View Full Version : LFG 1 Player Europe/Middle East Time Zone 5e (or Starfinder?)

June 23rd, 2018, 06:33
FG License: Ultimate License
Time Zone: GMT +3
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: After 6:30 pm Sunday - Wednesday, after 9 am Thursday - Saturday
Term: Long term, module, or one-shot
Voice: Discord, Skype

Game System Preferred: D&D 5e or possibly Starfinder
Game System Experience: I have been playing/DMing 5e for the last 1.5 years and I have almost all WotC published material for that system so I am very familiar with that. I am also very intrigued with Starfinder and would love to give that system a go if someone would be willing to give a newbie a helping hand with it.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I have a solid understanding of FG basics and am continually learning as I gain more experience. I've purchased all of the core 5e FG modules and I have been GMing a Sunless Citadel game for my family for the past several months.

Character Type Preferred: Willing to play any race and most classes. I don't have a lot of experience with casters but would love to give one a try. I really don't much care to play rogues or bards, they're just not my style.
About me: I work remotely in Saudi Arabia and have a lot of free time on my hands. I've searched for games in the forums and Discord but there just doesn't seem to be a lot that comes available in my available time period so I've decided to be a little more proactive. I'm not averse to DMing a laid back group but require Hamachi to connect. I like a 50/50 roleplay combat mix and really like a good story. I think the whole point of RPGing, for me at least, is to have fun and tell a good story. I would make an excellent addition to your group and a good network connection for finding a game as a player when I decide to run a game in the near future.

June 27th, 2018, 19:53
Having been unable to expeditiously find a game in which to play, I have decided to run another of my own.

I am looking for 2 - 3 players on Saturday evenings starting 1700 GMT+3. We will be starting at lvl 1 playing Lost Mine of Phandelver. We will use Discord for voice chat and you will be required to connect via Hamachi.

I’m posting here first because a) I’m lazy and still jet-lagging and don’t want to go to the effort of starting a new LFP thread, and b) I want to reward the persistent and thorough. See, if you’re like me and click on all those LFG threads even though you are desperately searching for LFP threads, you were right, it did pay off. The downside is you are now cursed to click on all those LFG threads forever more. Bwahahaha.

Please PM me if you are interested. This is a condition of the curse because I may have filled those 2 slots within 15 minutes of posting here. You just don’t know because I’m not going to reply to anyone who posts below because they weren’t thorough enough to read this. See? (Like I said, jet-lagging.)

June 28th, 2018, 07:45
Bump to bait the proper time zones.