View Full Version : Looking for a group that will allow an interesting homebrew idea for a character.(5e)

July 29th, 2018, 19:57
(Btw i know the class definantly needs some edits but its a good starting point with some minor tweaks it could be made to work for the idea. Its a rather rough homebrew that needs some smoothing over the edges.)

Im looking for a group like I said in my tittle that will allow me to play a homebrew class so I can roleplay a neat backstory for said character. Im interested in a fair ballance of rp and combat but if im to chose between combat heavy and rp heavy I prefer rp heavy.

Im available on monday thursday friday and sunday post 7:00 pm cst. I would like to do a weekly or bi weekly campaign.

Now as far as my experiance with 5e? Ive been thrue seven or so campaigns and have grown allmost overly familier with all its systems and can offer help if needed to new players.


Is the class. I will be playing a metalic dragon thats been cursed to a normal dnd races form and haveing lost all memory of my orrigional life. As the rp goes on I will slowly remmeber my life before hand and my backstory. The class does reflect that in features gained as my memory returns. Ill discuss more in depth backstory elements with the dm as I want some of it to be private but I hope to hear from you all and have a good day all you fellow dnd lovers!

I also need to discuss some flavor for the abilities being changed as some of the flavor text doesn't match what I like. As a note any ballancing issues and such involving the class id be delighted to discusss them with the dm. Im a bigger fan of the roleplay implications then the stats and would play the class even if it was made underpowered lol. The flavor of it is to intrigueing to me.