View Full Version : (LFP) Curse of Strahd, Thursday 7pm ET

July 1st, 2018, 22:31
I am looking for one or two players to continue 5e Curse of Strahd. One of my players had real life happen and he had to drop out.

I run at 4 pm Pacific (7 pm Eastern) Thursdays.

The remaining party is as follows:

Light Cleric
Monster Slayer Ranger (ranged)
Champion Fighter (dual weld)

If you are interested, let me know. You would be coming in as a Level 5 character, to the town of Vallaki. I would ask those who have already played through all of Curse of Strahd to not apply.

We use Skype for communication. Discord is also an option.

July 3rd, 2018, 21:50
I would love to play, I am free at that time, I don't normally use skype but its an easy install.

I can see your party is lacking some magic, and possibly a rogue for traps, I'm very easy with either. Just let me know.

July 4th, 2018, 03:44
Zombie, I've sent you a Private Message.

July 4th, 2018, 04:10
I'd also be interested in this if I'm not too late.
I've only played 1 session of the beginning of CoS before.
I'm pretty flexible on classes, so I'm sure I can fine something to complement the party.
I generally just use Discord, but I'm sure I can figure Skype out if needed.

EDIT: What's the RP/Combat ratio? I generally prefer a little more RP than combat, but 50/50 is also fine.

July 4th, 2018, 04:42
I'm also interested. If you've still got an opening. I've played 5e before as a lore bard. I'd like to try another spellcaster, maybe sorc or wizard. But druid could also be fun.

July 6th, 2018, 01:05
I would like to join this game. I've played since 3rd ed but am relatively new to fantasy grounds. I really want to learn more as I plan to run games for some friends of mine that are too far away from me to play at the table. Let me know if you still have an opening. Thanks.

July 7th, 2018, 15:31
Thank you all for responding! I have my players.