View Full Version : LFP 1player Tyranny of dragons A.E.S.T.

June 23rd, 2018, 06:15
FG License: Ultimate
Game System: 5e

Time Zone: A.E.S.T. GMT +10
Day of week and time: Sunday from 9pm to 11:30pm
Planned Duration & Frequency: weekly
Term: long term

Text or Voice: voice
Voice software used: currently using discord

Roleplay & Combat mix:50/50 mix leaning more on the roleplay side
Number of Players in game & needed:we ave 4 player looking for 1
Character starting level & equipment: starting from 6th
Character restrictions:all official content allowed however dm is willing to listen to request

Details of your scenario: we are a pretty easy going group who like to have fun our party currently consists of one paladin journeying with the party to avenge their cleric friend from the same order (the player previous character), one incredibly lovable half-orc barbarian with an unrivalled hatred for anything with scales and resembles a dragon and our tabaxi rogue with the heart of gold, an incredibly edgy human blood hunter and a dm who hopes everyone has fun. unfortunately after our party wizard had to drop out due to personal reasons, we are looking for 1 player to join the party. currently the party has arrived in waterdeep following the cult of the dragon as they transport the treasure stolen from greenest and it's surrounding area.

TL;DR we like to have fun with our characters, looking for 1 more player, experienced and inexperienced players welcome,important details at the top of this post, if you think this game is for you please send me a pm