View Full Version : HeroLab/D20Pro user new to FG needs two hints

June 4th, 2018, 04:35
Hello all,

after using a mix of HeroLab (to manage PC/NPC stats) and d20Pro (as VTT) for the last few years to run a Rise of the Runelords campaign, I have just bought FG and the Runelords module in the interest to reduce my prep time.

I have already read the manual, but am currently unclear on two things I am used to from my old tools:

1) For the NPCs/monsters already entered as part of the Runelords module, can I quickly get a description of individual feats/skills? E.g., something similar to hovering the mouse pointer over a Feat/Skill name in HeroLab?

2) To speed-up larger battles, I often use the d20Pro Effects feature. E.g., for a Fireball, select a group of orcs, set the spell-save DC depending on the caster, set the damage dice and have all the saves rolled automatically, with the appropriate damage being applied on success or failure. Similarly, I use the same feature to apply a custom effect, e.g., to track being Fatigued for 10 rounds after entering a cloud of noxious gases. Is there a way to do this in HeroLab?

Many thanks for any help!

June 4th, 2018, 04:49
Welcome to the forums Gnorr.

1) Unfortunately, it looks like the NPCs in Rise of the Runelords were put together a little differently than the NPCs in the Bestiary products, and they don't have links to see more info on the feats.

2) You can do this by selecting the various targets of the spell using the targeting functionality - see here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Tokens#Targeting Then you will need a Cast action setup within a NPC or a PC to trigger the saving throw, and then you can roll the damage action for those you failed/saved for half (as appropriate). Both the cast and damage actions are usually embedded in the spell entry in the PC or NPC sheet - sometimes they may not have parsed out 100% correctly and may need to be added/adjusted.

June 4th, 2018, 05:00
Many thanks for the quick reply!

Hmm, it's a pity that the Runelords NPCs are not hyperlinked with the Skills/Feats, that would have simplified quickly looking things up quite a bit.

The pointer to Targeting was also extremely helpful, I will read up on that! From your description, though, it appears that I can only trigger effects pre-placed on PCs/NPCs. There is no way to add effects on the fly (something like: "4d6 damage, Reflex DC 18 negates")? So, for my previous example with the gas cloud, I would have to have an invisible dummy NPC "GasCloud" to store that effect for later use?

June 4th, 2018, 06:15
So, for my previous example with the gas cloud, I would have to have an invisible dummy NPC "GasCloud" to store that effect for later use?
Any spell/weapon/action needs to be attached to a PC/NPC in the combat tracker for full effects use and targeting. So, if this is not part of a NPC or PC then, yes, have it setup in a dummy record.