View Full Version : Coming Soon (LFP): a World of Conspiracy and Horror

Hector Trelane
June 8th, 2018, 20:40

Imagine a world of conspiracy and horror...



...in which the facts are hidden behind a wall of lies,
and powerful people aren't what they seem.



...You are an agent. Your job is to cover up the truth.



...Your job is to protect those lies.



You work for this man...


...and he is one of the GOOD guys.

The Esoterrorists. Coming soon.


Hector Trelane
June 12th, 2018, 20:29
For the first step down this deep, horrific rabbit hole, go here to sign up for a learn-to-play intro scenario that is custom-built to teach the GUMSHOE rules: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?44281-FGDAZE-Learn-to-play-GUMSHOE-The-Esoterrorists-intro-scenario

Hector Trelane
June 15th, 2018, 23:47
Game Overview:
You are elite investigators combating the plots of the Esoterrorists, a loose affiliation of occult terrorists intent on tearing the fabric of the world and letting the monsters in.

Unlike other investigative roleplaying games, The Esoterrorists’ GUMSHOE rules system ensures that the plot never grinds to a halt due to a failed die roll. As top paranormal detectives, you never fail in your areas of expertise. When necessary, you can expend extra effort to glean more from the evidence than any plodding journeyman could hope to find.


June 16th, 2018, 02:27
I played the one shot for this and had a lot of fun.
Investigation, negotiation, role play and combat in equal measure... oh and some nasty brain searing stuff too!
Im signing up for the campaign!

Hector Trelane
June 19th, 2018, 16:38
More about the game--PCs:

Who Are You?
You and your teammates are elite investigators drawn from various walks of life, all with a background in investigation. You may be a world-weary homicide detective, a lab-coated forensic scientist, a grizzled old-school reporter, a tweed-jacketed scholar, or even a hanger-on in the criminal underworld. You lead a double life. Most of the time, you’re an ordinary civilian, paying the rent and leading a normal existence. However, you belong to a cell of a secret, worldwide organization called the Ordo Veritatis (OV). This benevolent conspiracy, which operates with the tacit approval of the world’s major powers, fights the machinations of the Esoterrorists, who seek personal power by evoking malign paranormal phenomena.


Hector Trelane
June 20th, 2018, 14:33
How Does the World Work?

Magic doesn’t come into the world easily; it has a basic set point of sanity that’s hard to tamper with. That’s why ghosts and other occult manifestations are typically only encountered in certain haunted locations by highly sensitive individuals. But when people begin to doubt the sanity of their everyday world, these breaks in the fabric of reality become easier to create. Your enemies stage hauntings, create Fortean phenomena, and insert false evidence of nonexistent conspiracies into the historical record. These begin as hoaxes but, as they create mass hysteria, become real. As they peak, they spawn the so-called Creatures of Unremitting Horror, bizarre modernist monsters who must be destroyed before they become as much a part of consensus reality as lions or convenience stores.


June 26th, 2018, 21:42
Reporting for duty!

Hector Trelane
June 28th, 2018, 03:03
Reporting for duty!

Good to hear it, Stx11! It was fun to play the FGDaze session with you. I'll PM you about times.

June 30th, 2018, 04:40
Achah! Mr Verity calls?

Hector Trelane
June 30th, 2018, 12:01
Achah! Mr Verity calls?

He does indeed! Are your answering his call, Maydar?

It was good to game with you during FGDaze.

July 1st, 2018, 00:59
Upon receipt of the summons, I hastily pack my bag and rush to the rendez-vous location.

I would love to continue playing with you Hector Trelane and Stx11, but it is contingent upon timing.

The Lewtz
July 15th, 2018, 17:54
Depending on day of week, and time. I am interested in this. Been GM'ing 1-2 weekly starfinder games, and playing in something different would be nice.

July 15th, 2018, 18:11
You got me, this sounds very interesting. I would also like to join.

Hector Trelane
July 15th, 2018, 18:36
Great to see, The Lewtz and Razorwire. Discussions underway to schedule a Friday evening/night time slot. I'll post some scheduling questions soon.

The Lewtz
July 16th, 2018, 02:59
Friday nights work well for me. I am UTC-5 (EST US) Anything 8pm on would be fine, up to 4-5hrs.

Hector Trelane
July 17th, 2018, 14:48
How about Aug 3? (Have to confirm on my end)

The Lewtz
July 18th, 2018, 02:56
works for me, depends on other players.

July 18th, 2018, 07:01
8/3 sounds good

July 18th, 2018, 08:06
Unfortunately I have to bow out. Another group I had been waiting on finally decided on friday nights as well.

July 20th, 2018, 01:39
Sorry, I can't make that Friday. I have a family trip that weekend.

Hector Trelane
July 20th, 2018, 14:02
Okay folks, for I have another potential player who doesn't post on forums, which brings the potential total at the moment to:

The Lewtz
My other buddy

I propose we do things in a couple steps:

Train up The Lewtz and my other buddy in an intro session (which MayDar and Stx11 have already played).
Make characters
Start the first investigation (aka adventure)

Aug 3 might work for numbers 1 and 2, even if not for number 3

The Lewtz
July 21st, 2018, 17:33
Sounds good, any book I can take a look at, I'll grab if it will help get me up to speed. Looking forward to this.

Hector Trelane
July 21st, 2018, 18:52
Here is the GUMSHOE SRD to get you started:

I'll post some other links soon.

Hector Trelane
July 23rd, 2018, 14:09
Actually the SRD is the best "quick start". Other materials are reviews (findable via Google search) or the Games themselves. I have multiple legal copies of the game I can share in some form during play. Note that a have a "Learn to Play GUMSHOE" training scenario that I'd like to play with new players if schedule permits (including you, The Lewtz).

The Lewtz
July 26th, 2018, 01:24
I could probably do a "learn to play" scenario most any night, except sunday after 7pm EST (except tomorrow night), just need 24hr notice.

July 26th, 2018, 16:32
I own several Gumshoe games, but have never played in one. As a big fan of Delta Green, this sounds like it would be fun. Are you still looking for players? If so, what time on Friday nights will you be running and how long do you plan the sessions to last. I ask because I am GM'ing a game on Saturday mornings.

July 26th, 2018, 22:30
This does sound like it would be fun. It looks like you are up to about five players though. Please let me know if you have any open spots. Thanks!

July 27th, 2018, 03:16
mac40k some similarities in theme to Delta Green yes.

The Lewtz
August 2nd, 2018, 00:37
Still on for friday?

Hector Trelane
August 2nd, 2018, 00:39
Let me confirm shortly. Thanks for checking in.

Hector Trelane
August 2nd, 2018, 08:06
I need to confirm with another player and with my other half (the biggest challenge of all!) re: 9 pm eastern (US) this Fri Aug 3. If we can do it, we're using this scenario (same mission and log in info) from FGDaze:

We should determine whether to update or not before the game: this one looks complicated and it might break compatibility.

August 2nd, 2018, 11:49
I've already updated for other games...

The Lewtz
August 3rd, 2018, 16:22

August 3rd, 2018, 19:28
Me too.

Hector Trelane
August 3rd, 2018, 22:27
Okay here's an update of sorts:

Another player not on this forum cancelled for tonight;
I'd like to run The Lewtz, mac40k and Zinnser and any other new players through the intro scenario the Stx11 and MayDar already played;
We could reschedule for Aug 10 or 17
I might be able to get on tonight late (11 pm Eastern) with The Lewtz, mac40k and Zinnser if you're able to do a last-minute decision. (Warning: I'll need to confirm with my other half.)

That's not much advance notice (apologies), so it may not work. On the other hand, it'd let us get a group of players rolling on a full-scale mission.

Hector Trelane
August 3rd, 2018, 22:28
mac40k and Zinnser you're welcome to play--we're not full up.

The Lewtz
August 4th, 2018, 01:44
If we can hold at no more than 3-4hrs, i could go at 11pm EST. But really by 2-3am ill be dying off. I'm getting old. I'll check this thread around 10-10:30pm EST, for info on discord and such we suing if we on for 11pm EST.

August 4th, 2018, 22:14
Okay here's an update of sorts:

Another player not on this forum cancelled for tonight;
I'd like to run The Lewtz, mac40k and Zinnser and any other new players through the intro scenario the Stx11 and MayDar already played;
We could reschedule for Aug 10 or 17
I might be able to get on tonight late (11 pm Eastern) with The Lewtz, mac40k and Zinnser if you're able to do a last-minute decision. (Warning: I'll need to confirm with my other half.)

That's not much advance notice (apologies), so it may not work. On the other hand, it'd let us get a group of players rolling on a full-scale mission.

I'm glad to hear you have space. I did not catch your note about 8/3 in time. I am available on 8/17, and I will know about 8/10 in a couple days.

To prep, just read through the SRD?

August 5th, 2018, 22:18
I was hoping for a recap of Friday, but snafu :-) HectorTrelane, I have Esoterrorists 1/2 from a bundle a while back. Should I get to creating my own character? Or would you prefer to do creation in session?

August 5th, 2018, 22:36
An earlier group has been playing on - we are about another 4 sessions in... I hoping we are in time to save the world!

Hector Trelane
August 7th, 2018, 12:47
Good news, players updating to the latest version of FG are okay playing. (I haven't updated, since it'll prob scramble things on the GM's end.)

MayDar be sure NOT to read non-player content, which is everything from page 35 and following, I'm afraid. A great deal of the value of this game comes from eerieness and the shock of the unknown. You CAN read the entirety of the Esoterrorist Fact Book, which is written in-character as a reference to agents (PCs) (although don't read the adventure at the end of that book).

Player character creation can be started offline. Use 20 investigative build points only (and we'll add more if needed).

For schedule, Aug 10 and 17 could both work (character creation from Stx11 and MayDar, the learning scenario for others). I'll post some calendar entries soon to confirm.

August 8th, 2018, 05:02

Hector Trelane
August 8th, 2018, 14:06
Okay kids, I can confirm for this Friday, Aug 10, 9 pm Eastern (Here's the accurate time on a time and date clock: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Learn+to+play+GUMSHOE%2FThe+Eso terrorists+intro+scenario&iso=20180810T21&p1=3918&ah=3&am=30)

This is designed for new players, and is a re-run of the FG Daze scenario that Stx11 and MayDar already played. The Lewtz, Zinsser, and mac40k does this time work for you?

Learn to play GUMSHOE/The Esoterrorists intro scenario!

Session Time: 2100 US Eastern (Convert to your time zone here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Learn+to+play+GUMSHOE%2FThe+Eso terrorists+intro+scenario&iso=20180810T21&p1=3918&ah=3&am=30)
Calendar Link: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=3119 -- go ahead and add your names to the list of players to this calendar entry, which was first used for FG Daze.
Number of Players: 2-3
Short Description: Beginners welcome--no experience required. This is a learning scenario specifically designed to teach the GUMSHOE rules system.
Text/Voice: Voice
GM License/Player License: Ultimate GM License (Players can use free/demo client)
Game System: GUMSHOE
Genre: Investigation Horror
Newbie Friendly: Yes! Beginners welcome--no experience required. This is a learning scenario specifically designed to teach the GUMSHOE rules system.
Pre-requisites: None
Voicechat via: Discord
Audio streaming for game sound effects: Cleanfeed (Chrome browser required, but otherwise a free service to use. I'll send you a link at game time and that's it.)

About the Game
Info on Esoterrorists background: You are elite investigators combating the plots of the Esoterrorists, a loose affiliation of occult terrorists intent on tearing the fabric of the world and letting the monsters in. Unlike other investigative roleplaying games, The Esoterrorists’ GUMSHOE rules system ensures that the plot never grinds to a halt due to a failed die roll. As top paranormal detectives, you never fail in your areas of expertise. When necessary, you can expend extra effort to glean more from the evidence than any plodding journeyman could hope to find.
Pregenerated characters?: Yes, they are provided.


About this Scenario--AUTHOR’S NOTE
"A Night on the Town has been written as a demonstration scenario for The Esoterrorists RPG. It arose after the author realised that the GUMSHOE system brought a specific set of expectations to the gaming table. These skills, while easy to learn, can be difficult to explain without examples, and are best demonstrated in play."
"As a note, this scenario was originally written as filler session in a larger The Esoterrorists campaign, and was designed specifically to introduce a new player to the game."
"The author would also like to attribute thanks to Kevin Kulp for his excellent demonstration scenario ‘Stowaway’ (available as a free pdf at https://www.pelgranepress.com), without which this adventure would have never been written."

August 8th, 2018, 16:09
Yes, I'm in for this Friday. Thanks!

August 9th, 2018, 01:32
I can chime in during that time to do some char creation if you want, HectorTrelane.

August 9th, 2018, 02:23
Same here

Hector Trelane
August 9th, 2018, 02:37
Sounds good guys

Hector Trelane
August 11th, 2018, 02:02
Logging in shortly--- On!

August 11th, 2018, 02:27
Is the password the same as in the invite? FG is not accepting it.

Hector Trelane
August 11th, 2018, 10:25
Looks like last night people were confused about the time—9:00 pm Eastern. Yes there was a password, which I can tell you via voice on Discord. Let’s try again next week?

Hector Trelane
August 17th, 2018, 01:32
Ok folks—the plan is to play tomorrow

August 17th, 2018, 03:09

Hector Trelane
August 17th, 2018, 06:09

9:00 pm Eastern, same as in post 43, but for Aug 17: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?44221-Coming-Soon-(LFP)-a-World-of-Conspiracy-and-Horror&p=400109&viewfull=1#post400109

Discord server is a room in the official Fantasy Grounds server ("Hector's Place", I think).

Hector Trelane
August 30th, 2018, 11:52
MayDar, Zinsser, Stx11—confirming that we’re good for a game session tomorrow night, Aug 31. Same time, ace, Login, and Discord!

August 30th, 2018, 12:48
Ready to investigate

Hector Trelane
August 30th, 2018, 14:43
Great! Many eerie encounters in store...

August 31st, 2018, 04:01
I've had a family thing come. I can join at 10 pm.

Hector Trelane
September 13th, 2018, 12:25
MayDar, Zinsser, Stx11—confirming that we’re good for a game session tomorrow night, Aug 31. Same time, ace, Login, and Discord!

Hello gents, I’ll move scheduling soon to a calendar entry, but I’m short on time now.

For this Friday, I have a family conflict, unfortunately, so have to cancel. Let’s resume in two weeks. Sound good?

September 13th, 2018, 13:18
Understood ;)

September 14th, 2018, 00:43
Gotcha. No problem.

September 14th, 2018, 04:32
Yep, looking forward to it.

Hector Trelane
November 8th, 2018, 17:01
Hello players, getting back in the saddle after some time away due to intense work deadlines. Apologies for going incommunicado--that's bad GMing (Bad GM! Bad...).

Would you like to resume on an upcoming Friday?


November 8th, 2018, 17:11
Sorry I no longer have Fridays free

Hector Trelane
November 8th, 2018, 18:11
Sorry I no longer have Fridays free

No prob, Stx11, although you'll be missed!

Maydar, Zinserr, how's your schedule looking?

Hector Trelane
November 19th, 2018, 21:21
I'm beginning to work on the desktop. Here's a current version. I'll start working on buttons and window frames soon!


Hector Trelane
December 2nd, 2018, 18:17
Screen shot from a recent game session--wrapped up with a chaotic, violent climax!


Hector Trelane
January 9th, 2019, 13:52
Hi players, if you want to join a one shot adventure for Esoterrorists as part of FGDaze on Jan 19, you can sign up here!: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?44281-FGDAZE-Learn-to-play-GUMSHOE-The-Esoterrorists-intro-scenario

Hector Trelane
November 5th, 2019, 18:57
Okay kids, I can confirm for this Friday, Aug 10, 9 pm Eastern (Here's the accurate time on a time and date clock: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Learn+to+play+GUMSHOE%2FThe+Eso terrorists+intro+scenario&iso=20180810T21&p1=3918&ah=3&am=30)

This is designed for new players, and is a re-run of the FG Daze scenario that Stx11 and MayDar already played. The Lewtz, Zinsser, and mac40k does this time work for you?

Learn to play GUMSHOE/The Esoterrorists intro scenario!

Session Time: 2100 US Eastern (Convert to your time zone here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Learn+to+play+GUMSHOE%2FThe+Eso terrorists+intro+scenario&iso=20180810T21&p1=3918&ah=3&am=30)
Calendar Link: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=3119 -- go ahead and add your names to the list of players to this calendar entry, which was first used for FG Daze.
Number of Players: 2-3
Short Description: Beginners welcome--no experience required. This is a learning scenario specifically designed to teach the GUMSHOE rules system.
Text/Voice: Voice
GM License/Player License: Ultimate GM License (Players can use free/demo client)
Game System: GUMSHOE
Genre: Investigation Horror
Newbie Friendly: Yes! Beginners welcome--no experience required. This is a learning scenario specifically designed to teach the GUMSHOE rules system.
Pre-requisites: None
Voicechat via: Discord
Audio streaming for game sound effects: Cleanfeed (Chrome browser required, but otherwise a free service to use. I'll send you a link at game time and that's it.)

About the Game
Info on Esoterrorists background: You are elite investigators combating the plots of the Esoterrorists, a loose affiliation of occult terrorists intent on tearing the fabric of the world and letting the monsters in. Unlike other investigative roleplaying games, The Esoterrorists’ GUMSHOE rules system ensures that the plot never grinds to a halt due to a failed die roll. As top paranormal detectives, you never fail in your areas of expertise. When necessary, you can expend extra effort to glean more from the evidence than any plodding journeyman could hope to find.
Pregenerated characters?: Yes, they are provided.


About this Scenario--AUTHOR’S NOTE
"A Night on the Town has been written as a demonstration scenario for The Esoterrorists RPG. It arose after the author realised that the GUMSHOE system brought a specific set of expectations to the gaming table. These skills, while easy to learn, can be difficult to explain without examples, and are best demonstrated in play."
"As a note, this scenario was originally written as filler session in a larger The Esoterrorists campaign, and was designed specifically to introduce a new player to the game."
"The author would also like to attribute thanks to Kevin Kulp for his excellent demonstration scenario ‘Stowaway’ (available as a free pdf at https://www.pelgranepress.com), without which this adventure would have never been written."

I'll run this learn-to-play scenario for a new group of players in the near future. Calendar link here (no date yet): https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=3119