to you, by all means read further and submit an application to me via private message detailing your plans for your character (be sure to include the completed questionnaire). I will gladly answer any further questions, if you have any, and I will be setting up a Discord for more information.

Link to Gamecalendar page: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=3157

The Setting


Creeping terror. Crawling death. Monstrous forms constantly emerge from low and hidden places. Innumerable spindly limbs grasp for purchase in a world not their own.

What was once a grand, sprawling civilization has been reduced to scattered points of tenuous tribal life. The vast metropolitan cities of your ancestors have fallen to ruin, repurposed into colonies by the new rulers of the world, the mass of horrid lifeforms known as the Legend Hive.

From the tales of elders and lorekeepers of the scattered tribes of remaining humanoids, you have a vague understanding of the history that has led your people to this low point. Whispered utterances have seared the name of this great foe into the minds of all those born into this conquered world: Myrmex, the Dread God, Ruler of All Hives, and That Which Infests. Raising up the lowly crawling creatures to the size and temperament needed to wage war, plaguing the creatures and peoples of the world, and eventually forcing many of them to serve His own needs - twisting their forms and turning them to perverted semblances of their former selves.

These enemies, these Hive Hosts, roam the streets and ruins of the old world, and often venture out to probe the open landscape and select sites for future Hive Spires - massive formations of earth, stone, bone, and flesh, which house the young stages of Myrmex's progeny. Legend Hive soldiers patrol these Spires, and viciously defend them from any and all trespassers. At least they did, until trespassers became more and more rare, eventually stopping altogether, either dying off or learning the impossibility of victory against the Spires.

The greatest Legend Hive threat that your people face these days are the Captors, massive flying creatures that descend upon the unwary without warning, inject them with a potent, crippling venom, and carry them off to the Spires, from which they never return. Some people claim that they are simply used as food for larva, while other people swear that they are infested with parasites, turning them into more mindless Hosts.

The land you find yourself inhabiting is frigid, and the risk of cold temperatures is only slightly less hazardous than the monsters of the Hive. Your people do not inhabit this frozen wasteland without reason, however. Long ago, your people learned that Myrmex and the Legend Hive are still bound by certain characteristics of the creatures they seem to have come from, in this case the avoidance of extremely cold climates. While there are certainly some of Myrmex's spawn that can venture forth into the colder regions, they are few and far between, and are regarded more as dangerous obstacles rather than as constant threats.

Despite the horrors of the Legend Hive, life, as it often does, has returned to some sort of normalcy. People have adapted, learned to live in a world dominated by Myrmex and His monsters.

Many lead lives of nomadic travel, hunting and gathering, keeping small herds of useful animals, and doing their best to stay out of the territory of the Hive.

This campaign will place you in the role of one of these nomads in a world fraught with danger. Much of the history of this world is lost, or at least hidden from the common individual - locked away in the ruined libraries and cities of the old world. Great treasures may be found in the ruins of the past, but searching for them is typically regarded as a fool's errand.

This is your story. Will you find a way to make life easier for your people? Fight back against Myrmex and His Legend Hive? Explore the ruins of an old world? The future is yours to forge, as best you can.

August 6th, 2018, 18:41

List at least two goals for the character. An obvious one is to have money to survive, let’s try to get past that. Do they want to follow their dreams to be a landscape painter? Do they want to do their parents proud and start a business? If you can think of one, state a goal you have for your character. Do you want them to hunt down their father’s killer? Or maybe just get over their fear of geese? (They don’t have to be lofty.)

Find something for your character that is a source of either shame or extremely hurt pride. Something that if it came out, your character just knows they’d be ruined, one way or another. Your thief is working for two different bosses. Your paladin has a number of relatives who turned to banditry. You owe a more than handsome sum to a bookie. You have a bastard child.

Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them should be friendly to your character - a friend, a parent, a benefactor, etc. One of them should be hostile to your character - a rival, someone you owe money to, a Guardsman that has to keep taking you in for pickpocketing.

Describe three mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. If they’re a gambler, do they always have dice they carry? Do they have some kind of unfortunate verbal tic or speech impediment? Do they dress above or below their station? Is it obvious?

What’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you?



August 12th, 2018, 01:07

There's still space available for tonight's Session Zero - so far I've had three people submit their ideas, and I've got two more potential players waiting in the wings.

August 28th, 2018, 01:07

Due to a number of no-shows for the game on the 25th, I am continuing to accept applicants on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please bear in mind that, while I improvise and do a lot of on-the-fly planning, it still takes time and effort to set up games like this. If you express interest, I will try to respond fairly quickly. Once I do, it seems reasonable to me to expect the same sort of timely response.

To those players who expressed interest, but who did not follow up in a timely fashion, you are still welcome to play, but consider this to be your Strike One. I understand that real life takes precedent, but I ask that you be considerate of other people's time - not only mine, but the players who do show up consistently. I would ask that any sort of advanced notice be given in the event that you are unable to make the scheduled time. We have a discord channel, and I have it open on my phone most of the time in case I am needed.

Party Roster

Thus far, we have four characters, two that are active, one that has been set up in-game, and another that has been outlined.

However, because only two players showed up for the first game session, only their characters will be listed here, and considered "locked in." If you are interested in playing, feel free to send me a PM for further details, and know that I do not expect you to cater your character ideas to the standard adventuring party structure. Play what you want - if that means a party of five barbarians, then that's fine.

Current Party

Firbolg Forge Cleric
Rock Gnome Illusionist Wizard