View Full Version : LFG 5e weekly campaign

June 11th, 2018, 20:26
Howdy folks, I'm looking for a game to join in. I've been dming for a few months and miss being a player. I run a game on Sat 7pm-11 pm eastern right now, and will be playing in a sunday campaign soon. Every other day/time is free for me. I try to be easy to get along with and am neither a muderhobo nor a rules lawyer. I'm good with just using the phb and I enjoy multiclassing to create a character concept. My favorite classes are cleric and warlock but I'm good with filling a party out. I enjoy roleplay, and creating a backstory/character concept that I can really get into, but I'm not so good with the multiple voices thing. Anyways, let me know if I sound like a good addition to your table. Looking for a weekly game.