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View Full Version : Fantasy Grounds Connection Issues

July 16th, 2018, 05:42
Trying to use fantasy grounds as a tool to aid a real life game.

Using friends computer, which we have gotten to log in as a player in other games hosted elsewhere and work just fine.

When using his computer as the GM, the downloading files to join the game process is painfully slow. Like half an hour long slow.

We tried using a cellphone hotspot to access the game with a different network, and that accelerated the process but was still way too slow. Then, once in game, even small map files took forever to share, etc.

I suspect his router is to blame, it is service provider issued and had a much different port forwarding interface than I was accustomed to, requiring you to associate ports with software and forward that software profile only to a single named PC.

Its not that the connection cannot be made at all, it is just that it is made at some kind of incredibly low bitrate. So low that sometimes doing things like trying to open a module or hit a button like the characters button produces an error because the connection is so poor.

Any ideas?

July 16th, 2018, 05:56
Hi Jslotskies

Can you provide more information?

Is the player computer at the same location as the GM computer?
Is the GM computer connecting via WiFi or LAN to the home network?

Port forwarding is always to a single computer.
What ruleset is the GM running and how much is being shared?

July 16th, 2018, 06:41
Same location. GM computer has an ethernet connection to the home network, the laptops all had wifi connection.
The ruleset was 5e
Various official 5e modules were being shared.

July 16th, 2018, 06:52
Ok if its at the same location you should be connecting to the GMs LOCAL/Internal IP Address.

WiFi is contention based. It would make a big difference if you put the GM on the LAN cable if possible.
Otherwise only connect one computer up at a time - only connect the next computer once the first has finished downloading.