View Full Version : 5E ruleset, TYPE() code question

June 15th, 2018, 06:53
So tonight I was messing about with TYPE() effects and noticed that it wouldn't work for me when the npc type was set to "goblin" and the TYPE(goblin) was in the effect. It seems that for some reason the getCreatureTypeHelper() code depends on some static arrays. If the "type" isn't in those then it doesn't find it so the TYPE never works.

This is the function that splits up the TYPE() and compares it to the DataCommon.* arrays.

function getCreatureTypeHelper(sTypeCheck, bUseDefaultType)
local aCheckSplit = StringManager.split(sTypeCheck:lower(), ", %(%)", true);

local aTypeCheck = {};
local aSubTypeCheck = {};

-- Handle half races
local nHalfRace = 0;
for k = 1, #aCheckSplit do
if aCheckSplit[k]:sub(1, #DataCommon.creaturehalftype) == DataCommon.creaturehalftype then
aCheckSplit[k] = aCheckSplit[k]:sub(#DataCommon.creaturehalftype + 1);
nHalfRace = nHalfRace + 1;
if nHalfRace == 1 then
if not StringManager.contains (aCheckSplit, DataCommon.creaturehalftypesubrace) then
table.insert(aCheckSplit, DataCommon.creaturehalftypesubrace);

-- Check each word combo in the creature type string against standard creature types and subtypes
for k = 1, #aCheckSplit do
for _,sMainType in ipairs(DataCommon.creaturetype) do
local aMainTypeSplit = StringManager.split(sMainType, " ", true);
if #aMainTypeSplit > 0 then
local bMatch = true;
for i = 1, #aMainTypeSplit do
if aMainTypeSplit ~= aCheckSplit[k - 1 + i] then
bMatch = false;
if bMatch then
table.insert(aTypeCheck, sMainType);
k = k + (#aMainTypeSplit - 1);
for _,sSubType in ipairs(DataCommon.creaturesubtype) do
local aSubTypeSplit = StringManager.split(sSubType, " ", true);
if #aSubTypeSplit > 0 then
local bMatch = true;
for i = 1, #aSubTypeSplit do
if aSubTypeSplit[i] ~= aCheckSplit[k - 1 + i] then
bMatch = false;
if bMatch then
table.insert(aSubTypeCheck, sSubType);
k = k + (#aSubTypeSplit - 1);

-- Make sure we have a default creature type (if requested)
if bUseDefaultType then
if #aTypeCheck == 0 then
table.insert(aTypeCheck, DataCommon.creaturedefaulttype);

-- Combine into a single list
for _,vSubType in ipairs(aSubTypeCheck) do
table.insert(aTypeCheck, vSubType);

return aTypeCheck;

This is the function I ended up with. BOLD I replaced, italic I commented. Basically I just didn't use the above function.

function isCreatureType(rActor, sTypeCheck)
-- I dont like having static list of types
[I]--local aTypeCheck = getCreatureTypeHelper(sTypeCheck, false);
-- so ... just split on comma
local aTypeCheck = StringManager.split(sTypeCheck:lower(), ",", true);
if #aTypeCheck == 0 then
return false;
local sType, nodeActor = ActorManager.getTypeAndNode(rActor);
local sField = "race";
if sType ~= "pc" then
sField = "type";
-- I dont like having static list of types
--local aTypeActor = getCreatureTypeHelper(DB.getValue(nodeActor, sField, ""), true);
-- so split on comma and go.
local sTypeString = DB.getValue(nodeActor, sField, "")
local aTypeActor = StringManager.split(sTypeString:lower(), ",", true);

local bReturn = false;
for kCheck,vCheck in ipairs(aTypeCheck) do
if StringManager.contains(aTypeActor, vCheck) then
bReturn = true;
return bReturn;

It by-passes those static array checks and checks for any TYPE() given with any possible creature TYPE set on an npc. To me it seems infinitely more useful to have it work for whatever the DM decides to set for a type because not using the arrays doesn't break it if it's never needed far as I can tell.

So, I know you guys did this for a reason and I'm curious, why?

Ken L
June 15th, 2018, 15:26
IIRC it does this for most "types" in the data_common be they damage (fire,cold,electricity), conditions (stunned, intoxicated, cursed), etc.. It's a validity checker so it makes sense to filter out non-valid entries.

Adding additional types to the data_common isn't a huge deal, but if it's removed then anything under the sun can be considered a type, including typos.

June 15th, 2018, 15:39
IIRC it does this for most "types" in the data_common be they damage (fire,cold,electricity), conditions (stunned, intoxicated, cursed), etc.. It's a validity checker so it makes sense to filter out non-valid entries.

Adding additional types to the data_common isn't a huge deal, but if it's removed then anything under the sun can be considered a type, including typos.

It's not a big deal for someone like us to add/change it but if a DM just happens to make up a new races/type of creatures... it's a non-trivial thing for most people I would imagine.

I can sorta see why they would want to have arrays for weapon/power damage types but still, NPC types aren't used for anything other than... effect TYPE() that I know of. As a filter, again, I don't see the win. If it's a typo (the effect string) it won't match regardless. If the value is a typo on the NPC it won't match the effect string.

It just seems overly complex (and restrictive) for comparing with npc.type. I'm wondering if this is something that's still hanging around due to some previous ruleset requirement.

Moon Wizard
June 15th, 2018, 17:55
Technically, the goblin sub-type is "goblinoid", which several creatures in the MM fit into.

It's because the Type field is a freeform string field that can be stuffed with any text. By limiting, it defines clear support for the various valid NPC creature types.

Also, it is a bit of code maintenance, since it is maintained in step with Pathfinder code in which the Type field is stuffed with lots of other information (alignment, size, etc.)

Plus, I've found that third party content creators can sometimes get creative with where data is placed.


June 15th, 2018, 18:15
Also, it is a bit of code maintenance, since it is maintained in step with Pathfinder code in which the Type field is stuffed with lots of other information (alignment, size, etc.)

Okay, that explains it ;)

I wish I could figure out a decent branching repository tool that allowed for variances in specific files that didn't require a lot of fiddling to work with.