View Full Version : LFG, 5e 1 player, starting 19:00 (7PM) UTC+2 to 21:00 (9PM) Thursday or Saturday

June 14th, 2018, 23:15
Edit: Thursday has been reserved

FG License: Standard.
Time Zone: UTC +2.
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: 19:00 (7PM) UTC+2 to 21:00 (9PM) or Saturday, weekly.
Term: Modules work fine, I'd prefer starting at lvl 1 and working up, working through a few modules with character development woven in, ideally an adventure lvl 1 to 20 but i'm not really picky.
Voice: I myself am mute, so i will use the text chat, i can listen in to Discord but would prefer not to download some new software as i'm already cycling through games due to limited free space.

Game System Preferred: 5e.
Game System Experience: 5e.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I believe i have the necessary mastery of the system to play, though i'm still new.

Character Type Preferred: Warlock, i have a great preference for magic classes.
About me: I'd love to join a long term game starting at lvl 1, if i get to play a Warlock i would look to the DM to design the patron as the charm of the class is dealing with the unknown, i joke OOC on occasion and i'm not afraid of dirty jokes, dirty RP is passable as long as it doesn't devolve into an ERP in a fantasy setting.

Points of note

- I enjoy small creative rule bending, i'll fit better in a group that'll allow me to do that, but i have no issue playing the rules strictly as written.
- I do not enjoy the idea of AL, i'll respectfully decline invites to AL groups
- I greatly prefer weekly games, i have 2 days, and i'm willing to invest both into a single game if the schedules match up.

Basically a repost using a cleaner template, thank you PhorgottenSon

June 18th, 2018, 20:25
Self-bump for attention

June 19th, 2018, 17:44
If I had a campaign starting at level 1 I would definitely invite you in. You seem to have a good player outlook. I don't like AL either. Not enough freedom for the player and his character. Hope you get into a game soon. If things change on my side I'll look you up.

June 19th, 2018, 17:47
Sweet, thanks for the comment ^^

June 24th, 2018, 19:37
Attention bump #2