View Full Version : 5e item identification toggle

August 4th, 2018, 02:49
The item identification toggle seems to have been removed. Was that intentional?

August 4th, 2018, 03:03
The item identification toggle seems to have been removed. Was that intentional?

Identification has been completely revamped.

August 4th, 2018, 03:36
Identification has been completely revamped.

Awesome, where would I find the documentation on what has changed and how to utilize the new system?

August 4th, 2018, 03:45
Awesome, where would I find the documentation on what has changed and how to utilize the new system?
The release announcement thread.

August 4th, 2018, 03:56
The release announcement thread.

What I see is, "[CoreRPG+] Rebuilt all identification features (Feature is always enabled, and defalt is identified.)" But our DM is dragging unidentified items from parcels, and having to manually id each item. How does he globally change all unidentified items to identified?

August 4th, 2018, 04:14
Did you follow the link on that post to the "a comprehensive list of patch notes is available here. (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/filelibrary/patchnotes.html)"? (I haven't so not sure what it says.)

Also, discussion here; https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?44204-Test-Release-v3-3-6

August 4th, 2018, 11:10
What I see is, "[CoreRPG+] Rebuilt all identification features (Feature is always enabled, and defalt is identified.)" But our DM is dragging unidentified items from parcels, and having to manually id each item. How does he globally change all unidentified items to identified?

If you are using a product where items have been unidentified then they will still be unidentified.

August 4th, 2018, 15:38
I follow the boards fairly closely, and I have to agree that identification in the new system has not been explained very well at all. If you poor through everything there is, you MIGHT be able to figure out what is going on, and if you experiment in the interface, you can nuke it out, but we need someone to step up and explain it. (I am not sure I fully understand it myself)

August 4th, 2018, 16:09
From v3.3.6 all items default to identified. Previously items would be identified or not identified depending on whether you chose Item identification on or off. So if you chose ID on and created a new item it would not be identified. You would have to click the button to specifically make it identified if this was what you wanted. From 3.3.6 there is no option so everything defaults to identified and if you want an item to be unidentified you need to specifically click the ID button to make it so.

So going forward everything will be identified that you create, and you will need to switch on the Item ID on any items you want to be unidentified.

For modules created prior to 3.3.6 (such as adventure modules) any magic items were (usually) set to an unidentified state. So in those modules you will find items where the ID state is set to not identified.

August 4th, 2018, 16:29
I haven't seen anything showing where ID applies. From my experimentation, it appears that NPCs, Items, the names of images, and the names of individual monsters in encounters have ID buttons. Did I miss anything?

August 4th, 2018, 17:45
I haven't seen anything showing where ID applies. From my experimentation, it appears that NPCs, Items, the names of images, and the names of individual monsters in encounters have ID buttons. Did I miss anything?

I don't know what you mean by you haven't seen anything showing where ID applies. And yes, the things you mentioned all have an ID toggle.

Moon Wizard
August 4th, 2018, 18:56
* Item, image and NPC records support identification.
* Identification feature always available (instead of only by option)
* Default identification state is identified for all records (unless specifically set to unidentified by GM) (was defaulting to unidentified)

Previous Version:
* Identification feature only available by option
* Default identification state is unidentified for ALL records

* Many people (non power users) didn't know identification state even existed, since a lot of people just use default options.
* For many records, you don't want them all to be unidentified. (regular items, most maps, NPCs) It's very GM dependent.
* It caused lots of confusion for image records, because players couldn't find the right shared map/image (i.e. they all read Unidentified)
* All of these considerations really depends on the GM, and now GMs can choose specifically which records they want unidentified.
* Since most GMs played with default settings (i.e. previously identification option off), then identification default to on gives exactly the same experience.


August 4th, 2018, 20:11
So here's my concern.

So by default now all images will be identified? And the DM has to mark each image as unidentified before sharing it in order for it to show the alternate name? There is no option or setting for using alternate names for all images? Cause you know, when a module has 3-400 images, that's going to be a PITA...

Can you set the identified state of each item in the development campaign so that when someone uses the module you create the identification state is set? Or does the DM have to set it for each item when they load the module?

Moon Wizard
August 4th, 2018, 20:26
The flip side of the coin that I've seen in every campaign I've played is that a GM shares images with the users throughout the campaign, and the player ends up with a giant list of 30-40 image records in their image list that are all labeled "Unidentified Image". Now, the player just closed the map and needs to re-open, or the player wants to review a handout, or just review what they've seen. They have absolutely no clue which record is which; and end up blindly clicking through all the links hoping to find the right one. A terrible experience as a player.

Also, it makes communication about the records difficult between the players and the GM. (i.e. the GM tells the player to look at image X, but all the player sees is "Unidentified")

If the identification state is explicitly set in a module (i.e. identification button clicked at least once); then the identification state will be remembered in the export.


August 4th, 2018, 20:28
If you set an item/image/NPC to unidentified in a campaign and export it then the id state will be exported with it. So when the module is opened up the items/images/npcs will be unidentified.

August 4th, 2018, 20:32
I get it Moon. But in may case I put unique, but non give away names for the player versions of all images. As long as i can set it for my module, I'm good. And from what you say, I can, so no problem.

Moon Wizard
August 4th, 2018, 20:38
Yeah, it's something that the GM can override both in their own modules as well as any adventures we sell.


August 6th, 2018, 01:13
I run/play Adventurers League, and I'm having some weird problems with this new system. It seems like all existing modules are defaulting to unidentified, so that when one of my DMs ran an old adventure module this week, he had to manually identify all the items in parcels and from the items tab. Similarly, when I build a character in Manage Characters, every item I drag from the Dungeon Master's Guide defaults to unidentified, with no option to identify it unless I join a campaign as DM and import that character.

August 6th, 2018, 11:03
I run/play Adventurers League, and I'm having some weird problems with this new system. It seems like all existing modules are defaulting to unidentified, so that when one of my DMs ran an old adventure module this week, he had to manually identify all the items in parcels and from the items tab. Similarly, when I build a character in Manage Characters, every item I drag from the Dungeon Master's Guide defaults to unidentified, with no option to identify it unless I join a campaign as DM and import that character.

The latter is a known issue and Moon Wizard has said he's thinking about how best to resolve that issue.

The first will be because the author of the module created it in FG and made all of the items unidentified before exporting it. FG won't change the state of an item if it already has a state.