View Full Version : Multi display Question

Booker Grimm
June 8th, 2018, 12:11

I play in a face to face game and I'm planning on having the players' display on a TV in the centre of the game table.
How do I just have their game display on the TV and not have it switch to the DM display when I change screens?

I currently connect by localhost and have two session running on the laptop. But when I change from the players view to the DM view, the DM view appears on the TV too. I'd like it to remain blank when I switch to the DM session.

Hope that makes sense.

Any help greatly appreciated.


June 8th, 2018, 13:46
Run a second session logging as a player into IP localhost and throw that on the screen.

Booker Grimm
June 8th, 2018, 13:48
Yeah, but when I switch back to my screen - it then shows my screen.

June 8th, 2018, 14:00
This isnt a Fantasy Grounds thing.
Change your Windows settings to Extend Display and Not Duplicate Displays.

June 8th, 2018, 14:01
Your laptop and the tv are in "clone" mode, with the same picture on both. You need to work in extented mode then drag the player view window from the laptop screen to the tv


Booker Grimm
June 8th, 2018, 14:07
Thank you everyone.