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View Full Version : LFP Need 1 Female Player Wed Night 6PM PST USA 5E Homebrew

July 20th, 2018, 20:28
Had two out of the blue players drop out prior to start of campaign. Really want another female player, have one and it would be nice to have another to balance things out a bit.

FG License: Ultimate
Game System: 5E
Time Zone: PST (-8) USA
Day of week and time: Wednesdays at 6 PM PST
If new game, planned start date: July 25th
Planned Duration & Frequency: 4 Hours Weekly
Term: Long term, an entire campaign
Text or Voice: Voice, text is okay but not everyone watches the chat box religiously.
Voice software used: Teamspeak for voice but Discord is currently being used for between play updates and campaign details.
Roleplay & Combat mix: Trying something new, heavy roleplay is what I am shooting for. 80/20.
Number of Players in game & needed: Currently 4, need 1 more preferably female.
Character starting level & equipment: 1st
Character restrictions: Using PHB mostly. No monks, halflings and gnomes do not exist in the setting. Goliaths do exist although not in PHB.

Details of your scenario:
This will be my own homebrew setting with several changes, including home-brew creatures to spice things up. The players start out in the human village of Lillefjord on the recently discovered island of Brasp Ait. These particular humans are called Llorr. Demi-humans are an extreme minority and those that do exist where "taken" by the Llorr to be incorporated into Llorr society.
We are shooting for roleplay heavy, hack and slash is fun for a while but its the role playing that makes the game.
There are several alterations from common DnD cannon. For instance, healing potions do not exist. Instead, a healing mud replaces healing potions. Dwarves are taller than the PHB dwarves.
I've borrowed some stuff from my favorite books and from other DMs in an effort to create a unique world where the players should be kept guessing. Everyone knows what a troll is and its strengths and weaknesses but no player yet knows what a grimp is.

Contacting if Interested:
Please PM me here on the FG forums. Include a little about yourself and what you are wanting to play. So far we have an Elf Druid, Goliath Barbarian, Tiefling Rogue/Bard, and a Human Wizard. Players are free to play whatever they like (PHB + Goliath) but humans are the large majority. Backstories are required. We are using a player to player bond system too.