View Full Version : WFRP 4ed - New Ruleset? Maybe using MoreCore?

June 8th, 2018, 20:37
My group is currently using the awesome WFRP 3ed ruleset but we are looking to convert to 4ed when the PDF is released this month.
Is anyone planning on creating/modifying a ruleset for the new 4ed?

I have been fooling around with MoreCore ruleset and I think that we can do most of what we need with it. Maybe just need an extension to add in some of the extras. (we know very little about the new ruleset except that it is like 2ed but better)

The main thing we need and have in MoreCore is percentile dice roll under a stat - Weapon Skill is 65 so /rollunder 1d100x65 will give a success if rolled under

Something that would be helpful to have coded is Advantage. This would need to be an effect(or something) that for every point of Advantage (a stat on the character sheet) you get a +10 to your combat roll skill level. You lose your advantage when you fail a combat roll and gain advantage when you succeed. Auto tracking of this would be a big help and would definitely need new code.

There are supposed to be Critical Hits and Critical Fumbles so those would just be rollable tables.
Location damage will be in but not sure how the location will be determined. You will be able to layer armor with different types of armor to customize your personal protection. Having the ability for armor to have location stats and auto calc total Armor Points(AP) per location would be great:
Chain Shirt: head 0, chest 2, back 2, larm 0, rarm 0, lleg 0, rleg 0, feet 0
Sleeved Leather Jerkin: head 0, chest 1, back 1, larm 1, rarm 1, lleg 0, rleg 0, feet 0
Steel Helm: head 2, chest 0, back 0, larm 0, rarm 0, lleg 0, rleg 0, feet 0

I know some XML but I don't know LUA. I will definitely be adding any rollable tables, skills, stats, modifiers, etc to the MoreCore set so if someone wants to split the work we can get playing sooner than later.

June 8th, 2018, 23:50
Welcome kjbrona

I dont know how different it is to WFRP3 but if you were doing some coding then Id definitely suggest you work from that one first.
However if MoreCore can do a lot of what you want Ill see if there are small additional changes to help.
You wont get Automation as such in MoreCore without some heavier coding (see Trenloes work on The Dark Eye extension)
Auto tracking of Advantage is not likely to happen but you could possibly use something like the turn indicator Im currently working on as a manual tracker.
Use something like: Advantage /mod -10 (I think you might have to use opposites to make /rollunder work how you need) and Disadvantage /mod 10 and then your main roll would be Combat Skill /rollunder 65
Rollable Tables can also be added as Rolls to help move things along.

Are you saying that Armour takes hits and gets damaged?
Maybe you could repurpose Spell Slots for tracking that?

June 9th, 2018, 01:07
I dont know how different it is to WFRP3 but if you were doing some coding then Id definitely suggest you work from that one first.
It's very different from 3E. It's much more similar to 2E - maybe that ruleset could be looked at as a starting point.


Paul Pratt
June 9th, 2018, 04:44
I will be looking at converting WHFRP2e to WHFRP4e. Won't be quick, but I will be working on it.

June 9th, 2018, 05:07
Dont know why I brain-blanked on the 2ed ruleset.

Paul Pratt, great to hear!

June 9th, 2018, 18:27
Very interesting! I wil be happy to see this!

Thanks Paul

June 9th, 2018, 19:56
Much obliged, @Paul Pratt!