View Full Version : Looking for dm

The Mountain King
June 22nd, 2018, 02:51
Our D&D 5e group of 4 players have been together since Feb. 2017 and we just lost our DM we had from the beginning. We're lost without him, and we need a new DM to lead us into new adventures in Faerun!! We're experienced in both roleplaying and Dungeons & Dragons 5e, as well as using Roll20 for our online gaming. We have never used Fantasy Grounds before and none of us know exactly how to use it, but it does seem simple to us and shouldn't be difficult to learn. We're looking for a DM that is experienced with Fantasy Grounds and perhaps has the Ultimate version so we can try the game out before becoming too invested. We're not opposed to buying the game, if we find it worthy of investment so-to-speak, haha. We're a friendly bunch and open to many options, so please don't be afraid of us! WE'RE NOT MONGOLOIDS! :D

June 22nd, 2018, 03:33
Hey I'm a relatively new dm with an ultimate fg license, no purchase necessary. What day and time are you guys looking for? Can you tell me more about the group? What kind of players you guys are, what you're looking for in a dm and in a campaign, what you guys have done so far, as well as things like whether you guys want to start over from the beginning or use your characters as you have them now (I don't mind either way, but the answer to that last one will tell me what additional information I need)? I look forward to your response.

The Mountain King
June 22nd, 2018, 10:04
We're looking for around 10pm EST start time, preferably Tuesday. We're a group of friends that has been playing together since Feb 2017 so we work well together and prefer to stick together because we really enjoy each other's company. We're super friendly and respectful and roleplay well together. We look forward to having fun in a campaign. We love roleplaying and we love combat, preferably in somewhat equal proportions. We are looking for a DM that is casual and runs a good clean game and likes to have fun, whether that is being bogged down in the rules for a little bit or just super casual and accepting of the situation. We just want to have a great time, no matter the campaign. Obviously we'd prefer to be super badass heroes that save the day, but anything is acceptable. We've played only a few sessions into the Tyranny of Dragons campaign before our previous DM had to bail on us, so we'd prefer to continue that, but honestly it doesn't really matter. We've also run the Sunless Citadel and some of the Princes of the Apocalypse as well (We TPK'd). We have many characters ready to go, but absolutely have no issues whatsoever of creating new characters or using previous characters and starting over at level 1. We are super easy going and are just looking to roll a bunch of dice, roleplay a bit, and have some fun!

The Mountain King
June 23rd, 2018, 22:18
Hi my name is Chad. I'm a part of a group of D&D players (4 total) who have played together since Feb 2017 and have enjoyed our time together immensely. We recently lost our DM to real-life business, but we still wish to remain as a group so we are looking for a great DM to take over and have lots of fun with us!. We're a friendly bunch, who like to roleplay and roll dice in equal proportions, we play well together, and are probably too smart for our own good. We love to tell jokes and just have a great time while playing D&D 5e.
Our availability is kind of odd as most of us keep busy so we'd like to keep the same game time we've been using for over a year, which would be Tuesdays from 10pm-1am EST. We can do up to two hours earlier, but no more.
We're way open to anything the DM needs from us. We've been playing on Roll20 and none of us own Fantasy Grounds, so we'd prefer a DM with the Ultimate License so we can at least try it out before we invest further. We use Discord as a voice/chat service because it's free and awesome!

The Mountain King
June 27th, 2018, 22:28
We are still looking for a DM to run our adventures! If you are interested, please either reply to this or send me a direct message and I will get back to you ASAP! Thanks

June 30th, 2018, 00:53
Hi Chad. I would be happy to try DMing for your gang. I have an Ultimate license for Fantasy Grounds and own the full catalog of 5e official content. Tuesdays at 10PM Eastern Time works fine for me as well. The only caveat is I'm quite new to DMing and to running Fantasy Grounds from the DM end. So there may be a little stumbling in the beginning but I'm quite confident I'll catch on quickly if you guys are patient with me.

Look forward to hearing from you.


The Mountain King
June 30th, 2018, 10:42
Thank you for your interest, and I must apologize for not updating this forum immediately, but it looks like we found our new DM for the time being. Thank you so much for your expressed interest in us! If anything changes with our current arrangement, we will be sure to contact you A.S.A.P!

For future reference, WE ARE NO LONGER LOOKING FOR A DM. :( (I'm not sure how to take a forum post down, if you know how, please reply to this message and let me know! Thanks)

The Mountain King
July 4th, 2018, 09:28
As of now our group is now LOOKING FOR A DM :) If you are a fun and friendly DM that has the ultimate license (we don't own the game) then our group of 4 players would love to hear from you! We've been playing together since Feb. 2017 and are good friends that are looking to find a DM that matches our fun play style. We enjoy equal portions of RP/Exploration/Combat and are looking for a DM who is willing to accommodate us. Our current availability is still only Tuesdays around 8pm. (Will update if this changes) Please either reply to this post or message me directly on Fantasy Grounds. Thank you for your interest :)

July 4th, 2018, 10:07
I'm still interested. I sent you A PM.

July 4th, 2018, 12:31
Hey Wrongwriter, I hope you got the DM gig. I noticed you are in Raleigh, NC. I live in Garner. If you ever want to get an "around the table" group together hit me up. I have a whole room dedicated to gaming with a 54in tv table. Looking for regular 5e or starfinder players. Sorry for hijacking your thread Mountain King. Happy gaming all!!!