View Full Version : Warhammer Fantasy/Homebrew Game

May 11th, 2006, 16:03
I was wondering if there are many people out there that would like to play in a Warhammer Fantasy Role Play game. As it stands, I have an idea of how I would like to the run the game, but it may be a bit different than an experienced Warhammer player would be used to. Let me explain.

Basically, I am going to use the warhammer rules and character creation, and little else. The backgrounds and fluff are not going to be used, nor is the time line. I truly like the system, but I have an idea for a campaign that I think would fit the rules significantly better than it would d20. As such, it will not be set in the Empire, or anywhere else in the Old World, nor will it have any of the major NPC’s associated with the Old World.

The setting for my game is going to be in a custom world or possibly in the world of Corona (a setting designed by R.A. Salvatore.), with the characters being from a small village or town. There are some limitations, of course, with character creation but that will be explained in detail to interested parties. The game itself will be a balanced mix of RP (intrigue) and combat. I have seen some describe the sessions they run as having at least one “significant” combat per session. Based on the rules system I plan on using, all combat is significant. Those who have played Warhammer understand, and those that have not will if they play. Combat using the Warhammer system is brutal and deadly, regardless of what a character is fighting.

I am planning on running this game on Monday nights from about 6pm until we finish, though I doubt it will ever run later than 11pm. I am in Eastern time, which is GMT -4 I do believe.

If there is no interest in using the Warhammer rules, then I can redo what I have done already to be more compatible with d20. I have run d20 games, mostly D&D, in the past, and I have to say that it is a bit lacking in my opinion. I know that every set of rules out there has its pros and cons. I am just not a big fan of the d20 system.

Of course, another option would be for me to run an actual Warhammer adventure set in the Empire. I would most likely run the Paths of the Damned adventure, with a few minor tweaks. Either way, I would like to give it a go.

If anyone that is interested would like more information, feel free to email me at [email protected] or PM me here on the fantasy grounds boards.

May 12th, 2006, 13:37
I have been running paths of the damned in FG now for about 3 months. It is working out okay. I have found some major flaws in the story. As well it is pretty well a cattle-prod adventure- not alot of free-will involved in the linear plot. So of course our campaign has diverged majorly from the main plot but I try to keep the highlights going at least... That is the way it always is with published adventures- I can't seem to stick to the plot as written.. bad me! :)

That being said, I can tell you, like I have mentioned on several other threads in this forum, the experience of running Warhammer Fantasy on FG for my regular gaming group has been GREAT! We have enjoyed it in spite of the flaws in the published material.

Here is where I downloaded my ruleset. Not alot of activity but the ruleset is pretty complete:

