View Full Version : LFP1 Player (3 maybe) Weeknight Game PST US Time Zone (-8) 5E

July 7th, 2018, 01:43
One spot open for a female player. Other player positions have been filled. Thank you all for the interest. If anything opens up I will refer back to this thread.

FG License: Ultimate
Time Zone: Pacific Time Zone -8 UTC
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Wednesday Nights, 6-10 PM
Start Date: July 11th, 2018. Session Zero. Might be two Session Zeroes depending on time. Would like every player present for character creation.
Term: i.e. Long term, Campaign
Voice: Teamspeak for play and Discord for between play Campaign Information
Game System Preferred: 5E
Game System Experience: 6+ months, still sort of new but it'll work out, see below.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Current group of 5 players + DM have been playing together for 5 months.
Character Type Preferred: Any from PHB minus monk
Race Type: PHB, minus Halflings, Gnomes (don't exist in the world)
Requested Preference: The players have requested another female player. I'm open to all but will honor the request by giving preference to any female player applicants.
About me: Started playing in 1979. Played through the entire 80s and stopped for life stuff at around 1990. Back into it full force. Back in the day it was mostly combat centric, looking now for more story telling with die rolling. Whatever is fun for all.
I am new at the role playing but eager, so bare with me. Fingers crossed I'll be good at it.
Campaign Details: I enjoy realism in the game, everyone playing their role (character). I also enjoy a story of heroes coming in to save the day, no evil alignments, prefer good but neutral is okay. Please don't just default Chaotic Neutral though. Chaotic Neutral is fine but be aware I am shooting for realism, I hope players will be shooting for the same, so there could be consequences to in game "chaotic neutral" actions.

There will be home rules / variants to add to the realism / immersion.

The setting will be the island of Brasp Ait. A human dominated society of raiders and pillagers. Think the show Vikings and the two small villages are the expansion of the larger mainland group. Demi-humans are present but a tiny minority, either former slaves to the humans or second generation freed slaves.

Magic is extremely rare, but the characters do have access to it (spell caster classes). Don't ever expect to purchase a magic item in town.

New creatures. I want to recreate the first time playing for everyone. Everyone knows what a troll is and what it does, regenerate every round. But no one knows what a Grimp is.

Okay, that is long enough for now. Please contact me if interested. I will be reviewing requests. There is only one spot open, maybe 3 depending on previous player's deciding to join the new campaign. Include relevant details. The more details the higher the odds of being selected. Please be able to commit to a long term campaign. We play semi-regular (life still gets in the way sometimes) and want a committed player. By semi-regular I mean most Wednesdays barring holidays, work commitments, or heart attacks (yes, happened to the DM. I was very upset I let everyone down). This is the level of commitment I'm looking for. No wishy washy players please.

July 7th, 2018, 05:05
I'm interested in joining yourgame.
Here's a little background about me:
I've been playing and DM'ing RPGs since 1979. I've played games such as D&D ("Red Box" up to 3.5) and other fantasy games. I've played Top Secret, original Gamma World, Traveller and numerous other systems and settings.
I haven't gamed in a few years, as the local group I was in dissolved after some IRL stuff. I discovered FG and thought this would be an opportunity to meet new players and get back into a hobby I've enjoyed for a long time.
Experience with Fantasy Grounds: Very little. I've been watching tutorials on YouTube, but pick things up quickly by doing.
In a fantasy setting, I'm primarily interested in playing either a cleric or rogue, but can play anything that will balance the party. In sci-fi I like to play the brainiac of the team.
I enjoy role playing over dice rolling conventions, and have experience playing different personality types (from the morose to the manic and ever-so-serious to the chronically flippant)


July 7th, 2018, 05:21
I have been looking for a game on Wednesday nights around this time. I like the idea of remaking creatures that seems like it would really make things fun. Been playing since 3.5 stopped for a while and now I'm getting back into it. I have a few months experience with FG but I have learned a good bit so far. I really want to find a long term game and there should be no problems with being available every night other than the occasional fussy child but he usually goes to sleep with no problems. I am CST have a couple human based characters I am thinking about playing so really what ever the group needs the most I am good with. Shoot me a message if you still have a space available. Thanks

July 7th, 2018, 17:08
Sounds interesting. So are you allowing the human variant? I have played RPG games including Empire of the Petal throne, Runquest, Cyberpunk, Shadowrun, Morrow Porject, Star Wars, Gurps and others since 1970. Familiar with FG for 4 years. Been a GM and player. Can do voices and personalities to a certain degree and love the story telling. Let me know if it's available.

July 8th, 2018, 07:28
I'd like to apply for your game.

I am a longtime DM/GM. I began playing D&D in the 80s, but ran Star Wars for nearly 20 years. I also ran a 7th Sea game for 5 years. I skipped the 3rd and 4th editions of D&D as I didn't like them, but 5E feels better and is more comfortable.

I'm anxious to play, as I rarely find the opportunity. As a father and husband, I spend most my early evenings with my family, so my availability for gaming runs into the late hours. I'm in CST so your 6pm PST is perfect for me. I should point out, due to your group's specific request, that I am not a female.

I am a team player, who will work for the party, and for the players. I can't play evil no matter the game type or genre. I like to give characters a life and a voice. As a stage actor in the past, this comes out of habit and desire. I like to be accommodating and I am easy to get along with.

July 8th, 2018, 16:28
Thanks all for the interest. So far we have 5 players and I would like to hold out a possible sixth spot for a female player.

July 8th, 2018, 21:42
Fair enough. Hope you get someone soon. :)