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View Full Version : LFP from Poland - several systems

August 3rd, 2018, 23:09
Hi, I'm looking some guy's who speak polish. We have small team, and we are looking fresh blood. :)
We play in Starfinder, Star Wars, Savage Worlds (several kinds), Warhammer, we plan play Traveller, N.E.W., etc..
We play almost each Friday or Saturday evening.

August 5th, 2018, 19:54
Hi, technically not in Poland but speaks native polish. I am returning player after many many years. I had little experience with warhammer fantasy and cyberpunk. I am very interested to join your group.

August 5th, 2018, 20:00
To zapraszam na priv - Gramy co tydzień w piątek lub sobotę o 21:00 czasu Warszawskiego :)