View Full Version : Help with FG for Mac

June 25th, 2018, 00:56
I am planning to purchase an ultimate license for use in running live sessions (not web based).

I have an old Mac Pro that is the only available machine for this. It is running OSX 10.6.8, with no SSD and only 4GB Ram. What is the best way to make this work? I note 4GB is listed as ok in the FG system req.

Apparently, Wine can only be used with OSX 10.10.


In addition, Steam requires 10.7.

So what should I do? I can upgrade the OS, but I have to be careful because at some point the newer OS will slow the computer significantly.

(1) Does anyone know how far up I should go with an upgrade? The Mac is MacBookPro8,1

(2) Does it cost money to upgrade the OS this far back?

(3) Is there some other way to run FG on some older version of Wine, or something.

I really would like to use FG, but I can’t afford a new system right now.

June 25th, 2018, 02:28
Have you tried the FG Mac installer found here; https://www.fantasygrounds.com/home/FGMacInstallation.php

June 25th, 2018, 02:36
No, because everything I've read on the FG web page has suggested it requires Wine or Steam. Is this new? Maybe I was looking at an unupdated page or something? I haven't bought the software yet because I want to be sure I can run it.

So... can I just use that installer to run on Snow Leopard?


June 25th, 2018, 02:40
Not sure if that will work or not. It is a Wine wrapper installer. So it installed some version of Wine or Wine subset, but doesn't do a full (I think) Wine install.

so, FG requires Wine, but that installer will do it for you. It doesn't say what Mac OSs its compatible with though and I don't know Macs well enough to guess :0

June 25th, 2018, 02:48
[Double post removed]

June 25th, 2018, 02:49
Yeah, ok, just installed the demo and it seems to be running fine. Awesome!

Thank you for your help, not sure what page I was reading that suggested I needed more than this...

So it does work with Snow Leopard, for anyone curious.


June 25th, 2018, 02:50
Not sure why it double-posted above...

June 25th, 2018, 03:04
No problem on the double-post. Sometimes happens to all of us.

Glad that installer worked. That wrapper install is relatively new (a year?) so a lot of stuff still references installing Wine or Parallels manually.