View Full Version : Handle user cookie network timeout error, bought off of steam

July 2nd, 2018, 18:40
I purchased this from the steam store to start.
I had the game running a few times with friend and played around with the basics.
After that I decided to purchase some of the adventures league modules to play around with.
Went to update as the screen told me in the receipt as I assume this purchase information would be tied to my account.
After many attempts of scouring the forums for this problem I was unable to find anything relatable. (At this point in time I have given up on looking and want a more direct answer)

If needed I will provide more detail but as of now I am stuck and annoyed. It worked before, why not now?

These errors:


July 2nd, 2018, 18:54
Hey Captain, welcome to the forums.

Are you using MalwareBytes? A recent update of theirs a couple weeks ago is known to block FG from updating. If so, you'll need to change/turn-off MWB during the update. Exact steps can be found if you search the forums here for malwarebytes. (Sorry, I don't remember the steps)

July 2nd, 2018, 19:37
Indeed, this looks like the Malewarebytes issue. See the second news item on your Steam page for Fantasy Grounds. To solve the issue switch of the enhanced web thingie in MWB.

July 2nd, 2018, 22:40
Thank you I would not have guessed MWB would have been the thing killing it. I will look for these steps.

July 9th, 2020, 07:29
I am having the same issue but, I do not have MWB installed on this computer. This started happening today.

July 9th, 2020, 07:36
Welcome HelmutVon

If you are with Comcast, Cox, Shaw or Xfinity there is a sticky thread you should check.

Something is blocking you from accessing the update servers.