View Full Version : LFP - Fri 17:00 gmt - One Shot - Fated Hollows

August 2nd, 2018, 20:15
FG License: Ultimate
Game System: DnD 5e

Time Zone: GMT+3
Day: Friday 3/8
Time: 17:00 GMT
Planned Duration: 4 hours
Term: One-Shot

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Discord

Roleplay & Combat: Mixed
Number of Players: 1-2 needed
Character starting level: 1st


"The oracle stands before you. Spirits twist the smoke around you. For the price you have paid, he has promised to reveal: a hidden cache of immense wealth, awaiting to be found. Venture forth into the dark, together you may have a chance. But beware the greed of man, one of you shares with no one."

Howdy! I've been looking to play some one-shots lately and thought I might as well host one! I play DnD since 3.5, offline back then, online the past few years, as a GM for the most part. I enjoy creating our own adventures and a mix of both tactical combat and role-playing in my sessions.

For this one-shot, I plan a good old dungeon crawl, with rooms of monsters, traps and a whiff of puzzles. Social interactions will mostly be within the party but it won't be limited to that. The session will start with character creation and continue with about 3 hours of game, including two short breaks.

In order to spice things up a bit, one of you will be randomly and secretly selected as a "traitor". While all characters should have reason to desire a share of the riches inside the dungeon, the "traitor" is going to want it all for himself. That said, he will have to play it smart if he wants to even reach the treasure.

This is meant to be an extra layer of game, not the main goal.

I have tried running this one month ago but had to delay it due to scheduling issues. Three players who have shown interest last time have checked in for tomorrow but we could use a couple more! Since my original post was in the wrong subforums I decided to just repost here.

To join, you will need:

- A microphone of decent quality, we will use Discord for voice comms
- The Fantasy Grounds client, no subscription or previous experience required (ultimate license provided)
- Intermediate experience with tabletop RPGs in general, preferably with a grasp on DnD 5th edition
- A 1st level character concept with a good reason to seek out riches, to be fleshed out when we meet

If this all sounds like a fun afternoon to you, hit me up with a private message!
I will get back to you with a discord friend invite.


August 3rd, 2018, 13:20
Hi, I'd like to join this if you still have room?

August 3rd, 2018, 14:38
Check your PMs :)

August 4th, 2018, 02:32
I Cant figure out your time I'm in MDT -5 for a Friday game its 7:29 Pm here now am I too late? Can you be as so kind to tell me the time your game starts in USA MDT Time ?

Sorry for the dumb question I know your ship has sailed thanks!

August 4th, 2018, 03:05
The time was posted at GMT and you are at -5. Add 5hours to your time to see what the time is at GMT.

August 5th, 2018, 15:19
Hey, thanks for the interest! Like you said, it was already over by the time I saw this post...
Although, I may try to rerun the whole thing since it went pretty well! Keep an eye out if you're still interested ;)