View Full Version : FG Crash on Exit?!

May 16th, 2006, 01:40
So we're working along trying to get our ruleset all finished up and everything. Today I (I'm pretty sure) finished the charsheet XML. It seems to work just fine, mini-sheet and all, but when I exit (from the local char create mode) FG crashes as it closes. It wasn't doing this before, and it doesn't do it when I'm using the d20 ruleset that comes with FG. It also doesn't do it on my friend's machine. It's possible that the only reason I know it's crashing is because it pops up asking me if I want to debug with Visual Studio.

Does anybody have any idea what could be causing this? I've been under the assumption that it must have been some leftover d20 XML in the file, but that's all gone now, and as far as I can tell, all my XML is fine.

This is driving me more nuts than FG usually does and I'd love to get it fixed.

Thanks for your time...

May 16th, 2006, 04:23
Have seen this occasionally when I have had a bad windowclass reference
e.g. a windowlist referencing a windowclass but Ihad a typo in the windowclass name. Usually this crashes whenever you open the frame displaying the windowlist, but if you don't visit that windowclass it can crash when you exit FG.

Another possibility (though I can't recall an exact instance of this) may be a spurious character.
A couple of times I have found a character in an invalid location in the XML (e.g. </formattedtext>?), just a result of hitting too many keys but FG still seemed to open the file without complaining....

May 16th, 2006, 05:25
A good thought, but I didn't change any of the windowclass names, and just for fun I just checked my charsheet.xml in Butterfly XML Editor and it's clean, no errors or bad chars or anything.

Hopefully I'll eventually find out something that may lead to the answer...

May 16th, 2006, 06:19
If you have a problem, your db.xml file may be corrupted. Or if you are using a module, there may a corruption with any pins (if you are using them on the maps from the module.)

The best way to check this out is to create a new campaign, and see if the problem persists. If everything is cool from that point on, then you are looking at a corrupt db.xml file. (This happens if you are changing your ruleset and hook up to a campaign that is using an old version or a renamed version.)

Hope that helps,


May 16th, 2006, 07:07
It doesn't crash when I'm in GM mode with a campaign open, it only crashes when I exit from local character creation mode.

May 27th, 2006, 03:01
For anyone who was interested, this problem was apprently caused by leftover d20 data fields in my character XML files as I was doing the charsheet development. This problem no longer occurs since I've finished defining the character sheet and there's no more d20 fields left in my character files.