View Full Version : Connection Test Failure

August 4th, 2018, 19:43
My friends and I usually use Roll20 but love the look and everything Fantasy Grounds has to offer. Upon all of us downloading the program and myself paying ($150) for the Ultimate license to host and DM for all of them our D&D campaign it saddens us that not a single 1 of us when running a "Test Connection" it all comes back as Failure for every one of us. We all have the ports open and everything we are supposed to but still everything comes back as Failure. None of us want to have to download additional software onto our PC's (me especially after paying $150) to simply use the program/service.

Any help anyone can offer other than the solutions of "download another program to make the program you paid for work" would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You :)

August 4th, 2018, 19:50
An expert will be along soon but I created a module u can load in fantasy grounds that will walk you through things to try. Open fg and the 5e Ruleset and open the module and start with he first story entry. Hope it helps! You can download the mod here:


August 4th, 2018, 19:55
And, to clarify - only the GM has to get a successful connection test. Forwarding TCP port 1802 is a requirement for GMing only. The players don't need to do any of this.

For the GM - please run the following command from the Windows command prompt and post the results here: tracert

This will help us identify your network architecture and potential issues.

August 4th, 2018, 20:02
You want me to post it here in the thread? or privately?

August 4th, 2018, 20:03
Only the DM needs to have ports forwarded; the players don't need to worry about that and so a failure on the Players side is neither here nor there.

Gwydion's Module should help you with some things you can try. If nothing works for you can you do a tracert 8.8.8. and post a screenshot of the result.

August 4th, 2018, 20:04
You want me to post it here in the thread? or privately?

Post here so we can all learn. Trenloe's inbox is probably full anyway :)

August 4th, 2018, 20:04
I ran the tracert, but it has information of more so where i live that i am not comfortable openly posting on the internet as many should understand.

August 4th, 2018, 20:06
I ran the tracert, but it has information of more so where i live that i am not comfortable openly posting on the internet as many should understand.
There shouldn't be anything that uniquely identifies your or exactly where you live. But if you're uncomfortable you can convert to text (copy all of the information from the command window) and PM me the details. I may not reply quickly though, I have a lot on FG development wise at the moment...

August 4th, 2018, 20:10
This very much so says close to where i live, it lists my town and the next 2 towns close to me. If after all of this I cant get it working how would i go about issuing for a refund on the $150.00 license i bought?

August 4th, 2018, 20:18
You have 30 days to ask for a refund from SmiteWorks, all you need to do is reach out to them at [email protected].

Did you check out Gwydion's module and walk through the steps in it?

In short, a couple of quick things to check;
- make sure your network connection is set to Private
- make sure your anti-virus and firewalls have exceptions to allow FG connections (Malware Bytes has identified issue with their software, search the forums for exactly what to disable with MWB to resolve)
- If needed, configure port forwarding on your router(s), if you have more than one between you and the internet, you will have to make multiple port forweards from one device to the next.

August 4th, 2018, 20:18
This very much so says close to where i live, it lists my town and the next 2 towns close to me.
I think somone can work out the town you live in if they really wanted to. But, as I said, if you're uncomfortable, send the info to me via PM.

If after all of this I cant get it working how would i go about issuing for a refund on the $150.00 license i bought?
SmiteWorks have a 30 day 100% refund policy. The chances are you won't need it - just either work with the community members here or go through the module Gwydion mentions, or search through the various posts on these forums for what has worked in the past.

While you're at it:
1) Check that the network connection the GM is using is set to "Private" (not public) on their computer.
2) Check, and double-check, that any AntiVirus/Security application on the GMs computer is not blocking port 1802 or FantasyGrounds.exe. If you're using MalwareBytes disable it completely while doing your connection test - it is a known problem at present.
3) Check that you don't have multiple devices between you an the public Internet - tracert helps to identify this.

Moon Wizard
August 4th, 2018, 20:21
You can post long enough to have the immediate people responding take a look and give feedback; and then delete the image from your post when you feel the information has exceeded it's usefulness. Also, you can post your tracert results to the support e-mail you just sent the last question to as well.

You can request a refund from the [email protected] e-mail at any time.


August 4th, 2018, 20:22
I have to leave the house at the moment unfort. When i return i will try the modules they suggested and report back what i find/happens. I really appreciate everyone'ss quick and prompt help. I really want to use this product for our adventures.

August 5th, 2018, 13:15
Let Us know how it goes. If u still need help we will help you figure something out.

August 6th, 2018, 19:46
All of the things above have been done and tried multiple times and still nothing. I appreciate everyone's quick jump to help and responses but at this time I am going to have to ask for the refund. I am in time crunch at this point and I cannot be 50/50 on launch day of our campaign if it will work or not when I have 6 people that all work full time jobs and its a struggle to plan days for this and the program not work. I hope things are fixed later in the future and it works more frequently with no issues. Once i actually have some free time I may come back and mess with it more but for now I just don't have the time for it.

I do appreciate everyone's help and quick responses! <3

Moon Wizard
August 6th, 2018, 21:52
One thing to note is that you can test this out by hosting a demo campaign with the free demo version.


August 6th, 2018, 23:47
SPER if you want me to have a look with you send me your email via PM.

What country are you in? Most US connections that are not wireless/satellite can be setup.

August 7th, 2018, 00:44
SPER if you want me to have a look with you send me your email via PM.

What country are you in? Most US connections that are not wireless/satellite can be setup.

SPER this here is an offer you really want to take advantage of.

August 7th, 2018, 02:09
Hey, guys. Thanks for all the efforts. Just to close this out, I traded PM's with the OP and he's decided to ask for a refund at this time. Hopefully he will be back in the future and try again. Thanks for everyone's assistance and offers to help as always.