View Full Version : Motivated & dedicated player seeking long term 5e group!

Andrew Bradford
July 4th, 2018, 03:39

Hi there, my name is Andrew and I have been playing tabletop games for about 2years now, my only experience being in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition as primarily a DM. I fell in love with this style of gaming the moment I tried it, all my previous doodles, notes, and ideas for worldbuilding and adventures drew me into this game like a moth to a flame. Over the past 6 months, I have been running a series of campaigns (currently 3) that all play weekly within the same campaign setting as I slowly build it from the ground up. I love it and could spend the rest of my life enjoying every moment of its growth, but the more I play and the more I learn, the more I want to be in the players seat, to understand and truly embrace the experience and the amount I could learn from being a player. I want to meet other players of this beautiful game and relax as I take time out of my week to sit down for a few hours and truly appreciate what other DMs are doing for this community.


Due to being a stay at home dad at the ripe young age of 22, I have plenty of free time and availability and would be more than happy to go over that in more detail upon being contacted.


Being a player in your game, I expect to meet likeminded individuals all with their own traits and playstyle who wish to come together to have a wonderful experience with what the DM puts in front of us.

I wish to support and uplift the other players of my group to empower them and their characters in all aspects of this game.
I wish to create and adapt a character concept that fits with the group and the campaign that is being run
In short, I want to be a team player so that I can help myself along with others in enjoying the beauty of the experiences and memories this game provides.


My playstyle is still not fully known to me as I have had most of my experience behind the DM screen, though I do believe like with DMing, I primarily enjoy the story telling and having a shared creative space with others.
When it comes to rules, I am alright with rule bending and homebrew so long as it is made clear at the start with the expectations of the groups, rather than by suprise.

Closing Statement

I have been looking for a campaign to take part in as a player off and on for quite some time now, so I hope for the best and if there is any other information you would like to know just contact me through a private message or reply to this post. Thank you very much for taking the time to learn about me and consider me for your group! :)