View Full Version : Looking for a long term group playing on EU timezones

July 10th, 2018, 13:12
Hello there, my name is Lukas I have been playing and DMing different RP games for 5 years now. Since my very first game of DnD, I knew that RPing is gonna be my favorite activity and it has already brought me countless good memories and experiences and I wish to continue getting those if I manage to find a group here. Would like to join or create a group as a player as I don't feel I would be able to provide a quality game in my current state of affairs in the seat of a DM.

My Schedule

My schedule might be a bit of a problem but I would do my best to adjust. I almost never will be able to play on weekends but during workdays, my schedule is quite flexible apart from occasional problems at work requiring me to stay later or come earlier


I expect to find a group of like-minded individuals that care about role-playing and storytelling as much as I do.
I hope to find a long-term group that would either play a single campaign or participates in small adventures with rotating DMs because I believe that the best games are had when people participating know each other well and can craft an experience enjoyable for everyone at the table.

My Playstyle

What I enjoy the most in RPing games is the actual role-playing and looking at the world laid before me through my characters eyes.
I will often make decisions in the game that are not "optimal" but will bring most fun memories or laughs for all participants.
I am a strong supporter of the "Rule of Cool" so I am fine with rule bending and homebrew content as long as it is properly balanced and makes sense in the core rules that seperate this from just a game of make-believe.

If I seem like a player you would be interested in having in your group, contact me in any way you see fit with any questions you have and I will be glad to answer them. Thanks for considering me.