View Full Version : Need a couple people

May 30th, 2006, 19:44
I've been running a campagn for a couple months now and I have been in need of a tanking class from the get go. This is a very long term adventure and the people playing in it right now are all buddies from WOW.

I have three players right now not including myself as the "GM". We have been using a combo ov Ventrilo and Fantasygrounds along with some Trillian for whispering.

The campaign world Is one of my own creation. I have been slowly play testing the same campaign for the last 16 years. It's full of deep storyline and mystery. It allows for steady leveling in to the high teens by the completion of the campaign. It is also broken into 3 different books which actually breaks it up in to 2 campaigns with the second one falling in the middle as an intermission.

To be fair I will explain my Gming style... I was dragged in to the 3.5 D&D sytem kicking and screaming. I was a 2nd edition Gamer along with many other systems I'm played over the years. So as far as rules go I get by with alittle help from my friends. I prefer to focus moreso on the storyline more than rules. I have many plots going events go through out the campaign all inner woven along with keeping track of NPC concistancy. So in order to keep the flavor and draw of the story I leave the number crunching to the software and my highly knowedgeable players.

Anyone who in curious or would like to join please E-mail me your thoughts at [email protected] and I will connect you to the forum that we hang at.

May 30th, 2006, 19:52
Oh I just wanted to add I will also be watching this thread too for posts.
Also I am on Eastern standard time and I hover about my computer through trillian and would love to chat with anyone that wishes to join about the finer details. this information I will give out via e-mail.

Our group meets either friday or saturday nights and I also do one on ones for players that leave the group do to schedule conflicts and not showing up. This allows for character develpoment along with personal storyline development that every player recieves along with the group storyline.

Hope to hear from you.

May 30th, 2006, 20:17
Another Easterner ;) Tho I only be a reluctant one *sighs*

Ding me anytime on my MSN account - I don't mind givin it out ;) I'm bored durein the day at work and don't mind chattin with people :)

[email protected]

May 31st, 2006, 01:16
Any chance of playing during your afternoon that would be my evening?

I guess no.


June 1st, 2006, 19:52
Would like to state that the window is still open. I'll be deciding friday evening who my two players will be. If you want to apply please do now.

June 2nd, 2006, 05:01
I WOULD LOVE TO JOIN MY EMAIL IS [email protected]

November 17th, 2006, 00:07

Good news is our campiagn is coming up on it's one year anniversary. Bad news is we need one player to join...Lost a player to the airforce and he had to go over seas. Please send me a E-mail at [email protected]

November 17th, 2006, 01:10
Would love to join as well. Sent you an email :D Thanks