View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Game Friday/Saturday UTC+2 Time Zone 5E

July 15th, 2018, 18:18
FG License: Standard.
Time Zone UTC+2 (Belgium).
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Saturday, starting at 08:00 ending at 14:00 Weekly games prefered.
Term: Modules or longer, i prefer starting at lvl 1 and ending at lvl 20 but i'm flexible, though starting at lvl 1 is quite important to me.
Voice: I am mute, i can listen in through discord, but would prefer not to download anything, ideally i need a group that won't mind checking chat regulairly.

Game System Preferred: Strictly 5e.
Game System Experience: Building more experience with 5e every week.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I have learned FG through FGC, i'd say my grasp on the system is above average by now, but by no means have i mastered it.

Character Type Preferred: I would love to play, in this order, a Wizard, a Rogue, a Ranger, or Barbarian, special mention for the Rogue, i have a subclass in ming that's not from the "core" books, specifically the Paramour as found in https://www.dmsguild.com/product/245059/The-Complete-Martialist-Handbook there's no class i don't want to play but i am prejudiced when it comes to Bards, blame the "roll to seduce X" jokes .

Game Type: Looking for a game with a strong prescence of roleplay and exploration, combat is as welcome as always, but i really want to develop my character

About me: I'm looking for a long term group at best, or a good campaign at worst, if there's great synergy in the group then i'm open to do another campaign, i don't mind joining a campaign in progress, but would prefer starting at a low level to get to experience the climb to power, i like to focus on the game, but occasionally manage to lose a bit of what said if i stumble on an accent, i don't mind OOC joking as i do it myself too, i have no issues with characters played in any way, the Bard can use his bonus action to roll seduction, and the Wizard can ignore combat for a round simply to read his book, i'd rather you commit to the personality than solely play to your class's strengths, i'm a fan of homebrew, and prefer to play Human characters, i tend to gravitate to Human Variant for the customization it offers.

Questions? suggestions? need a class i haven't listed? fire away~

July 21st, 2018, 21:43
Shameless bump for atention

July 27th, 2018, 19:33
Respectful bump for atention

July 29th, 2018, 02:53
Hey Rebecca, How are you? If your still looking for a game and don't mind a new DM I am starting Lost mine of Pheldelver soon. I am new to Fantasy Grounds and this would be my first time using FG, being watching you tube tutorials to learn the system. I first saw your post on the Filthy Pig Inn discord. We will be playing Saturday about 5pm (UTC+10). I'd be happy with you playing anything even the Paramour though if you decide to use something from that handbook let me know so I can grab it and read up. I have one definite player and another maybe so have two to three spots open. If your interested PM me on discord I'm simfive (UTC+10) on The Filthy Pig Inn or here.

July 29th, 2018, 09:52
Hey Rebecca, How are you? If your still looking for a game and don't mind a new DM I am starting Lost mine of Pheldelver soon. I am new to Fantasy Grounds and this would be my first time using FG, being watching you tube tutorials to learn the system. I first saw your post on the Filthy Pig Inn discord. We will be playing Saturday about 5pm (UTC+10). I'd be happy with you playing anything even the Paramour though if you decide to use something from that handbook let me know so I can grab it and read up. I have one definite player and another maybe so have two to three spots open. If your interested PM me on discord I'm simfive (UTC+10) on The Filthy Pig Inn or here.

Thanks for the call, but i'm afraid i'll have to decline, i'm already in an LMoP campaign and a homebrew "hard mode" LMoP

August 6th, 2018, 16:07
Another bump for attention~

Von Stalhein
August 9th, 2018, 10:52
PMed you! :)