View Full Version : LFP - 5E D&D - Tomb of Annihilation;Need 2-4 Players; Streaming; Mondays EST 7pm-10pm

June 19th, 2018, 05:28
FG License: GM has Ultimate License
Game System: D&D 5E

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time (UTC - 5)
Day of week and time: Monday Afternoons 7-10 PM
New game: Character creation/Intro: June 25 | First full game: July 2
Planned Duration & Frequency: 3 hour sessions, weekly or biweekly as per group vote.
Term: Long term - Would like to go through the whole campaign.

Desired Team Makeup: New or old players welcome. Please Note: This is my first time DMing using FG as the main gaming method, so it will take a bit of getting used to on my part.

Text or Voice: Both, voice is likely to be used the most
Voice software used: Discord, unless the group thinks there's a better option.

Roleplay & Combat mix: 60/40 -- I try to incorporate both, I tend to be more RP heavy, and like it when people find creative solutions.
Number of Players in game & needed: 2-4. Already have two, one veteran and one newer player.
Character starting level & equipment: 1st level with standard array

Character restrictions: No characters that purposefully go against the party.

Character Suggestions: In the interest of making things fun, I like it when people choose a flaw and a useful quirk. Generally speaking I will give penalties for the flaw and benefits for the quirk at the very beginning and the more you play your character the more likely to be rewarded for it you are. For example, a holy man with a vow of extreme poverty would only be allowed to own basic survival gear, but would gain some monk-like abilities to make himself competitive with the foes. Or, another example, a compulsive liar would have to make will saves to tell the truth, but after using the same lie enough times said lie would be virtually undetectable via normal lie detection means (ex: zone of truth, sense motive... etc) due to the character himself coming to believe it to be the truth.

These Core rule books and supplement books are open:
Players Handbook
Xanathar's Guide to Everything

Details of your scenario:

A plague has descended over the world, those that have risen from the dead have begun to waste away at a rapid pace. Death magics are no longer working correctly, and in some cases, do not work at all. A friend has reached out to you with a proposal, solve this problem or bring her enough information to solve the problem herself, and she'll reward you with rare magical items... you know she's good for it, she is, after all, one of the most famous dealers of magical artifacts in the world.


Please respond to this thread if you are interested.

The things I'd like to know are:

The character concept you'd like to play.
Your experience in D&D
What sort of things you're looking for in a DM

About Me:

I've been DMing D&D games seriously since 2004. I purchased FG in order to streamline my games, but unfortunately, with real life players on laptops it just never worked out. People would always end up playing around on the computer and ignoring the game, so I switched back to true table-top stuff with no tech. Recently, my gaming group has become too busy to have games with any regular frequency, so I decided to give FG another go, this time with players online.

My games tend to get very interesting and somewhat adult-oriented. If foul language and edgy jokes are not for you, we probably won't get along. In the interest of keeping things on track though, I would like to limit that sort of thing. To that end, I bought the Tomb of Annihilation module, that way we can keep to a somewhat pre-canned adventure and not stray off into the weeds. My players end up being very quirky and very involved with their characters, which I tend to like, but sometimes that leads to games where players just end up shopping, or for some reason I've yet to figure out, "adopting" orphans, freeing slaves, creating nemeses, or generally involving themselves in the affairs of higher beings.

One of my players that is going to join us has been playing in groups with me since 2008-2009. He tends to be a bit of a rules lawyer from time to time, but generally prefers a RP heavy style where the character matters most. If you can construct a reason via back story to be friends with him, it'll work the best.

The other player is a recent addition that has only played 2 games with me so far. She gets a bit flustered easily but tries very hard to play her character. She'll be loyal to a fault to characters that show her kindness, and will usually try to do things to save/help the party even if it goes against her alignment, common sense, or a hand-delivered edict from a god.

Finally, I intend to stream this on youtube. Once upon a time, I held a massive multi-year campaign of Sky Vikings and we recorded every session. Unfortunately, that proved to be way more editing than was really possible, so it never got posted anywhere. It was fun, interesting, and funny, and it gave the game a character that I have yet to be able to reproduce. Given the time investment in editing, what I'd like to do this time is Live Stream on youtube and then edit down only the best events into some pseudo-animated skit pieces. That way we don't always need to remember the stories, we have one place we can point people to see the best stories/memories. With that said, I'd like everyone to make a sketch of their character, it doesn't matter how poorly you draw, I'm pretty terrible at it myself, but I'll end up making a bunch.

June 19th, 2018, 06:36

I would like the opportunity to play in your game. I have been roleplaying off and on again for almost 20 years. I currently am running 2 games through Fantasy Grounds. I am feeling the need to be a player character as well. I have two concepts in mind for this game. A teifling warlock who cannot lie or a human rogue who views death as just another state of existence so has no qualms about killing. It sounds dark, but at the same time he knows killing can be messy and leave those seeking revenge, so he is not psychotic or evil. Just neutral about the whole death thing.

What I look for in a DM is someone who recognizes story counts about rules. While it is important to have guidelines, the story should dictate what is and is not possible, not some rule. In the games I run I tell all players, I will bend, break or outright ignore the rules if it makes sense within the story.

I hope to hear from you.


June 19th, 2018, 14:23
I am interested in playing. I have played DnD on and off for 15+ years. Played every addition but hated 4e. I am enjoying 5e and DM 2 sessions of my own. I perfer RP over power builds and enjoy a DM who can foster RP but keep the story moving as well and not let the party get bogged down in the weeds.

I would be interested in playing a brooding and dark dwarf paladin. He is just past his middle age for a dwarf, 230 years old. His flaw would be a drinking or drug problem due to a haunted past. He failed his Clan and Kingdom in his distant past. He was drunk/"stoned" one night when he was on guard duty. An orc assisan was able to infiltrate the king's chambers and assassinate the king. His clan shaved his beard and banished him from the Kingdom. Since that time over 130 years ago. He has never grown a beard. He keeps his head and chin shaved clean. I am unsure of the level but his is on the path for Oath of Vengeance. His quirk is alterness and difficulty to suprise. Ironically, that is why he was guarding the King that fatefilled night.

June 19th, 2018, 15:41
I'm interested in joining this group and getting into a long-term game. Mondays works pretty well for my schedule also. I'm not new to DnD, but I am new to 5e and haven't played since the 3.5e days.

As for my character, I'd like to play a Warlock if that works with the party. In either case, I'd like to use the Anthropologist background rules specific for ToA. This character flaw is that he would be stuck up and a bit of a diva. I think his need to explore new cultures would clash with his feelings of superiority in interestings ways.

June 19th, 2018, 17:45
Hello here is Alpha!
Im a fairly noobie player, just played once and honestly i gotta say, i f****** loved it. I usually play with a Dual sword wielder, High elf, Fighter that escaped from a "Noble" life and turned to be a knight of the order, just because he wants to help those who can't help themselves.

I also got another idea of a character an Aasimar that went against the rules and defied everything to change the state of order among celestials and ended up rejected by everyone.

Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have a game or on going campaing that you think i might be able to be a part of it! i'll gladly accept as much games as i can handle.

Alpha#7749 Thats me on discord if you want to contact me through there.

On a Dm i mainly look for someone who I can learn from and i can help make a great story.

June 19th, 2018, 21:26
Hello, i'm brand new to FG but love what i see. I am a 30 year D&D veteran and have played everything from basic to 4th ed. I can play any class, but have often liked the Warpriest or Zealot roles. I am recently disabled and have tons of time on my hands, so i am available for a fill in role to a multiyear campaign. Your concept of the magical artifact dealer sounds good and easy to work with, and a cleric looking for a specific item for his parish sounds like a good fit for me to play, but i will be open to whatever is needed. I am west coast time. lets give it a go, Thanks, Wardogg

June 20th, 2018, 03:44
I should have said that this campaign will start at level 1, and there are two modes for it:

1. Normal Mode
2. Meat Grinder Mode (Significantly harder)

On Thursday afternoon, I'll send messages out to everyone whose concept I like. I'll be going for a balanced party (in terms of classes).

Also, I notice the angsty concept seems to be popular. I'd like to try to keep things a bit more upbeat than that, but I don't mind one or two angsty characters. If you're going to play one like that I'll ask you not to get too dark with it.

June 20th, 2018, 18:47
Hi the names LeviFoxend and i've play my share of Dnd 5e in FG
I'ed loved to join with my Goblin druid Sazmao Ruftaie a former minion of an evil wizard that was kill by a gourd of 'heroes'.
Found by wood elf druid and now is a defender of nature travelling to find the cause of this anomaly and fix
He's a overall an happy, prank pulling and kind to animal and nature
But some time his treys to eat random things and people

hope to join you

June 21st, 2018, 23:47
Alright everyone, I sent out messages to people with contact information.

I primarily chose to make a balanced party, and then where there were multiple options for characters of similar type, I rolled a smiley face die and chose the person the die liked best -- unless there was a character concept I just had to see in play.

Thanks for volunteering, and I'm sorry if you didn't get picked this time around. If I enjoy using FG as much as I hope, I'll probably be posting a few one-shots in the future. If anyone that didn't get picked wants, they can PM me and I'll send them a link to where the live streams will be so they can see what sort of DM I am, and know for next time if they want to be in a game I run.