View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Beginner Friendly 5e Game (-5UTC, CST US Time Zone)

July 14th, 2018, 09:07
FG License: FG License
Time Zone: CST
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: I'm unemployed atm so I'm fairly open for times. Tues-Thurs nights are typically bad for me.
Term: Open to campaign or one shot.
Voice: Have Discord and mic.

Game System Preferred: D&D 5e. Haven't looked into any others but I'm open to try.
Game System Experience: I did a beginner D&D 5e meetup the other day where we did a one shot but that's about it. I've joined Fantasy College and watched Character Creation and Combat 101 vids and messed around with creating characters. Figured I would look for something here while I try and join things from Fantasy College.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I've never joined anything in FG yet. I should pick it up quickly.

Character Type Preferred: I'm open. I play a lot of WoW and have a lot of characters.
About me: I'm older aka not 20. Played in person rbgs when I was younger with friends. We used to have a blast. Heard about online platforms for D&D (mostly roll20, then learned about FG) and thought that sounded like something I wanted to try. I'm pretty laid back. Probably not looking for something where everything is character rp.

If you have any other questions just hit me up.