View Full Version : Looking for a new player (D&D 5E)

June 12th, 2018, 23:58
Once again I am looking for a replacement player. We are nearing the end of the Hoard of the Dragon Queen and will be heading into the Rise of Tiamat. Our group has been together for over a year now and we have lost three of the original six participants. One due to real life and two due to "no call, no show". I hated dropping them, but it was not fair to those that are there all the time and/or let me know before hand they will not be.

I have also lost two replacement characters for unknown reasons. One played one session and never came back, the other made several sessions then failed to show for a few. It may possibly be that I am a poor DM? The fact that the original six consistently said they enjoyed the game makes me believe that it is something else. I have seen one of the replacements on here looking for games during our game time after he joined our game so.......

Anyway, what I am seeking is a MATURE player who is looking to participate in a long term game being played on Monday evenings from 5 - 9 pm US Central time. We use Discord as our comms and we (as I stated previously) have been at it for over a year. I will tell you up front that we (I) are being very picky for this replacement. What the group needs is a tank of some sort, character wise, player wise we need someone who is committed to the game and wishes to be involved in the story. We don't need a rules lawyer, but knowledge of the rules is not a disqualifying factor.

People new to Fantasy Grounds are welcome, however as this is a long running game and the Characters are at 8th Lvl, understanding of your character and their abilities and actions is a must. We can figure out the effects together.

On a personal note, as the DM, I am an old fart (I should probably say old fashioned) and not interested in super-elaborate builds and class combos. I enjoy the simple builds and believe that the fun is in the ROLE Play not the ROLL Play.

The remaining players in the group are all more mature (mentally not physically) and all enjoy the same RP that I do. They have however gotten quite good at handling ANY encounter that I throw their way.

If you are interested please send me a PM and we can arrange a meeting on Discord, I will advise you that some or all of my players will more than likely join us for this discussion as this is their game we are tinkering with.

Thanks in advance for any interest shown.

June 13th, 2018, 00:16
Hola OldJarhead unfortunately losing players that have been pulled together without previous history together will suffer losses along the way.
Keeping 3 for a year is pretty fair going.

Potential players reading this - its ok if a game doesnt meet your style or you dont gel with others at the table - after the session have a chat or send an email to the GM and let them know. The internet is not an excuse for forgetting manners. A little communication and we can all go our separate ways happily.

Oh - and I guess that doesnt just apply to players - we ALL need to communicate!

June 13th, 2018, 01:19
Hola OldJarhead unfortunately losing players that have been pulled together without previous history together will suffer losses along the way.
Keeping 3 for a year is pretty fair going.

Potential players reading this - its ok if a game doesnt meet your style or you dont gel with others at the table - after the session have a chat or send an email to the GM and let them know. The internet is not an excuse for forgetting manners. A little communication and we can all go our separate ways happily.

Oh - and I guess that doesnt just apply to players - we ALL need to communicate!

I agree 100% on the communication, and to any potential players, I have an open door policy, always have and do take CONSTRUCTIVE criticism well. Okay, maybe not well, but I can handle it! :)

June 13th, 2018, 02:22
I'm interested, and have no problem with playing a damage soaker of some sort. I have a couple questions though. Is this a weekly game? From your message above, do you not allow multiclassing? I use multiclassing to help me get a more focused character concept, not to put 3 levels into the best classes to roll the highest dice or whatever.

June 15th, 2018, 00:38
What lvl would our character start at?

June 15th, 2018, 01:28
What lvl would our character start at?


We play every week on Monday from 5 - 9 PM US Central.

The party needs a tank more than anything and the DM will not allow any Half-Orc, Tortle......let's just say he is looking for a plain old, boring human fighter!

June 15th, 2018, 01:42
Hmh, not what i'm looking for sadly, thanks anyhow

June 15th, 2018, 04:41
Would love to join your group but the time may be a bit of an issue. I'm in Arizona so I'm a bit earlier and don't get home from work until a bit later. It's a lot to ask but any chance of pushing the time back a bit or a weekend?
I'm an old timer as well, having been playing since the 80's. Also, my favorite character to play is a paladin so it would be perfect! I've been DMing for years and looking to play a bit so this could be perfect.

If there's a chance it would work out please let me know & I will PM you.


June 15th, 2018, 23:07
Well, it looks like we are full, again, for now.....

Thanks for all the replies, I hope you all have great games and tell wonderful stories!

Semper Fi

June 18th, 2018, 20:05
Well, it looks like we are full, again, for now.....

Thanks for all the replies, I hope you all have great games and tell wonderful stories!

Semper Fi

I am looking of a group possibly on Monday nights. If you need an alt or a fill in guy let me know. I am new to FG but an old school player of D&D. I am trying to get my feet wet in FG. Familar with 5E, we have been playing tabletop for about a year now.


June 19th, 2018, 18:19
Hello here is Alpha!
Im a fairly noobie player, just played once and honestly i gotta say, i f****** loved it. I usually play with a Dual sword wielder, High elf, Fighter that escaped from a "Noble" life and turned to be a knight of the order, just because he wants to help those who can't help themselves.

I also got another idea of a character an Aasimar that went against the rules and defied everything to change the state of order among celestials and ended up rejected by everyone.

Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have a game or on going campaing that you think i might be able to be a part of it! i'll gladly accept as much games as i can handle.

Alpha#7749 Thats me on discord if you want to contact me through there.

On a Dm i mainly look for someone who I can learn from and i can help make a great story.

June 19th, 2018, 20:35
Hello, i am a 30 year experience level 24 product of the wandering damage table that might just be interested in inflicting death and decay on the masses of said party. Back when the magazines were physical and TSR was a trusted company, i was known to be affiliated with the "Satanic Cult" that was D&D. Lately my arteries have hardened but my veins still pump with with the poison and acid that is only found in a 1st level fighter with a 2H sword and a AC of 14. I would like to pick up this newfangled FG and Unearth its Arcana ! My attributes are 11 str, 4 con, 6 dex 15 int 2 wis and 18 cha. age 44 human, west coast, retired, and Eager to get back into Ritualistic Sadomasochistic Gnome Punting! Even if the spot is filled your group looks like one i would like to point and laugh at, so send me a invite if you are interested in my humble offer! Discord, FG basic and a completely open schedule.

June 21st, 2018, 00:49
Again, thanks to all who replied.
As posted earlier in the thread, the slot was filled, but I will keep all in mind.