View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Weeknight Game Tue Wed or Thurs Eastern US Time Zone prefer 5E

July 10th, 2018, 14:05
FG License: FG Ultimate
Time Zone: Eastern USA
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Mostly mid-week evenings are my availability. Weekly or every other week sessions work well for me.
Term: I'd love to find a long-term group to adventure with.
Voice: Strongly prefer Discord, but have used Teamspeak and Skype.

Game System Preferred: Any D&D, possibly Pathfinder 2e (when it goes into open beta)
Game System Experience: Been playing D&D since 1979. Have been DMing for over 30 years and running 5e campaigns since the edition was released. Would love the chance to actually play for a change.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Fairly extensive experience with FG, including custom effect coding.

Character Type Preferred: I'm open to all classes, depending on the needs of the group and/or campaign.
About me: I tend to like a balance between combat, puzzles and RP. D&D is, to me, about laughing with friends and using your brain to solve interesting problems in interesting ways. I don't take myself at all seriously and will likely laugh at myself as much as the other players will laugh at my antics. Most of the campaigns that I write tend to run towards a combination of complex, competing plot-threads that converge in a much larger narrative, as opposed to combat crawls. I don't like the "murder-hobo" style, and I'm more likely to try some outrageous bluff or negotiation as opposed to "pulling leather" and swinging a blade around first. As a player, I'll probably give you a small novella for a character background and am glad to help lift the DMing load, if needed.

July 10th, 2018, 19:02
I'm a player from your generation with a similar playing style and schedule. I haven't DMd but would love to try though I have no original content. I wouldn't love to game with you and some other like minded players. I hope we can get a party going.


July 10th, 2018, 22:15
I hope you meant that you WOULD love to game with me! :)
Let's see if we can find a DM and a few other of us greyhairs!

Anyone else?

July 10th, 2018, 22:35
I hope you meant that you WOULD love to game with me! :)

They don't call him WrongWriter for nothing.

July 10th, 2018, 23:20
LOL. Autocorrect fail.

July 10th, 2018, 23:40
Depending on the time slot, I'd be available. I'm an old-timer as well.

July 11th, 2018, 00:00
That makes 3 of us willing, experienced and doubtless strikingly handsome and witty players....anyone else? Any willing DMs? I know that I'd be willing to share advice, consult, help with some of the more tedious prep elements, etc....

July 11th, 2018, 01:23
Interested, more so if we'd be willing to start every other week? Im both a commitment phobe and have tight schedules ... Would love 5E, try any class. Havent played for quite some time

July 11th, 2018, 01:31
also, in another post Donk83 showed interested in being a DM. Ive poked him about this possible group forming.

July 11th, 2018, 01:49
Sounds great!

July 11th, 2018, 03:50
Yeah so I want to run a game on Thursdays at around 6:30pm est. I have a ultimate licence, all the D&D 5e modules for Fantasy grounds. Let me know what you think. I think i already have a player ready to play. Donk might be the same guy who is playing in my weekend game lol.

July 11th, 2018, 04:01
I see you were looking to get Donk83 to DM it, I would be interested in him running the game also, wouldn't mind sharing a game or something either.

July 11th, 2018, 13:27
If you are interested in running or co-running it, Julstan, I'm sure that we'd all be thrilled to play!

July 11th, 2018, 14:14
If Julstan runs a game at 6:30 EST, then count me out. That's too early. Sorry.

July 11th, 2018, 14:20
6:30 EST would be too early for me as well ... best would be 8EST maybe a little wiggle room with that

July 11th, 2018, 17:08
Well as far as time scheduling goes, I can start it later. 6:30pm is the time i am usually home from work every other week. This coming Thursday I am off work..

July 11th, 2018, 18:16
Being a husband/father, I give my time when I come home to my wife and son first, then I can do what I want later that evening. And by 'later in the evening' I mean 8 PM CST. I just can't guarantee anything earlier.

July 11th, 2018, 18:18
Hmm that's 9pm EST not sure how that would work with anyone else. But it wouldn't bother me to play that late, It would be more of a bi-weekly thing though not sure if i can stay up to late. I have to be up on Friday at 3am EST every week. This week I can just nap before we play, but next week I would need to start earlier or have a hard stop time of like 11pm EST or I might even fall asleep in my chair before then.

July 11th, 2018, 19:13
Im all for a bi-weekly adventure. Julstan, would another night not be as spectacularly early for you to wake the following day?
Looks like Soup and I are the CST troublemakers ;)

July 11th, 2018, 19:19
Well that't only an hour behind me, I had another group that was meeting every thursday and one of those players is dedicated to playing thursday thats why i wanted to do it thursday. But i am off every wednesday right now.

July 11th, 2018, 19:30
So i conferred with my friend and he would be good for playing Wednesdays, not sure if he wants to every week though. But i should be able to do a 9pm EST every week or bi weekly on wednesday.

July 11th, 2018, 20:02
Go with the majority. This thread belongs to Shadoghast, so he should have some say as well. Plus the others. So while I'm anxious to here the final result, I understand if the game cannot be during a time I can play.

July 11th, 2018, 20:47
Well send me a PM of you are interested and I'll send you the link to my discord

July 11th, 2018, 20:49
OK. So we could do either Weds or Thursday. 1 player would prefer bi-weekly, and 2 players would prefer a 9 pm Eastern starting time. We also have a semi-hard stop at 11 pm Eastern.
I'm not sure how much we accomplish with a 2 hour session every other week. 9-11 eastern every week is doable. I've been running a campaign for several years doing the 9-11 pm time slot on a Sunday and we can usually get a little bit done each week. Really I defer to the DM on the call though. They have most of the heavy lifting. Julstan?

July 11th, 2018, 22:30
So i think it would be easier to schedule things if we all went to discord, idk if i feel comfortable posting it here though. I think i sent some of you the link, but let me know if you want it through a PM. That way we can schedule this in real time and figure out characters and such.

July 12th, 2018, 09:10
I am also interested in this game, like others posted, I started playing D&D in '83. If you have any open slots left please invite me. I was looking for games that are late at night.

July 12th, 2018, 13:37
Well, I've gone an committed to a couple of campaigns. So I'm going to defer virtual control of this thread to the man with the plan, Julstan!

July 12th, 2018, 21:50
I've been away but I'm still interested. I sent a PM to Julstan.

August 15th, 2018, 09:39
Is this up and running, and what time? I'm looking for a group that meets late night (Central Time/Texas), as that would be my only availability. Would be a pretty new player, though I've been familiar with the game and played a wee bit many years ago. Would be interested in a stealth/operative type character, though not necessarily a thief. This is also my first post, as I'm really new here, but I've been mostly looking in the LFG board to see if something might work.