View Full Version : MoreCore Character Sheets

July 7th, 2018, 10:52
Upload your MoreCore Character Sheets here along with a little instruction on how you use them in your game system.
You can also upload a basic Rolls and any other modules providing they dont contain copyright material.

The aim of this is to help people use other game systems more quickly.
If you improve (even if its improved only in your mind) someone elses work please upload that too. Different people will have different approaches and by sharing ideas we can improve on each others efforts.

July 7th, 2018, 11:56
Here is my sheet for FantasyCraft.


The main tab has all the skill checks, saves, ability scores, etc. I have spots in the Notes section on the last tab for interests, Legend, Lifestyle, etc. You want to use the Abilities tab for all your feats and class abilities (sorry you'll need to make these libraries yourself).

As for rolls. We have 2 crucial rolls, one of which will be in the next version of MoreCore. The first is for Action Dice. The roll for that is /explode 1d# Action Dice. With this, when you roll your action dice, it will auto explode. The second roll is going to be available in the next version of MoreCore, for threats. That roll is /crit 1d#+#c#. So an example of that would be /crit 1d20+3c18. Hence now it will indicate a threat on a range of 18 to 20.

You'll find the spells under a flip frame on the MoreCore tab. On the Attacks frame, click that little box in the corner, that will flip it to the Spells frame.

Disclaimer: You may notice some terms on those images that may seem strange for FantasyCraft. Those are setting based terms and are not on the sheet I'm sharing here. If you have questions let me know. I have asked for permission to share the modules, but was denied. Sorry guys. I tried.


July 7th, 2018, 14:15
Attached is a variation on Shadelons character sheet.
This one also uses the /crit roll (which wont be available until MoreCore 1.45 but you could possibly weasel a copy from me if you really needed it.
This roll will declare a Critical Failure on a natural 1 and the Critical Success is defined by the c# value /crit #d20+#c# eg /crit 1d20c20 or /crit 1d20+2c19
It also accepts modifiers.
In this version you would click the Attribute and then the Skill Roll so that the Attribute bonus is added to the Roll.



July 8th, 2018, 03:25
I want to note the Psionics thing is from a FantasyCraft community rules extension, available on the craftygames Forum. It's not really complete and you would have to contact the guy who wrote it for the latest version of it. You can search for it there. I don't include it on my sheet because of this.

July 8th, 2018, 05:02
Here is a screenshot of the SotDL character sheet.

Character sheets here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?44604-SotDL-Starting-Character-files

August 9th, 2018, 12:49
With the Witcher RPG out, I have been working on getting a character sheet for my game.

Ill keep updating this as I find better layouts.

Right now for the skills, I have two main type of lists in the sheet, one list that has all the skills listed, and I broke up the skills by their attribute. Meant for the preference for who likes which.

I am working with damned right now in making the rolls in the Witcher to be done for the Crit/Fumble system.

Once it is released, the die command will be /Witcher 1d10+


August 16th, 2018, 15:50
Probably a stupid question, or just a display of my ignorance, but how do I import this character sheet into MoreCore?

August 16th, 2018, 15:53
Probably a stupid question, or just a display of my ignorance, but how do I import this character sheet into MoreCore?
From the character management screen, select Import (blue arrow). A little bit more info on the wiki; https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Character_Management

August 16th, 2018, 17:05
Thank you!

September 2nd, 2018, 15:35
All Flesh Must Be Eaten character sheet.
Ahoggya started some work on the dice mechanic for this and Ive made it do the exploding bits and pieces.
Stupid explodes where on a 10 you roll again and add result-5 (but negatives become positive) and on a 1 you roll again and subtract result-5 (but negatives become positive)...

To use this sheet you will need MoreCore 1.46 released real soon now...
You click a number of modifiers from attributes, skills, qualities, difficulties, penalties and then the skill roll.
There are some additional notes in the notes flip-frame.


September 4th, 2018, 02:56
Character Sheet for Spirit of 77.

Sheet includes the Basic Moves and Basic Rolls.
The Basic Moves have the associated Attribute as part of the title for easy reference.


Edit: Updated sheet to use 1.47's Roll Parameters

September 4th, 2018, 23:54
Moved Ars Magica Extension to MoreCore Extensions thread since this has expanded beyond a character sheet


September 4th, 2018, 23:59
Well done superteddy57

September 10th, 2018, 19:01
Here is the Character sheet I made for 7th Sea with the rolls developed by Damned.


And 2 screenshots

https://media.joomeo.com/large/5b9a73411887b.jpg (https://public.joomeo.com/files/5b9a73411887b)

https://media.joomeo.com/large/5b9a736a832d5.jpg (https://public.joomeo.com/files/5b9a736a832d5)

Later on I will post Character sheets for all the PCs from the introduction Scenario.

I'm still thinking about if it's necessary to enter NPCs, as the Combat System is more narrative that the way FG treats this. Even maps are not so used in the game.
But if you have suggestion, please tell me.
Once I'm finished with the PCs, and maybe some NPCs if you think it can help, I will post a zip of my campaign folder.

September 17th, 2018, 18:40
After some convincing by Damned:
Here's a character sheet for the Cortex System that the SerenityRPG uses(this is not the new Cortex+ system).

Video explaining the sheet:
EDIT: I was clicking the wrong button on the -1dx, so ignore that part of the video >___>

The sheet:


October 7th, 2018, 02:28
Character sheet for Ubiquity, All For One Regime Diabolique



October 7th, 2018, 02:42
Awesome work guys - Hlynrian, Yogel, dragonheels, wndrngdru and superteddy57!!

October 8th, 2018, 14:57
Scour the frozen ruins!

A way to play Frostgrave on Fantasy Grounds. I would use one character sheet for the Wizard and one for the Apprentice with about four soldiers on the main tab of each but its up to you.
Using the sheets should be fairly obvious to you if you know/have the rules. You can add additional rolls as necessary.


Character Sheet

October 8th, 2018, 16:25
Been running a few sessions of Wrath & Glory, dice built by Damned (Thanks man!!). Here is the working character sheet we use right now.

Two character sheets, one is the base, the other is one of my players, so you can get an example of how it looks.


October 8th, 2018, 23:37
Nice Hlynrian and Hurske!

October 21st, 2018, 06:19
Hurske, where can I get the warhammer theme you are using?

Also one other question for damned. Im loving the Wrath and Glory addon to morecore but would you be able to make some subtle changes to it, I would buy you a cookie!

What I am looking for is just changing what is displayed in the roll window:

Removing "Failures" completely from the display - it throws the players a little, since all we need to see is the total icons calculated.
Change wording of "Successes" to "Icons" and change "epic success" to "Exalted Icon".

On the wrath die, Just have it display the number rolled, but keep it the red color. Also if it rolls an Icon (4-6) or Exalted Icon (6), add it to the total for the others, since it works the same way, we just need to know what number it rolled. Some of my players are new to wrath and glory and roleplaying and its just having info there and seeing 4 failures even though they got the 2 icons they needed kinda throws them a bit.

So example: a dice roll of 1,1,3,4,5,5,6 and a wrath die of 6 would produce:

Wrath Die: 6
Icons: 3 (for the 4,5,5)
Exalted Icons (6's): 2 ( 2 sixes, one normal plus the wrath 6)

I dont know anything about coding or I would try myself so I dont know how hard it is. Thanks though if its possible, love what you did with it!


October 21st, 2018, 06:41
See other post about Roll Changes.
Ill try and post a non infringing theme at some point soon.

November 21st, 2018, 03:24
Not sure if anyone else is actually using it or not, but I updated the Spirit of 77 character sheet to use the new Roll Parameters available in MoreCore 1.47.

Edited original post. (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?44632-MoreCore-Character-Sheets&p=403809&viewfull=1#post403809)

November 29th, 2018, 18:28
Not sure if anyone else is actually using it or not, but I updated the Spirit of 77 character sheet to use the new Roll Parameters available in MoreCore 1.47.

Edited original post. (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?44632-MoreCore-Character-Sheets&p=403809&viewfull=1#post403809)

I'm not currently in a Spirit of 77 game, but I've definitely got the sheet for the next time we do. Thanks for making it!

ShotGun Jolly
November 30th, 2018, 17:17
Here is the latest character sheet for 2D20 Conan. Need to fix up the format for now, so it adjusts as you change the sheet size. But Ill get that later when I get more time.

November 30th, 2018, 20:00
Good stuff!

December 5th, 2018, 16:39
Okay, these sheets are all well and good, but how do we make it to where these formats are the default when a player hits new, I don't want to constantly have to explain to people how to import a character.

December 5th, 2018, 18:40
Okay, these sheets are all well and good, but how do we make it to where these formats are the default when a player hits new, I don't want to constantly have to explain to people how to import a character.

Import it 5x as the GM. Will take you anywhere from 40-100 seconds.

December 5th, 2018, 21:58
Import it 5x as the GM. Will take you anywhere from 40-100 seconds.

...or import it once and drag and drop the newly created character on the same window as many times as you need to create one for each player.

As the GM I will take ownership of the original one so the players don't accidentally mess up my "pristine" template.

December 8th, 2018, 14:17
...or import it once and drag and drop the newly created character on the same window as many times as you need to create one for each player.

As the GM I will take ownership of the original one so the players don't accidentally mess up my "pristine" template.

I couldnt work out what you meant by this - and then today I find the new feature!
You can duplicate PCs in the Characters window by drag and drop like you can with other list entries!

December 8th, 2018, 14:20
I couldnt work out what you meant by this - and then today I find the new feature!
You can duplicate PCs in the Characters window by drag and drop like you can with other list entries!

I just made module with mine and exported it as a pregen. :shrug:

January 13th, 2019, 05:42
I have attached a very basic character sheet utilizing parameters for the Ironsworn RPG (https://www.ironswornrpg.com/). A dice roller with the dice command /iron should be added for it in 1.49. The character sheet will need that command implemented before it will work.


January 13th, 2019, 07:49
Many thanks and well done thwright!

January 28th, 2019, 11:52
Pendragon Hint

After a good deal of hair pulling I finally figured out that the Pendragon dice roller string listed in the MoreCore User guide (https://www.diehard-gaming.com/mchelp.html#dicestrings) is incorrect. It currently reads "Pendragon: /pendragon 1d20 #" but should actually be "Pendragon: /pendragon #" . the other way will always give you a target number of 1.

BTW thanks Damned, despite being absolutely clueless I managed to make some very minor tweaks to the MCPendragon extension thanks to your videos, which I am slowly watching...and then rewatching several times until my brain manages to wrap itself around what you're teaching.


January 28th, 2019, 12:48
Hey mate,

Sorry about that... when I dont doco them straight away I forget how they work... Ive updated the doco and will upload just now. I spent a good amount of time updating the doco today as Im about to release 1.49
1.49 offers a better version of the dot trackers - ok, not quite, thers no more dots and the dots felt fun, but simple max/cur numbers allow for much greater max numbers etc.

superteddy57 also nutted out a way to incorporate the Trackers into Rolls which will create a little maintenance work for anyone currently using Trackers but will then be much more versatile.

Please take do take the Pendragon extension - which was really just a skin - and make it really work. If you have some ideas and need some pointers please holler.
And then share it back here!

I am not a programmer so forgive any glaring wtfs in the video tutorials. They are there to break down the/my process, and to work thru pretty much all the steps involved in extension or even ruleset dev and do it in manageable chunks. Dont worry that you have to watch something 6x. Some of those videos took me more than 10 hours to nut out myself for the 10min video you see.

January 28th, 2019, 14:02
BTW thanks Damned, despite being absolutely clueless I managed to make some very minor tweaks to the MCPendragon extension thanks to your videos, which I am slowly watching...and then rewatching several times until my brain manages to wrap itself around what you're teaching.

Please take do take the Pendragon extension - which was really just a skin - and make it really work. If you have some ideas and need some pointers please holler.
And then share it back here!

I will second these comments. I started with the MCPendragon extension, pulling it apart and playing with it. What I learned there and thanks to the videos, I'm working on a more appropriate HarnMaster extension than what I managed to cobble together before. Oh, it'll still be amateurish no doubt, but it'll get the job done.

January 28th, 2019, 14:08

Please download the just posted 1.49 build of MoreCore
It contains a new roll courtesy of David Stitt
Harn Skill: /harnskill x#y# (roll 1d100 to determine success level given a Mastery Level and Penalty)
Couple this with the Roll parameters and and you probably have what you need (I think David wrote it in response to your post).

January 28th, 2019, 14:40
Thanks damned. Downloading now but I just got off work so will need to wait till I get up this afternoon to give it a run through.

January 28th, 2019, 15:31
Wow! damned, I don't know who this David Stitt guy is but send my thanks his way. He seems to have also coded in the criteria for testing against both the Minimum EML and Maximum EML stats.

January 29th, 2019, 03:46
Hey mate,

Sorry about that...

Don't apologise, the fact I got anything to work at all is down to your generosity!

Please take do take the Pendragon extension - which was really just a skin - and make it really work. If you have some ideas and need some pointers please holler.
And then share it back here!

Will do, although it is extremely basic stuff so far like changing the logo thingy on startup message (really just a training exercise for me to make a first change without breaking anything) and then the slightly more taxing change to fix the look of the trackers/spells/locations/organisation buttons which i suspect were added after the MCPendragon theme was done. I have made some tentative beginnings at putting together a character sheet, so I am re-watching some of your vids on that too. I will most happily take your help and I see we are compatriots too :-)

I am not a programmer so forgive any glaring wtfs in the video tutorials. They are there to break down the/my process, and to work thru pretty much all the steps involved in extension or even ruleset dev and do it in manageable chunks. Dont worry that you have to watch something 6x. Some of those videos took me more than 10 hours to nut out myself for the 10min video you see.
You are waaaay ahead of me, it took me over an hour to figure out i had to unzip the .ext files to see all the bits and follow the advice to 'start with an existing extension to see how they work'. The XML is incomprehensible to me at the moment but i think as i start to play more and more it might click into place a bit. My brain doesn't naturally work this way so its quite a mental exercise for me.

January 29th, 2019, 04:05
feel free to fire away any questions... yes that extension definitely predates a lot of the current stuff.

Dave Stitt
January 30th, 2019, 06:57
Hi GunnarGreybeard,

I hope this roll is useful for you.

You may have already determined this but I did want to let you know that /harnskill assumes the penalty parameter has already been multiplied prior to its call (i.e. Universal Penalty x 5 or Physical Penalty x 5 if using HarnMaster 3). So if you are using a reference to hold the penalty values, they would need to be the multiplied values.

As it is now the roll is closer to HarnMaster 1 style. It could be modified to perform the multiplication internally (closer to HarnMaster 3) if this behavior is wanted instead.

January 30th, 2019, 07:04
hey Dave Stitt

I guess thats why Gunnar didnt know who you were! First time poster!
Another guess.. if you are storing the Penalty Parameter and you also need the x5 multiplier I would activate an extra p# field and store the x5 multiplier there so you can drag it and link it...
I hope that makes sense!

January 30th, 2019, 13:16
You may have already determined this but I did want to let you know that /harnskill assumes the penalty parameter has already been multiplied prior to its call (i.e. Universal Penalty x 5 or Physical Penalty x 5 if using HarnMaster 3). So if you are using a reference to hold the penalty values, they would need to be the multiplied values.

As it is now the roll is closer to HarnMaster 1 style. It could be modified to perform the multiplication internally (closer to HarnMaster 3) if this behavior is wanted instead.

Dave Stitt. This has been more than useful! Thank you!! :)

I'm planning to use it for HM3 (and the QuickStart Rules) but I think there is no need to have it multiplied internally. This way it would be could to run both HM1 and/or HM3. Right now I have it pulling from a single manually entered field and for the tests that use the single penalty numbers instead of them multiplied x5, I am trying to use other, already available rolls (the /sthrow one) and it pulls the 3 penalties filed for calculating the modifier. Probably not the most efficient method (my organizational and work flow skills are not the best these days) but it seems to be working and is at a point I can actually start to wrap my head around this.

January 31st, 2019, 20:31
So . . . what, if any kinds of things are people using the 3x data windows in the MoreData tab for?

February 1st, 2019, 03:00
They are just formatted text fields at this time....
Write notes, drag other links into them etc

March 9th, 2019, 23:12
Does anyone have a Basic Dungeons & Dragons sheet circa Rules Cyclopedia floating around?

Thanks in Advance

March 9th, 2019, 23:32
Try this:

March 10th, 2019, 00:24
Try this:

Awesome, thanks Damned!

March 10th, 2019, 03:10
Hi Dave

This is a WiP. You will need to do the following:

Create your New Character.
Add any of the following Classes to the sheet:
Fighter, Ranger, Paladin
And add a level and it will auto adjust your Saving Throws and THAC0 values and your Title and XP needed for next level.
It will tell you what HD to roll/add and if a Cleric what Spells and Turn Undead values you have.

I havent done the other classes yet.
Later it will also populate Attack Rolls, Attributes and some skills.

Happy to get feedback on what does and doesnt work and what you would like to see added...

March 11th, 2019, 14:19
Hi Dave here is a character sheet with a bunch of rolls to get you started.

March 13th, 2019, 01:22
Hi Dave here is a character sheet with a bunch of rolls to get you started.

This is great Damned. Thank you so much.

April 29th, 2019, 11:25
Question, there is no way to set up references from the standard main tab of the character sheet right? Sorry I'm just getting started on using this, also thanks to the one who posted the Witcher character sheet. that's likely going to be my next campaign, and the image size limits and clunkiness f roll20 convince me to stay here for it, even though their Witcher character sheet is badass XD. See ya folks!

April 29th, 2019, 11:31
I dont think you can because you cant drag something between tabs...

April 30th, 2019, 04:27
Question, you can't have more than one modifier on a roll? I'm trying to set it up to take the attribute from reference and the skill from a parameter, the final formula looks a bit like this /witcher 1d10+(a)+(p1) but that counts only either (a) or (p1), apologies if it's explained somewhere but I can't find it if it is, on the tutorial page there'sa more complicated roll that works /thac0 1d20+(a)+(b)x(p1) which made me think the simpler formula would work. I'm trying to set up a witcher character sheet with the first page filled with all skills with parameters and references set up, sorted by attribute. May be much for some in a small window like that but until I play more and figure out a more optimal real estate dsitribution it'll have to do.

April 30th, 2019, 14:17
According to the help file the format for that roll is Witcher /witcher 1d10
To add modifiers you create the modifiers - Strength /mod +2, Sword Master /mod +2, Flanking /mod+1, as rolls.
You then click all the appropriate modifiers and then the roll.

Eg you would click:
Strength, Sword Master, Flanking, Witcher
and it would roll 1d10 and add +2, +2, +1

May 10th, 2019, 07:25
I have attached a very basic character sheet utilizing parameters for the Ironsworn RPG (https://www.ironswornrpg.com/). A dice roller with the dice command /iron should be added for it in 1.49. The character sheet will need that command implemented before it will work.


Played Ironsworn a few times and I really like it, so thanks for this.

However what I'm really looking forward to is Starforge (https://www.facebook.com/groups/328279421036397/permalink/523501064847564/)

June 7th, 2019, 00:21
where may i get a copy of the ruleset and sheet for wrath and glory.

August 27th, 2019, 00:03
Anyone made a sheet for swords and Wizardry?

August 27th, 2019, 06:05
You dont want to use 2E or Castles&Crusades?

August 27th, 2019, 15:42
Nah, though that makes sense in a way.

October 2nd, 2019, 08:38
I am attaching Coriolis - The Third Horizon character sheet for MoreCore. It contains fully configured rolls with parameters. only the MoreCore tab is configured, the rest is untouched.

It is part of my custom extension for Coriolis (again for MoreCore) located here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?51199-Coriolis-Third-Horizon-(Extension-Theme-PC-and-NPC-sheets-for-MoreCore)

October 5th, 2019, 23:30
Anyone have a character sheet/theme for talislanta for morecore?

October 14th, 2019, 19:39
Is there any progress on a character sheet for Battletech the RPG or A Time of War?

I thought I had seen somewhere that one was being worked on.

If not I will have a go at generating one. Might take a while.

October 14th, 2019, 20:00
I would say give a go. If someone else is working on it you can collab and expand it to an extension or a full blown ruleset.

October 19th, 2019, 16:40
Anyone got or working on a sheet for Swords and Wizardry? I'd design my own, but I'm not sure where to start.

December 6th, 2019, 04:00
Here is the Rifts character sheet. Theres a lot that depends on the extension modification I made to Damned's extension. So if you just load it into the base MoreCore there will be a lot of fields missing. Changes were:

MoreCore Tab
1. Combat frame has fields for Current MDC, Max HP, Max SDC (these are not exported to the CT). Added # of attacks (also not exported to CT).
2. Frame titles are changed to Rifts relevant terms.
3. Added attributes and bonus fields.
4. Added Saves and Defense rolls as well as the fields that modify them.
5. Added example skills and the modifiers for them. Mostly filled with junk data to demonstrate functionality. Presently they are not auto-calculated but the upkeep in per level changes would be fairly trivial. Implemented as a "saving throw" since the skill rolls weren't a good fit.
MoreData Tab
6. Added Spell/Tattoos frame title. Used /spellpoint decrement to automatically subtract from the PPE field. Most spells aren't damage spells (so no rolls) but even those that were damage will not roll. It was either decrement or roll, not both. Range, duration and cost shown.
7. Added Psionics frame title. Since the Psionic points will not decrement the rolls WILL work. There still aren't a lot of damage or duration rolls.
8. Changed spellpoint frame to get rid of the irrelevant spell slots and used current and Maximum PPE and ISP.
9. Made a frame for races and classes. Ideally this would go on the last page but those entry fields won't take links.
10. Made a frame titled for moves and bonuses.
Main Tab
11. No real changes. Just some suggested fields for people with complicated SDC/MDC/HP (like changes with powers)
Abilities Tab
12. No real changes. Just demonstrated how it could be used in Rifts by populating with junk powers and abilities.
Inventory Tab
13. No real changes.
Notes Tab
Added two additional classes fields for inactive classes. The active class is the original and _should_ still update properly when the party is given xp. I haven't tested this. Without the extension I think this will look pretty weird. (The first line was really hard to work with. Merge didn't work the way I thought it should resulting in the original fields overlapping my modified fields. I still don't know why it did what it did but I worked around it.)


Character Sheet Here (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1lDZZVGP5pXpokdoX5dhYu83pSAieDWpF)

I have the Extension for this here (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1i9wuhGzaUN3Wi-Ko0_9zwm3q7Idg4T7M).

December 6th, 2019, 04:03
The last picture I attached was messed up. Rather than trying to fix the attachments in the I will just add that last page in this post.

March 18th, 2020, 11:36
Is there a wiki/document/video anywhere about how to mod a character sheet for dummies? Someone suggested maybe MoreCore would be good for Gamma World and I was taking a look.

March 18th, 2020, 12:44
As per other suggestion look at 4E however here is how you build something in MoreCore without any coding.

March 23rd, 2020, 10:37
Looking for Hackmaster 5e - Ruleset - anyone create this or the charactersheets?

March 23rd, 2020, 16:51
Looking for Hackmaster 5e - Ruleset - anyone create this or the charactersheets?
Not that I know of. But you might want to read this; https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?44600-Unsupported-Game-Systems-Offer

March 23rd, 2020, 23:11
Not that I know of. But you might want to read this; https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?44600-Unsupported-Game-Systems-Offer

No time my friend and Hackmaster dice are just too hard to code.

April 14th, 2020, 20:27
I'm warning you, this is a really long post. Like, seriously long. Not for the faint of heart. :-) Whoa, in fact the Preview Post says it is 10877 characters long and it's longer than the maximum of 10000 characters, so I think I'll have to break this up...

You have been warned...

So last year we were playing Vampire: the Dark Ages and we found this old ruleset and its Dark Ages extension(https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?19662-Vampire-the-Masquerade-Ruleset-for-FG3) on the forums here. It was fine for a while but after a while the die rolling stopped working, so that the resulting die rolls were no longer in the chat window, it was just broken, most likely after some update to FG and/or the underlying CoreRPG ruleset (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?19662-Vampire-the-Masquerade-Ruleset-for-FG3&p=449879&viewfull=1#post449879). Then I discovered MoreCore and I thought well this stuff is golden, I can just code the kind of roll we houseruled and that's it. But it kind of got out of hand and I found myself typing away on my keyboard for days, sometimes late into the night to actually implement a character sheet, too, using the above mentioned Vampire ruleset and extension as a baseline. Our Vampire chronicle ended recently, but we are soon starting an Exalted 1st edition game and once again I went back to coding, because I couldn't get the Exalted roll built into MoreCore to work. So what you'll find below is:

two new rolltypes added to MoreCore
a character sheet for Vampire: the Dark Ages as a MoreCore extension
a character sheet for Exalted 1st Edition as a MoreCore extension

Let's go through them one by one:

The /vda rolltype:
Syntax: /vda #s# description
This is not a totally by the book implementation of the official Vampire Dark Ages roll, it is a little bit houseruled. The above command will roll a number of d10s given before the "s" in the roll command against a target number given after the "s". The "description" can be anything. So for example "/vda 5s7 Manipulation" is a valid command, which will roll 5d10 against a target number of 7. If a target number above 10 or below 2 is given, then it is silently modified to 10 or 2 respectively. All rolled 10s are rerolled once and the rerolled dice are also compared to the target number. (But rerolled only once, so if you roll a 10 on a die and reroll it and it comes up as 10 again, that 10 is not rolled again). The rolled 1s are not going to reduce the number of successes, however if there are no successes and a 1 is rolled at least once then it is a botch. The result of the roll is reported into the chat window, successes are colored green, and 1s are colored red (but just for information, as I said above, they do not count against the number of successes). If a modifier is set on the modifier stack, it modifies the target number rolled against. So for example if you set a +2 modifier and then give the command "/vda 5s6 Manipulation", then it will compare the results against a target number of 8 (6 given in the command + 2 on the mod stack). If the description includes the word "Damage" anywhere in it, then for that roll, the rolled 10s are not rerolled. Mind the capital "D" at the beginning, it is important, so "damage" will not work, only "Damage".

The /rpexa rolltype
Syntax: /rpexa #s# description
The above command will roll a number of d10s given before the "s" in the roll command against a target number given after the "s". The "description" can be anything. So for example "/rpexa 5s7 Manipulation" is a valid command, which will roll 5d10 against a target number of 7. If a target number above 10 or below 2 is given, then it is silently modified to 10 or 2 respectively. All rolled 10s are counted as two successes. The rolled 1s are not going to reduce the number of successes, however if there are no successes and a 1 is rolled at least once then it is a botch. The result of the roll is reported into the chat window, successes are colored green, and 1s are colored red (but just for information, as I said above, they do not count against the number of successes). If a modifier is set on the modifier stack, it modifies the target number rolled against. So for example if you set a +2 modifier and then give the command "/rpexa 5s6 Manipulation", then it will compare the results against a target number of 8 (6 given in the command + 2 on the mod stack). If the description includes the word "Damage" anywhere in it, then for that roll, the rolled 10s will only count as one success. Mind the capital "D" at the beginning, it is important, so "damage" will not work, only "Damage". To my knowledge this is a perfect implementation of the official Exalted 1st edition roll, there are no houserules in it.

April 14th, 2020, 20:29
So, with the rolltypes discussed, let's move on to the character sheets.

Please note, these character sheets are ugly, but functional. :-) Of course, I'm totally not saying that the original Vampire Dark Ages character sheet in the above linked ruleset on which I based all of this was ugly, just that my implementation is ugly. For example in the original version, you could actually fill in those little dots for your Attributes and Abilities, while in my version there are no fillable dots at all, just plain number fields. Functional? Yes. Ugly? Absolutely. :-)

Also please note, there are absolutely no automation on these character sheets. They are simply just a record for your character with some basic functionality that I'll describe below.

With that out of the way, let's see:

Vampire Dark Ages character sheet
On the first page you can record your Attributes and Abilities. Simply write a number in the number fields next to the attribute or ability. For example if you have 3 dots in Occult, write the number 3 there. If you click on a number field twice, then it will roll that attribute or ability against a target number of 6. You can modify the target number with the modifier stack in the lower left corner of the screen. Next to each attribute and ability you'll find a radio button. If you click on it, it'll be colored red. This way you can select one attribute and one ability. Then if you double click twice on either the selected attribute or the selected ability, then it will roll a dice pool by adding the attribute and ability together. Target number is 6, but that can be modified with the modifier stack as usual. Next to each of the Physical Attributes is another number field. You can write there a number representing a Physical Augmentation (which you can do by spending Blood on a physical attribute). If there is a number other than 0 in that number field then any rolls involving that physical attribute will increase the dice pool by that many dice. There is an "End Scene" button. If you click it, that will reset all Physical Augmentations to 0, representing that at the end of a Scene, these augmentation dice go away.
On the second page of the character sheet, you can also record five more Abilities, and these work the same way as the official ones listed on the first page. Also here, in the Weapons section, the Damage field is clickable, if you write a number there and double click it, then it will roll that many dice as a damage roll (so no rerolling of rolled 10s).
All other pages of the character sheet is self explanatory I believe, the inventory page is a straight copy - paste from the MoreCore character sheet.

Exalted character sheet
Basic functionality is the same as described above for the Vampire character sheet, so you can also choose an Attribute + Ability and then you can roll it as a dice pool against a default target number of 7 (which can be modified with the modifier stack, too). There is no Physical Augmentation in Exalted, but to represent any kind of bonus dice you can get from various Charms, if you write a number other than 0 into the Dice Pool Bonus field on the first page, that many dice will then be added to the dice pool rolled. (Don't forget to enter 0 into that field when your bonus no longer applies). In front of each ability there's a little box, you can click them to indicate your Caste and Favored abilities.
On the second page of the character sheet in the Weapon section, the Damage field is clickable, like on the Vampire character sheet, you can write a number on the Damage field and if you double click it, then it will roll that many dice as a damage roll (so any rolled 10 will be counted as only one success, as per official Exalted rules). In the Health section, there should be enough Health boxes to simulate any combination of the Ox-Body Technique charm, you just need to click through the boxes until they show black for those boxes you don't have. Yeah, I know it's a lot of clicks, I told you there's no automation here. :-)
Everything else should be self-explanatory I hope. One more thing though: on page three, the Backgrounds field was a coding experiment for me :-) I wanted to see if somehow I can modify this list in a way that besides a fillable line it would also include a number field to record the Rating of the Background as well. I succeeded partially, but for some reason I couldn't also include that nice "Edit List" buttons which you can see on the other sections (like Charms and Spells) here. But it's good enough for now :-) Those number fields in the Backgrounds section are also double clickable and will roll that many dice, but I don't think it's useful at all, since I believe Backgrounds are never rolled like an Ability or an Attribute.

Anyways, I just wanted to put this out here guys, in case anyone might find it useful. I don't really think I'm going to develop this further or update it or whatever, because it's good enough for our party and we're perfectly fine with it. So please consider it as is, where is and with all faults. :-) Of course if you're a billionaire for example and you pay me like let's say 650000 dollars, that would allow me to just immediately quit my day job and maintain my current state of living for the next 50 years, and in that case I'll of course program you whatever you want in Fantasy Grounds. :D But seriously though, anything doesn't work as I described above, please say so and I'll take a look.

Oh, and I'm totally, absolutely sorry for the wall of text, but anyways you're all at home anyway with nothing else to do, so you might've just read it all. :-)

Oh, and ummm, I'm not sure about the licensing status of any code posted on these forums, so especially I don't know under what license the original VtM ruleset was published that I linked above and which I've built this on, but if possible, please consider those parts of the code attached to this post which I wrote to be public domain. So you can do whatever you want with it, you can modify it, sell it, say you wrote it all and impress a girl with it or whatever, I'm totally releasing and forfeiting all of my rights to it if I have any rights to it. :-)

Release notes, pretending to be a real programmer :D

Version 1.1 released 22 April 2020

The Limit Break frame was overlapping the Valor and Willpower number fields - Fixed
If you set a negative dice pool bonus, it subtracted that many dice from the pool, but didn't report it correctly in the chat - Fixed
Weapon damage rolls were behaving strangely if you tried to roll damage on any but the first weapon row - Fixed
You can double click the Essence number field now to roll your Essence

Version 1.0 released 14 April 2020

Initial release

April 14th, 2020, 20:58
Two things I forgot. Pictures! Here's a few:


And how can you use these? The .ext files should go into the \extensions folder of course. But that in itself would not do too much. For the actual rolls to work, you'd need to extract the included zip file, extract the MoreCore ruleset and merge together the two. If that's Chinese to you, I could upload a modified MoreCore ruleset with these rolls included in it, but I'm kinda thinking it might be a no no, so I'm holding off on that until someone actually is interested in these and I get an official okay from the MoreCore God, damned. :D

April 15th, 2020, 00:05
Two things I forgot. Pictures! Here's a few:


And how can you use these? The .ext files should go into the \extensions folder of course. But that in itself would not do too much. For the actual rolls to work, you'd need to extract the included zip file, extract the MoreCore ruleset and merge together the two. If that's Chinese to you, I could upload a modified MoreCore ruleset with these rolls included in it, but I'm kinda thinking it might be a no no, so I'm holding off on that until someone actually is interested in these and I get an official okay from the MoreCore God, damned. :D

Hi rpotor

Great work and thank you for sharing.
With your permission I can add the Rolls to MoreCore making that last merge step unneccesary.
Let me know if that is ok. You will be credited.

April 15th, 2020, 05:53
Hi rpotor

Great work and thank you for sharing.
With your permission I can add the Rolls to MoreCore making that last merge step unneccesary.
Let me know if that is ok. You will be credited.

Awesome, sure, absolutely, permission granted. Happy to contribute!

April 15th, 2020, 16:14
Awesome, sure, absolutely, permission granted. Happy to contribute!

Thanks rpotor

Just posted 1.55 now
Will update the help files etc soon!

April 27th, 2020, 17:12
I am trying to create a modifier based on a die roll eg str bonus 1d4 rather than a number, but the /mod roll will only accept a number, not a complex string. Similarly I was hoping to create a /mod which is the sum of p1, p2 and p3. I am possibly missing an obvious alternative roll option elsewhere in the list of rolls, but on a wider note the list of rolls and their short descriptions is quite hard to follow regarding what exactly they do. I appreciate Damned has given some good examples of some of the rolls elsewhere in this post but might it be possible to compile some usage examples of ALL the current rolls to help see how they are implemented. Been trying to get my head around /tmod as thought that might be useful for what I am trying to set up but I must be using it wrong as it seems to do nothing! Any help gratefully received..

April 28th, 2020, 08:14
I would certainly welcome someone or some group creating a stack more examples.
Its not something on my radar right now - way too many other things that I need ti get done first.

/mod does not do dice only a flat number and only a single number
/tmod also only does a single flat number but can update most numeric fields not just the Modifier box

What is the game system and can you provide more specific info on what you are trying to achieve?

April 28th, 2020, 17:19
I would certainly welcome someone or some group creating a stack more examples.
Its not something on my radar right now - way too many other things that I need ti get done first.

/mod does not do dice only a flat number and only a single number
/tmod also only does a single flat number but can update most numeric fields not just the Modifier box

What is the game system and can you provide more specific info on what you are trying to achieve?

Its a homebrew system loosely based on BRP I am trying to help a friend set up on FGU. Complications mainly being HP locations, a percentile based hit system and some modifiers being complex strings like the aforementioned strength modifier being "1D4 + 1" as an example.

I thought the Harn rolls might come close to what we wanted to do with attacks but as I've never played "Harn" I don't really understand how the roll works. HP locations I am just setting up as manual trackers with max hp and wounds on the character sheet but as monsters other than minions also have HP locations no way to track this in the CT so our current workaround is to have same trackers set up on the npc character sheet with individually named "boss" versions for those where the GM needs to manually keep track of location specific wounds

May 13th, 2020, 19:45
Hi all!

Anybody know if there is a Star Wars D6 sheet out there? I did see the ruleset, is there a way to transfer the sheet from that ruleset to MoreCore?

May 13th, 2020, 23:54
Its coming...

June 15th, 2020, 12:22
Anyone working on CP Red sheet?

July 30th, 2020, 01:14
It's not much but a W.I.P. For Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls. I would love to figure out how to get it to sum the combat adds.

July 30th, 2020, 01:20
It's not much but a W.I.P. For Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls. I would love to figure out how to get it to sum the combat adds.

Please describe your requirement in as much detail as possible.

July 30th, 2020, 01:28
Okay will try my best I only just figured out how to get the save to work from looking over some of your videos and posts. I need to add +1 to the combat adds for STR, DEX, LK, and SPD over 12. Example "Strength of 15 produces 3 adds; Dexterity of 16 produces 4 adds; Luck of 12 produces 0 adds and Speed of 13 produces 1 add." Anything less that 12 produces no adds.

Totally admit it may be too complex an operation to have come out nice.

July 30th, 2020, 14:05
Hi Baufrin

Can you describe more how you are using the rolls.
Ive loaded up the charsheet but am not sure how it works.
I presume that you have eg.
STR [15] [3]
and the [3]/(p2) is used by the /mod command
What happens next?

I also cant work out what the Combat Adds does?

What do you want to use the Mods for?
What is the actual roll you will do to use them?

July 30th, 2020, 15:00
Hi Baufrin

Can you describe more how you are using the rolls.
Ive loaded up the charsheet but am not sure how it works.
I presume that you have eg.
STR [15] [3]
and the [3]/(p2) is used by the /mod command
What happens next?

I also cant work out what the Combat Adds does?

What do you want to use the Mods for?
What is the actual roll you will do to use them?

Sure the The first box in the character sheet is the permanent version of the attribute does nothing but allows the player to document the attribute the second field is the Temporary Attribute, sometimes attributes will change during play in Tunnels & Trolls set up as a modifier it is meant to be used to modify the Save level roll. The Combat adds should work as a modifier for when combat rolls are made. I am now including some instructions on the sheet. They are restatements of rules (not copy pastes)/instructions for the sheet.

August 9th, 2020, 04:13

This is the Character Sheet I have been working on for the RPG System: Ops And Tactics

You can find the system from the creator off his website for free here: https://opsandtactics.blogspot.com/

Any helpful ideas on how to apply Encumbrance penalties would be appreciated.


August 9th, 2020, 04:20
Here is the File for a character made using that Sheet for OPs and Tactics

August 9th, 2020, 04:34
If Encumbrance is a thing that regularly impacts you might be able to put it in C4 or another roll and use parameters to incorporate it into some rolls
You might create it as a /mod roll and that would be less automated but will work with more rolls
Or you will have to provide more info for me to think thru the possibilities.

August 9th, 2020, 05:00
Thanks for the quick reply! there are multiple levels that cause multiple penalties to different stats. But, if I could just be able to assign an ongoing penalty to Attack with a mod button that would work. Can you make a mod effect last more than one roll?

Here are the encumbrance Categories with Weight thresholds and Penalties:

[Category] [Weight] [Penalty]
[Car Cap] [51] [none]
[Max Med Load] [102] [Max AGI +3; -3 ATK and Skill Checks; 2 CP per 5' move]
[Max Heavy] [153] [Max AGI +1; -6 ATK and Skill Checks; 3 CP per 5' move]
[Lift Over Head] [51] [No Bonus from AGI; No ATK; 12 CP per 5' Move]
[Lift Off Ground] [306] [No Bonus from AGI; No ATK; 12 CP per 5' Move]
[Drag] [510] [No Bonus from AGI; No ATK; 12 CP per 5' Move]

Sorry about the formatting, not sure how to paste a table here.


Also, I have been having a problem with C4. It keeps going up by 1 pt ever time the character takes any amount of wounds. I wanted to use it for DR but ever time it keeps going up.

August 9th, 2020, 05:04
Sorry forgot to mention this is how the Weights for each Category are calculated:

Carrying Capacity List Calculation
Carrying Capacity STR SCORE * 3 lbs
Maximum Medium Load STR SCORE * 6 lbs
Maximum Heavy Load STR SCORE * 9 lbs
Lift Over Head STR SCORE * 3 lbs
Lift Off Ground STR SCORE * 18 lbs
Drag STR SCORE * 30 lbs

October 17th, 2020, 17:05
how are implemented? i've been looking for this for a while, thanks for your workĄ

October 17th, 2020, 20:00
how are implemented? i've been looking for this for a while, thanks for your workĄ

If you download the JayOats file and then use that as a template it should work.

March 13th, 2021, 03:20

I'm trying to set up rolls for a game with a weird system : I want to roll 3d10 and be able to pick the result of the die I want.
Each custom die represents a different way of the character, and the player can choose the dice they wants to resolve the action.

I have been trying out rolls from morecore but nothing seems to point me towards an answer...

And another question that tricks my mind, is it possible to set a difficulty level for a roll (15 for exemple), that will display the degree of succes (in my case a Level of success is added every 5 points over the original difficulty level 15).

That way the attacker is able to display the Level of success he gets for his attack, that we can compare to the block or dodge ability of the defender working on the same concept with level of success. Both can beat the initial difficulty but the one with the higher count of successes hits harder or dodge better.

Thank you guys for any help you can give me on this one and also thank you all for your sheets, great to start and use as models ;)

March 13th, 2021, 04:44
Hi Plouxi

This would require a roll be written for it.
An example of something similar would be /hitos or /woddice
They both roll d10s and display something other than the dice total

/harnroll /talislanta /pbta /blackcrusade are some examples of rolls that calculate some level of success
There are many more examples of this type of roll

March 13th, 2021, 20:58
Hi Damned !

Thanks for the answer ! I'll go make some tries with the rolls you mentioned.

Also do you know if there is a possibility to give different initiative numbers to the same players, so that it appears on the Combat Tracker ? For example, a character has 3 initiative dice and each of them represents an action to be made by the player at the moment indicated by the dice.

Thanks again for your help !

March 14th, 2021, 00:39
No the Init thing isnt something that MoreCore can do right now.
My suggestion for a simple solution is to setup multiple /myinit rolls on the actor
Something simple like:
Init First Action
/myinit (p1)

Init Second Action
/myinit (p1)

Init Third Action
/myinit (p1)

After they finish their First Action they click Init Second Action and they will be repositioned in the CT.
This will not work perfectly with the Next Actor button if they end up needing to act twice in a row so the player and GM will need to keep an eye on it.

Also to not show a SUM in a roll the specific command is:

rMessage.dicedisplay = 0;

Search on that is various Rolls.

March 17th, 2021, 00:39
Hey Damned !

Great idea for the initiative rolls ! I’m digging up the code and I’ll try to come up with something that works. I have to rewatch some of your videos ;)

Thanks for your help again, I’ll let you know if I make progress and maybe post the character sheet.

April 27th, 2021, 14:00
Hi all!

Anybody know if there is a Star Wars D6 sheet out there? I did see the ruleset, is there a way to transfer the sheet from that ruleset to MoreCore?

I am also interested

May 1st, 2021, 05:04
See attached Character Sheet for Unisystem in MoreCore. Comment welcome if I've missed anything.

This will work in both Cinematic and Classic. If anyone has any questions about how we run the sheet or it needs further remarks, just hit me up.

We have used this with Conspiracy X, AFMBE, Witchcraft and other Unisystem games. Should also work for Buffy and Angel with some allowance for the cinematic mechanics.

The central mechanic is to build up your roll by pressing modifiers (Stat+Ability+Whatever) then clicky on the Roll Skill Check button to work the Unisystem magic (uses Damned exploding die rolls).

There are currently 3 damage roll types on the sheet. One is the /AFMBE roll, which allows for a basic die plus multiplier that applies against the targets wounds.
The second is a fully featured /die roll, which allows for a full unisystem (#d#+#)*# roll, taking into account damage success modifers and the unisystem damage dice multiplier.
The third roll, /unisystemdmg, checks the target's defence and makes a roll against that defence, applying any additional damage to the targets wounds.

We're still ironing out some kinks, and some manual adjustments are needed (for e.g. bullet damage is not doubled, armour is currently a flat number etc) but we've found it workable enough to get some solid unisystem action going.

If you have any questions I'm happy to help although I have been learning through breaking things so far!

I have a hodge podge extension I use but it needs some work; I will update this post once I have something more robust. :)

I have attached an indicative link to what our character sheet currently looks like for reference but note that I haven't included the extension yet as it is not complete but consider the image as an indicator of what to expect. It also uses others' work until such time as I can customise it more myself.


THANKs to **damned** for the dice rolls.

(cross post from here): https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?66788-Natural-die-rolls-using-existing-Damage-rolls-to-allow-for-Defence-(Unisystem-armour)&p=597447&viewfull=1#post597447

September 19th, 2021, 06:09
Welp, I've been dinking around with this for a day or so, and will continue to improve it. Here's the skills and basic first page for CyberpunkRED, however!

To do:
- If possible, figure out derivations for Humanity, Body/Hit points, Severe Wound modifiers, and a few other things that are a bit deeper.

- Cyberware tracking, armor mod and value captures. The latter aren't linked in to combat skills yet - that's a bit more complicated than I can parse at 2AM. :) Will work on that in the future.

March 27th, 2022, 19:04
Any sheets for Warhammer40k Rogue Trader?
Thanks ^^

March 28th, 2022, 04:52
Sorry nothing for 40k.

April 4th, 2022, 18:40
I have not been able to locate one, but is there a character sheet for Warhammer 1e? I am aware of the warhammer 1e ruleset; but it doesn't allow the creation of modules, not does it it have a party sheet. I would rather use Morecore or CoreRPG as they are more flexible and up to date. Thanks in advance.

April 14th, 2022, 17:29
Edit: Never mind, found an answer.

April 21st, 2022, 08:08
Any sheets for Warhammer40k Rogue Trader?
Thanks ^^


Not MoreCore but someone has been working on a WH40K ruleset for all the lines.

July 17th, 2022, 04:19
Hello, is anyone aware of a Worlds Without Number (or Stars without Number) character sheet?

July 17th, 2022, 04:20

September 6th, 2022, 04:00
Hey everyone,has anyone got to work on a mutant year zero sheet?,been planing to play with some folks but sadly I cant find one and even when I could dip my hand I can already tell I might need to change a lot of the stuff from the default sheet

September 6th, 2022, 08:34
Hi AzrakN

Ive never played MYZ.
If you tell me how each thing works mechanically Ill tell you how I would set it up in MoreCore

Strength/Agility etc
Tell me Min/Max values and how you would use them in game, how they affect your rolls etc

Damage/Fatigue etc
Tell me Min/Max values and how you would use them in game, how they affect your rolls etc

Tell me Min/Max values and how you would use them in game, how they affect your rolls etc

Tell me Min/Max values and how you would use them in game, how they affect your rolls etc

Does it affect your rolls etc

Does it affect your rolls etc

Does it affect your rolls etc

Mutation Points
What are they? How are they used? How do they affect your rolls?

Rot Points
What are they? How are they used? How do they affect your rolls?

What are they? How are they used? How do they affect your rolls?

What are they? How are they used? How do they affect your rolls?

And finally explain combat.

You can answer over several posts over time if that helps.
The more info you provide the better I can help you.
But dont just cut and paste from the rules.
I have the game but I have ZERO time to read it and learn it.

September 6th, 2022, 16:27
So first of all thank you very much my plan is to get a working sheet more than anything then focus on making the other two books sheets too.

My main grips are with me not being able to resize or move around stuff on the sheet even after following the tutorials.

But here is also the descriptions of those systems in a basic way since they really are mostly summed up in a "how many dices should you roll"


Their Min/Max is from 0 to 5 they are more than anything used to do certain
actions as expected,more than anything they dictate how many dices get rolled
say 3 of Agility makes you roll 3 dice everytime you use Agility

Damage,Fatige,Doubt and Confusion also go from 0 to 5.

These are easier to manage since the idea is that each one affects an attribute
by reducing it one point.

so they go like this:

Damage affects Strenght
Fatigue affects Agility
Confusion affects Wits
Doubt affects Empathy


These arent really something that does more than hinder the character way of
healing,critical injuries too are mostly only penalties on rolls


They are also used for some actions as Attributes do too,these are a little
more focused to fine tune one can say,they work the same as Attributes in the
way you roll as many dice as points that you have on them.


They affect some rolls but that depends on the item,not all of them do of course
these can be pretty much done on the items tab and added later on the sheet thats what I do mostly on other systems


They can affect certain rolls by giving one a certain extra dice or letting
someone get a bonus on a result for example giving one a +2 on the roll result
after crafting something or letting one use Agility instead of Strenght on
certain checks

Mutations and mutation points work together:

Everyone gets one at the start and you always have an starting amount
equal number of Mutation
points to your Mutations (say you have 5Mutations then you get to have
5 Mutation points),the Max mutation points one can have is 10.

How they are rolled is easy,you spend one point to activate one mutation
then you roll a basic dice,if you decide to use an extra mutation point then
you gret an extra dice to roll.

Rot points:

These are something that gets build up at certain zones of the map,the max
number one can have of these is 10.

The system is simple say you have four rot points,then you roll four dice and if
they land on a certain number you take one point of Damage (so less Strenght)

Experience or XP:

This is something more than anything thats used as always to level up
the way it works is pretty much by being given at the end of the sesion at the
GM choice,every five XP a player gets to either improve one Skill by one level
or they get a new Talent (this resets their XP back to 0 so one can say 5 xp is
always taken as a level up)


These are more than anything plot related and for exp gain,since they
are player choosen I dont think anything extra more than giving a field one can
fill up would be needed


This might be too abstract per say but I played Aliens RPG and I always think
the two games share some of these ideas pretty much so here we go.

First everyone gets to roll for initiative as expected,this is done by a D6
+ your Agility score

So at each turn both players and npcs can roll for one skill or use a Mutation
hence why there are skills called shoot,fight and the such those are used
for the attack rolls depending on what is being used

this is what I think more than anything affects as there isnt really a full list
of attacks and the such due to the many ways combat can go so its mostly up
to the players and GM to decide

As said before the skills used depends on the action or the gear used so players
usually know how many dice they need to roll and the results are choosen by that

September 7th, 2022, 14:37
Ok give me a couple of days. Am working up a few things.



September 12th, 2022, 00:50
I've been searching for a Wrath and Glory sheet and think I found one on the forums but have no idea how to use it. Also, is there a theme for W&G somewhere?

October 7th, 2022, 22:04
Would Morecore be the best solution for Lamentations of the flame princess?

Or does anyone have a working sheet and by working i mean just roll saves , roll ability checks and stuff .
I do not need it to work in the combat tracker as i only use 2 tokens in the tracker , party and enemy.

Thanks for the responses!

October 7th, 2022, 23:12
It would certainly work but would Baynes OSE also work?

October 8th, 2022, 13:31
Heya , yeah it looks like i might be able to use this , i never even thought of it ty

October 8th, 2022, 13:32
using the carcass crawler D6 skills is a life saver for lotfp

January 15th, 2023, 15:37
Still a work in progress but have been working on a sheet for the Dragonbane Beta...

January 15th, 2023, 22:38
Thanks Gwydion!

February 21st, 2023, 00:14
Looks good! Please keep going!!