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View Full Version : [Paid][5e][Eberron] Morgrave University: My Summer Project

July 20th, 2018, 17:18
Day: Alternating Wednesdays (July 25, August 8th, etc)
Time: 8PM - Midnight EST
Cost: 4$/session via PayPal 24 hours before session ($15/4 sessions if paid in bulk)
Requirements: Discord for Voice. You must be able to both hear me, and have a microphone to speak. I find this makes the game much faster with an already sometimes cumbersome interface. Additionally, I will distribute my Eberron conversion document as a Word/WPS file, so you must have some way to receive and read that.

About Me: I am an experienced (20+ years) DM/GM/ST/(insert whatever other terms you're familiar with) who prefers to focus on the story. This particular campaign is more story-driven and less character driven, so it may not be possible (or may not be as overt), but typically I like to work elements of each character's backgrounds into the overall plot somehow. I'm serious about gaming and generally reliable (though I do have a family, so emergencies may arise). I prefer to nurture a friendly environment at the "table" (whether literal or virtual). Humor is appreciated, cruelty is not.

Player Responsibility: With no intent to knock anyone's preferred play style, this game is not suitable for murder hobos or power gamers. I will tolerate neither in this game. Again, this is not intended as a knock on how anyone else prefers to play the game, its simply a matter of compatibility with the game I'm trying to run. PCs for this game should be of a (relatively) heroic bent. Additionally, please make sure you've read and understood the campaign concept (specifically, all PCs are students at Morgrave University in Sharn, about to graduate, and have a mentor/student relationship with Professor Gray). While conflict between characters is alright and can even be a fun addition to the story, conflict between players is never desirable, and I expect to be able to resolve it with maturity. In the case of irreconcilable differences, one or more players may be asked to leave the game.

Primarily, I expect that every player comes to the game ready to play. That means that your character should be suited to a D&D campaign, specifically, willing to work with others and sufficiently motivated to go on adventures. Going off as a "lone wolf" and constantly demanding personal motivations to participate are not in keeping with the heart of the campaign.

The Campaign Pitch
The world of Eberron is a vast, sweeping place torn by recent wars and a world shattering event known as The Mourning that ended the so-called Last War with a tragedy so enormous that many cannot yet process it. Adventurers cross the continent of Khorvaire and beyond, but the secrets hidden away in the distant and not-so-distant corners seem endless. Whether one seeks wealth, excitement, or knowledge, all of this and more awaits those who are willing to take risks and, as usual, the greater the risks, the greater the potential rewards.

Professor Lucian Gray has spent most of his eighty plus years of life in academia, specifically as an instructor at Sharn's Morgrave University. He is a man beloved by his students for bringing his specialties; archaeology and anthropology, to life before their very eyes with innovative teaching techniques, but he is also a man derided by the academic community at large for his theories, which are considered by many to be nothing more than unproven crackpot ideas and conspiracy theories.

At the end of each academic year, Professor Gray takes a group of his favorite graduating students on an expedition. Previous expeditions have explored the far island of Sarlona, the vast continent of Xen'drik, and sought dragonshards in Droaam. While many would accuse the Professor of unnecessarily putting students at risk, the Professor would counter that every academic deserves the chance to make one real discovery, at least once in a lifetime. This year's expedition promises to be special, as the Professor has announced his retirement, and this will be his final voyage. As one of his favored students, you're certain you'll be selected for the trip. You don't know where you're going, but its sure to be an adventure!

July 22nd, 2018, 17:12
So if I play in your game you'll pay me $4 via PayPal every game session?

July 22nd, 2018, 18:27
What Fantasy Grounds license will a player need to play in this campaign?