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View Full Version : VPS for FG? Minimum viable settings for a VPS?

July 24th, 2018, 21:25
So.... I moved after having cable internet and now have a product through AT&T which blocks ANY port forwarding (At the tower level not router level) they deem unworthy. My other option is Spectrum however they want almost 2k just to run the cable back to my house (Yes we are WAY off the road... Just like I like it!!)

I have been doing some crytpo mining and have recently gotten into VPS's for some of my masternodes. I was wondering what the minimum requirements would be for FG to be loaded on a Windows VPS?
I will list some of the VPS's below and the costs to run them.

Hard Drive CPU Cores Ram Bandwith Monthly Cost
1) 40gb SSD 1 CPU 2 MB 2000 GB $10/month
2) 60GB SSD 2 CPU 4 MB 3000 GB $20/month
3) 100GB SSD 4 CPU 8 MB 4000 GB $40/month

If 1 or 2 work I will probably jump on them #3 would be a little price prohibitive in my book!

Also I have never done any Windows VPS so I have no idea how I would remote into them. I currently use Putty for my Linux VPS's.

Would anyone know if I need to Enable IPv6?, Private Netowrk

Thanks for any help and advise on the matter!

July 24th, 2018, 21:38
Some alternative port forwarding information here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?43607-Port-Forward-Alternatives). These are known to work with FG as far as I know.

July 24th, 2018, 21:45
Thanks, I looked through them before posting this to see if Nord VPN works or not.
I have been trying to get Nord VPN to work but haven't been able to do that yet and I just re-upped my 1 year Sub.

I may start digging into them and see if any are cheap to use and try that route if the VPS doesn't work.
The good thing about the VPS is that I can leave it up and running 24/7 so my group can always jump in and work on their characters.

It was kind of a pain when I had the server on my home computer trying to please people in 6 different time zones HA HA

July 24th, 2018, 21:46

Have you seen this thread:


Short story is that you can probably get away with #2 but you will need to see if they have 3D support. If they don't support 3D acceleration, you are going to get a bunch of errors when moving things around the map.

That said, there are a bunch of ways to work around port blocking (VPN, Hamachi, etc...) that might be able to help.

The AT&T service you are discussing, is it UVerse? If so I can probably help you get it working if you tell me what area you are in and what modem they gave you.

Good Luck!

July 24th, 2018, 21:48
Oh... in regards to connecting to windows VPS... you would use Remote Desktop to connect to them.

The link below is for a specific VPS provider but the process should be the same for you:


July 24th, 2018, 21:49
So.... I moved after having cable internet and now have a product through AT&T which blocks ANY port forwarding (At the tower level not router level) they deem unworthy. My other option is Spectrum however they want almost 2k just to run the cable back to my house (Yes we are WAY off the road... Just like I like it!!)

I have been doing some crytpo mining and have recently gotten into VPS's for some of my masternodes. I was wondering what the minimum requirements would be for FG to be loaded on a Windows VPS?
I will list some of the VPS's below and the costs to run them.

Hard Drive CPU Cores Ram Bandwith Monthly Cost
1) 40gb SSD 1 CPU 2 MB 2000 GB $10/month
2) 60GB SSD 2 CPU 4 MB 3000 GB $20/month
3) 100GB SSD 4 CPU 8 MB 4000 GB $40/month

If 1 or 2 work I will probably jump on them #3 would be a little price prohibitive in my book!

Also I have never done any Windows VPS so I have no idea how I would remote into them. I currently use Putty for my Linux VPS's.

Would anyone know if I need to Enable IPv6?, Private Netowrk

Thanks for any help and advise on the matter!

I have been checking out paperspace as a potential option. I started a thread on it here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?44677-Paperspace-as-a-Virtual-Machine-for-Running-FG

As Zacchaeus says there are other options as well. If you don't mind your players having to download, zero tier is simple (and similar to hamachi). I made a youtube video on how to set it up (and it is free). You can find it here: https://youtu.be/Os1jjbQAFao

July 24th, 2018, 21:52
#2 with 6GB of RAM will probably be OK, with the 3D proviso mentioned - assuming you're just going to run the OS and Fantasy Grounds.

Then you'd need to RDP/VNC into the VPS from your local computer. Hopefully graphical updates will be OK and you can run at a good desktop resolution with a usable refresh rate. As most GMs know - screen real estate is at a premium when you're GMing a game!

July 24th, 2018, 21:53
Ctmega It is actually a new service they offer basically like a Point to Point wifi from the tower. I am in North Central Ohio and the service I believe is called "AT&T Wireless Internet"
The lady had to come to the house and test the signal to even see if we have it available here.

It took me several hours (Yes literally 5 hrs and 3 calls) to even get to the correct Tech Support for them only to be told.... "Yeah what you are trying to do is pretty much locked out at the tower level so no one can do what you want to do".
The speed is great and I have had no issues with the internet but they

I missed that thread today when I started looking for info on this. Ill read up on that and see what it says.

July 24th, 2018, 21:56
#2 with 6GB of RAM will probably be OK, with the 3D proviso mentioned - assuming you're just going to run the OS and Fantasy Grounds.

Then you'd need to RDP/VNC into the VPS from your local computer. Hopefully graphical updates will be OK and you can run at a good desktop resolution with a usable refresh rate. As most GMs know - screen real estate is at a premium when you're GMing a game!

Oh I know.. My system at home is a Ryzen X1800 running 2x GTX 1080Ti's and 2x 32" screen LED tv's. It was nice having one screen for FG and the other for notes and books!

July 24th, 2018, 21:58

I have been checking out paperspace as a potential option. I started a thread on it here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...for-Running-FG

As Zacchaeus says there are other options as well. If you don't mind your players having to download, zero tier is simple (and similar to hamachi). I made a youtube video on how to set it up (and it is free). You can find it here: https://youtu.be/Os1jjbQAFao

Thanks Ill have to check that out! The only problem I see so far is getting some of them to download and actually get something up and running. I had to literally build and take a computer to one of the players houses and set it up HA HA

July 24th, 2018, 22:57

Thanks Ill have to check that out! The only problem I see so far is getting some of them to download and actually get something up and running. I had to literally build and take a computer to one of the players houses and set it up HA HA

lol... I understand that! Also, if you haven't already, check out the paperspace thread I started (and linked above). It runs FG fine on some pretty basic specs. You login through their app or any web browser. I played around with it using FG and seemed pretty viable.

December 17th, 2018, 14:55
Do you use Parsec to access to the machine?