View Full Version : 13A Bug Reports
May 30th, 2018, 05:12
Please post all reports of bugs for all 13A products in this thread.
Please ensure you say what module the error is in and give as much information as is necessary to enable the bug to be tracked down.
May 31st, 2018, 00:20
In the Character Sheet's "mini" view, clicking the Perception check die gives the following error:
Script Error: [string "perception"]:1: attempt to call field 'getSkillValue' (a nil value)
May 31st, 2018, 05:32
In the Character Sheet's "mini" view, clicking the Perception check die gives the following error:
Script Error: [string "perception"]:1: attempt to call field 'getSkillValue' (a nil value)
Thanks - I'll check it out and see what's happening
June 2nd, 2018, 22:18
Whenever I try to read the Classes section of the Core rules module, FG crashes.
Windows 7 here...though I don't know if that's relevant. I haven't had this issue with other Core rules sets.
June 3rd, 2018, 04:00
Whenever I try to read the Classes section of the Core rules module, FG crashes.
Windows 7 here...though I don't know if that's relevant. I haven't had this issue with other Core rules sets.
Hi scotyder, and Welcome! to the Community,
I have never heard of that happening before. Id there any Error message or anything that is displayed anywhere? What about in the console.log file (located in the FG Data Folder)?
I'm at a lose as to what would be causing this, so any extra info you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
June 3rd, 2018, 04:50
RAM usage and whether you are on Windows 32 or 64bit could be relevant here.
June 3rd, 2018, 23:03
I use PlayOnLinux to run Fantasy Grounds. Game crashes when I try to open any of the classes or races of the notes from the manual. I have a 64bit system. Ram usage was about 25% when it crashed.
June 3rd, 2018, 23:55
I use PlayOnLinux to run Fantasy Grounds. Game crashes when I try to open any of the classes or races of the notes from the manual. I have a 64bit system. Ram usage was about 25% when it crashed.
25% is one number, what is the actual usage?
June 4th, 2018, 00:14
Fantasy grounds used 313mb of RAM. %25 was the overall RAM usage, but I had several processes going on.
June 4th, 2018, 00:26
Ok 313mb is not the issue...
June 5th, 2018, 21:02
Not sure if this counts as a "bug" per se, but since this theme officially ships with FG now I thought it might be worth mentioning:
The "Simple" themes (grey and brown) mostly work with this ruleset out of the box (to my knowledge at least), however the final two tabs on the character sheet have a very strange overlap issue. Do you know why this is occurring and if its possible to fix it?
June 5th, 2018, 21:05
Just opened the Skill Challenge Tracker and received the following error:
Script Error: [string "sct/scripts/sct_list.lua"]:70: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
Seems to happen the first time I open the tracker, every time.
Moon Wizard
June 5th, 2018, 21:59
For the simple themes, I will get these fixed on the next update for the themes in v3.3.6.
June 5th, 2018, 22:01
For the simple themes, I will get these fixed on the next update for the themes in v3.3.6.
Great, glad to hear it! Keep up the great work guys, loving all of the content. :D
June 8th, 2018, 15:14
On some NPC sheets, the Save Throwing section overlaps with the Standard Action header.
June 11th, 2018, 06:40
All bugs reported up to the time of this post have been rectified and passed on to SW for release :)
June 18th, 2018, 15:27
A couple of problems here:
1) The updating didn't solve the crashing when I click on a Race or a Class in the menu I show on the pick.
2) I can't drag and drop General Feats from the reference manual to a character's sheet. I can't do it from the Feats list (from the red icon) but no from the Reference Manual you open through the Library.
Thanks for your good work!
June 23rd, 2018, 13:46
I still have the same issue as Eneko.
If I open the Library --> Core Rules --> Reference Manual, the I can browse the Race and Class content. I can't, however, drag and drop class and race to a character sheet from this interface.
July 14th, 2018, 20:02
The monster "Ghoul Licklash" appears to be missing its stats.
July 15th, 2018, 06:14
The monster "Ghoul Licklash" appears to be missing its stats.
I'll get it checked out - thanks for letting us know :)
Edit": Yeap, that one obviously slipped through QA. Its been corrected and has gone to SW for release.
Thanks again for pointing it out
July 16th, 2018, 04:42
windows 10 64-bit get the following on opening
no extensions used also book are not present and several of the icons on the right error when clicked.
July 16th, 2018, 05:51
windows 10 64-bit get the following on opening
no extensions used also book are not present and several of the icons on the right error when clicked.
Is that running under FG3.3.5 or test version 3.3.6?
Those aren't the 13th Age Buttons, nor is that the 13th Age Desktop Image - so I'm trying to work out what is happening :(
July 16th, 2018, 06:12
3.3.5 but it is an old install that been updated several times. pre-pathfinder official i did a lot of customizing. but i think that should all be gone by now. all the icons above the library icon giveg an error when clicked. At this point i may need to uninstall and reinstall.
July 16th, 2018, 06:16
Sorry i think i found the issue i needed to update my password in the updater.
July 16th, 2018, 06:21
Sorry i think i found the issue i needed to update my password in the updater.
So... it's all good now?
July 16th, 2018, 06:31
yes it was an old fan version i was trying.
July 16th, 2018, 06:58
yes it was an old fan version i was trying.
Excellent - I'm glad you got it sorted (and it wasn't any f*ck-up by me :p )
July 18th, 2018, 12:13
Any progress on the bug that Eneko and I reported? The ruleset is largely unusable. I essentially have to type character sheets by hand and the constant crashing keeps me from using it.
July 18th, 2018, 13:17
Any progress on the bug that Eneko and I reported? The ruleset is largely unusable. I essentially have to type character sheets by hand and the constant crashing keeps me from using it.
Hi scotryder can you try this -
Click on Library and tick those extra campaign tools. Try opening them from the sidebar tools instead of the library. Do you get the same result?
Also have you posted the log files or console logs that dulux_oz was asking for?
July 18th, 2018, 15:46
It's a hard crash of the application, there is no information in the logs.
I can try those steps later.
July 18th, 2018, 21:09
In my sidebar there is no Race or Class button (I double checked there I ticked all the options).
July 19th, 2018, 05:33
In my sidebar there is no Race or Class button (I double checked there I ticked all the options).
No, that's correct - remember, the 13th Age Ruleset is based off of (ie is a child-Ruleset of) the 4E Ruleset (the 13th Age RPG being derived from the D&D 4E RPG initially).
July 19th, 2018, 07:43
No, that's correct - remember, the 13th Age Ruleset is based off of (ie is a child-Ruleset of) the 4E Ruleset (the 13th Age RPG being derived from the D&D 4E RPG initially).
That doesnt mean you cant create a campaign tool to house them though.
Any thoughts as to why they are crashing when accessing this data?
July 19th, 2018, 09:14
That doesnt mean you cant create a campaign tool to house them though.
Any thoughts as to why they are crashing when accessing this data?
Haven't looked at it yet (in detail) - I've been busy with other things. However, with some errors being thrown under the v3.3.6 (in the Test channel) its something I'll be looking in detail at soon (no TM).
August 1st, 2018, 15:48
Not sure if this counts as a "bug" per se, but since this theme officially ships with FG now I thought it might be worth mentioning:
The "Simple" themes (grey and brown) mostly work with this ruleset out of the box (to my knowledge at least), however the final two tabs on the character sheet have a very strange overlap issue. Do you know why this is occurring and if its possible to fix it?
For the simple themes, I will get these fixed on the next update for the themes in v3.3.6.
It seems the Simple themes still need a bit of tweaking in the combat tracker.
September 7th, 2018, 20:22
Under NPCs, the Cave Orc listed has zero figures for AC, PD, and MD. There might be more bugs, but I‘ll find out only in October, when I‘ll heavily utilize this ruleset...
September 7th, 2018, 20:49
It seems drag and drop is not working for Race and Class. I tried it out with no success from the reference manual. It is implemented in the 4e ruleset, though. A bug or a feature?
September 8th, 2018, 04:23
Let me look into both of these issues and I'll get back to you
September 13th, 2018, 21:33
Let me look into both of these issues and I'll get back to you
Did you have a chance to look at it? For now it seems all CLASS/RACE things have to be entered manually...
Usually there is a miss damage you can have for certain spells/feats as well, and might not be the same for ranged attacks as well.
Any chance you can distinguish miss damage, so that it won‘t be applied to all, or can be different?
September 18th, 2018, 17:18
In the Character Sheet under the Background tab, on the right hand side in the lines where you enter the names you get empty squares, which should usually contain a bullet to click on, opening a window where one can describe the meaning of the name. As background is individual and can be anything from goblin exterminator to traveling martial arts pupil, it would be good to have this enabled to detail it appropriately.
Rolled results on the same screen, will default to a DC 15 skill check. Skill checks differ by adventuring region (level) and difficulty, too. I‘ve seen no way to change this. Can you point me to the right setting, or make it work, too?
In the Character Sheet under Miss Damage, there is just a single entry. Depending on class, e.g. Rogues will get ranged miss damage, whereas most others won’t. Where is this distnction covered?
Entering new weapons into the inventory will not add them to the Combat tab.
You need to manually enter them there, and it will leave an empty square, therefore you cannot enter the lacking data which it is referencing to.
The ruleset seems to be quite broken, obviously not tested and with no documentation atm.
September 19th, 2018, 16:25
Adding new spells, instead of using existing from the library, will not have the option to add the ‚level‘ for damage generation.
September 19th, 2018, 16:31
Formatting of text boxes is not working. No differentiation between headers, patagraphs, tables, etc.
October 7th, 2018, 06:46
Any progress on patching of the errors, mentioned some weeks before?
October 9th, 2018, 04:59
Yes, there's been progress - they're being worked on. I'll have them done as soon as I can.
October 9th, 2018, 20:10
Yes, there's been progress - they're being worked on. I'll have them done as soon as I can.
Thank you for working on it. Appreciated. We are just starting our new Campaign, running ‚Into the Underworld‘.
October 24th, 2018, 11:22
One more minor error, the Common rust monster attributes in the bestiary are all set to 0, needs fixing, too.
October 24th, 2018, 11:25
One more minor error, the Common rust monster attributes in the bestiary are all set to 0, needs fixing, too.
Yeah, I was aware of that one - thanks for pointing it out, though :)
November 1st, 2018, 22:00
After our first test session, a couple of Errors appeared, as below:
During Combat, escalation die starts in round 0 with -1. Please fix. Should be 0. It will increase correctly, but start figure is wrong.
Ability checks on char main tab, is not considering level bonus, if the dice symbol is clicked for a specific attribute. Only the mod result is used for ability checks. please fix, should include level bonus.
Kobold Archer attack Tiny Crossbow or Javalin - typo should be named Javelin
Missed Damage by Class is not automatically applied, if a missed attack is rolled. Missed damage should be equal to level of char, depending on class.
November 2nd, 2018, 05:17
Thanks for the feedback, I'll add them to the (slowly) diminishing list.
(Oh, and BTW, you don't need to add the "please fix", OK?)
November 6th, 2018, 17:49
i have bought this rule set and found annoying bug on the chatterer sheet. On the abilities tag you cant drop and drag feats but you can drag and drop talents into the talent box
November 8th, 2018, 17:05
Maybe something interesting: If you click on the library button, and click on the e.g. feats button/text on top, instead if opening the reference manual, you can drag and drop entries. If you would use the normal reference manual approach (because it‘s sorted by class and level), it‘s not working at all. Just as a workaround.
The playtesters must have been ‚very special‘. ;)
November 21st, 2018, 05:34
Hi Everyone,
Updates & Fixes - let me start out by saying "Sorry its taken me a while to get these sorted".
Below is a list of all of the outstanding Bugs identified by the Post Number that they were first reported under, along with (when necessary) a brief explanation, etc. But first let me remind everyone of a basic, fundamental fact about the 13th Age RPG - especially when compared to 5E and/or PF (for example): 13A is way, way more "unstructured" than a lot of other RPGs. By this I mean that the 13th Age is more "free-form" than 5E (for example) with instructions in the rulebook along the lines of "Do whatever the GM feels is right in this situation" or "The GM decides upon the result". So, instead of having a hard-and-fast rule for a given situation, or a fixed set of (limited) options to choose from for a character, the 13th Age is designed from the start to allow the GM and the Players to "do pretty much what they want." This is one of the strengths of 13th age, and one of the reasons its so popular.
Unfortunately, computers don't work this way. Computes *need* hard-and-fast rules and lack the ability to handle "fuzzy decisions". This means that, by design, the 13th Age Ruleset has a lot less automation than other, more "rigid" Rulesets (such as 5E). So when using the 13A Ruleset the Players and the GM can't rely on FG to do as much of the "work" as they can expect when using the 5E Ruleset. For example: because most classes in 13A can choose 3 of a number of starting Abilities (Powers) when starting out, the 13A CoreRules module lists those abilities along with the instruction to "Choose 3". Players can then drag their three choices to the character sheet (yes, that's now working), along with all the other choices they can make. This is but one limited example of design choices made by the Ruleset Dev Team to get the Ruleset done and in the hands of those desperately wanting it. Could we have coded all of the options, then presented them in a pop-up window when a class was dragged to a blank character sheet? Yes, but we'd still be coding the thing now if we had gone that route, which means that the 13A Ruleset still wouldn't be available.
TL DR - The 13th Age Ruleset, by design, doesn't have all the "bells-&-whistles" automation of the 5E Ruleset because the 13th Age RPG is more "free-form" than 5th Ed D&D.
Issue 17 - Cannot reproduce crash. @Eneko and @scotryder: can you provide any more detail info, please.
Issue 19, 36, 46 (and other similar issues) - Missing Stats - Fixed
Issue 37 - Character/Class Sheet Drag & Drop - As Designed (see explanation above)
Issue 40.1 - Backgrounds - As Designed. The play tests used Note Entries on those rare occasions they need too.
Issue 40.2 - Default DC 15 Background Checks - Still resolving.
Issue 40.3 - Multi- Miss Damage - this is as designed (at the moment) - still being investigated, may treat as a feature (see below).
Issue 40.4 - Weapons/Inventory - As Designed (see explanation above).
Issue 41 - Not as issue. When adding a Power (on the Powers Tab) and then a Power Action (from the Radial Menu) if you expand the Damage details section (by clicking on the right-hand Down Arrow) you can set Ability Scores, Level, etc, by clicking on the blank entryfield boxes and cycle through the options.
Issue 42 - Formatting of Text Boxes - More detail required, please (although I suspect this is as design).
Issue 48 - Escalation Die - Cannot reproduce. Could more info be provided, please.
Issue 50 - Drag & Drop Feats - Fixed
The updated Ruleset, etc, has gone to SmiteWorks for inclusion on the FG Updater - they'll send them out when they're ready (in the past its taken between a couple of days and a couple of weeks). In the meantime, if people could get back to me with the requested info then I'd appreciate it. I'm also updating the Ruleset for the new FGv3.3.7 (currently in the Test Channel) - if people could let me know if there are any issues there I'll get them fixed as well.
Finally, I'm open to discussing (politely) feature updates/improvements - but people need to realise that I don't get paid for any of this work - its all volunteer work, so it sometimes gets a lower priority than paid ICT work (which I do for a living) and/or family and my own relaxation/gaming/coding. :)
November 21st, 2018, 08:23
Thanks for the update, dulux-uz. It is good to hear that some fixes are on the horizon.
With regards to features, bell and whistle automation isnt necessarily what is needed or desired (by me at least).
I would suggest that having drag and drop races and classes that live as clickable reference points on the character sheet is a common staple of many rulesets that are not present here and would be welcome.
I would further suggest that better tagged talents/feats that could be effectively sorted via drop downs (by class, level or tier, etc) would be valuable as well. Please see the PF2 ruleset for an example of this.
I am still doing campaign prep but one thing that the 13A rules has are ways of modifying creatures on the fly to be double/triple strength but I can find no way to do this easily other than make a copy of the creature and manually increase the hp and damage numbers.
There are other similar "ease of use" items which would be great to see put into this ruleset. I cant speak from great experience since I am still prepping for my first 13A campaign. I can just say that I own 5e, Savage Worlds, and CoC7. I have also played around with the recent, free, PF2 beta ruleset. All seem a good bit cleaner and more completely implemented. Again, I don't mean automation. I am talking about drag and drop functionality on the character sheet and the sheet acting as an effective reference point for players.
One major thing I have not yet tested which I am concerned about is how well the sheet handles helping players track thier powers (which powers are used, recharge rolls, dailies, etc). This should certainly be implemented, I hope, but I am concerned that it may not be.
I can appreciate that you do not get paid for this but, as a consumer, I was not alerted on the product page that this would only be partially implemented or supported. If anything, my expectations were high since the cost was high and the ruleset was a recent FG addition. Furthermore, I, as a consumer, am not privy to the dealings of SW and its publishing partners. All I had was a product page that listed a ruleset I was interested in.
November 21st, 2018, 10:25
Let me say thank you for voluntarily fixing bugs in the 13th Age system, when you should have been paid - as we customers have been paying smiteworks - for a supported ruleset. Sometimes it is faster and more transparent to show issues directly. If you would like to, I would be able to explain them via our own teamspeak server and using teamviewer in 10 minutes. Please send a private email to align in this case.
Issue #37 - Drag and drop of race and class descriptions text only, without any automation involved from the reference manual to the character sheet will avoid to search the reference manual entry every time you look up your character sheet specifics. For ‚Race‘ you select one race specific feat. It would enrich the character development process, if a pop-up prompts you to select one, as e.g. winthin the 5E ruleset. Just copy & paste text description entries into the character sheet, to find them more easily, instead of digging through the ruleset, no fancy stat changes.
Issue #40.1 - Background text line will occupy approx. 30 letters. I find it too short for a detailed description, it clutters up the sheet, instead of structuring the description with a keyword, and an explanation with a linked window pop-up to put additional text into. It is no real error, but makes it more difficult to enjoy the readability of the character sheet. Take it as an suggestion for improvement. I noticed creating a note, and drag and drop this note from the notes window onto the Background character sheet tab, right hand sideagter ‚Total‘, will create a red bullet linking to it.
I think it‘s a workaround we can live with, although not to use ‚notes‘, but having a red bullet you can edit directly would be nice.
Issue #40.4 - Shouldn‘t be by design nature. For those not knowing the workaround I figured out, it makes it impossible to create own entries for new weapons in further extensions, or by localization. If more information needed, I‘d be happy to provide more details as mentioned above.
Issue #41 - The standard functionality to add spell attributes is well known and works good for other rulesets, however with the very 13th Age specific requirement to have spells reflect to add damage including the ‚level‘ of the character, this cannot be added. Again, more comprehensive investigation and details required, I‘d guess.
Issue #42 - Formatting of text poxes is working with story text entries, but not with reference text e.g. from newly entered feats, which e.g. require to add tables for better readability.
Issue #48.1 - With the latest release I cannot reproduce the issue as well (, but all players during the session we had on 1st of November could see it happen). I think the round counter was set to zero ‚0’. Consider it closed. If it happens again, I‘ll try to precisely track the issue.
Issue #48.2 - No status mentioned for ability checks of character sheet main tab. Damage applied wrongly, as ‚check‘ value on character main tab is not used, but ‚mod‘ value instead.
Issue #48.3 - No status mentioned for typo in Bestiary with Kobold Archer Javelin.
Issue #48.4 - No status mentioned for automatic ‚miss damage‘ by failed attack roll handling.
Moon Wizard
November 21st, 2018, 10:56
Each publisher is responsible for keeping their own products updated in the FG store by acquiring a developer to build and maintain their content. We try to facilitate agreements between interested publishers (such as Wizards, Paizo, and more) and interested developers. When we do this, the standard agreement is to pay developers via an ongoing commission specifically to avoid orphaned content as much as we can.
Pelgrane Press and Dulux set up their own agreement without SmiteWorks involvement and recommendations. Please continue bringing up your concerns to Dulux and Pelgrane.
If you are unhappy with the DLC, we always offer a 30-day money back guarantee on all our products, specifically because we are selling products from so many publishers with varying degrees of quality and support.
November 21st, 2018, 11:20
Issue 48.3 - Fixed (I missed mentioning it but it was fixed with the others).
Issue 48.2 - I'll need to talk to you about it (and I was aware, but couldn't find the issue number :) )
Issue 48.4 - MAY be as designed - I'll have to take another look - call it in progress.
I'll grab you to discuss the others
And just to clarify things: the original deal I was involved with was to write the Ruleset as a professional job to the satisfaction of my client, for which I was paid. The Ruleset was used by that client's gaming group successfully for a number of years during the development cycle and, apart from the odd typo, was "signed off" as meeting the specs required. Post that contract when the Ruleset was offered for sale I offered to fix any bugs and update the Ruleset when FG was updated, as a volunteer for a period of 12 months, because I knew people wanted to use the Ruleset and I like me work being used (hence my ongoing support of the DOEs, etc) and because I wanted to support SW and FG. I don't set the prices on the FG Store, and I suspect that the price that was set was set primarily by the 13th Age publishers, not SW. My point is that there is no (current) incentive for me to provide any support, apart from my general desire to help out - but if I wasn't doing it them someone else would, which would probably mean even more delays to either this Ruleset of other FG Rulesets (perhaps even FGU) - something to keep in mind, perhaps?
November 21st, 2018, 11:34
Pelgrane Press and Dulux set up their own agreement without SmiteWorks involvement and recommendations. Please continue bringing up your concerns to Dulux and Pelgrane.
Actually, it wasn't me, it was Patriarch (my client) - I just did the coding - I've never spoken to Pelgrane at all :)
So its of no use to bring concerns to me (apart from me volunteering to fix any bugs).
November 21st, 2018, 12:57
Unfortunately it seems the one who can answer and support, being ‚Patriarch‘ doesn‘t seem to exist as a FG user account. The only account with a similar name, called ‚Patriarchy‘ hasn‘t logged into the system for about 11 months. Maybe SmiteWorks and Pelgrane can help sorting things out, to make this a successful ruleset being used? Mind you, the ruleset is not bad, and the 13th Age system is my top roleplaying game currently.
It just needs abit more love, involvement, and responsibility to make it a success IMHO.
November 21st, 2018, 16:10
I've pushed the updates to this LIVE.
November 21st, 2018, 16:12
I've pushed the updates to this LIVE.
A big Thank You..
November 21st, 2018, 20:47
Our policy for ruleset development and content development is that the developer who builds it receives ongoing commissions for all new sales of a product. In exchange, they are required to update it with new bug fixes and to maintain compatibility with updates to our core system. New features are a definite nice-to-have, but not a requirement. We also subjectively review new products to see if they are not getting enough love in the way of new enhancement or feature requests that are popular for the community. If we receive too many of those and the developer is not responding, then we maintain the right to end the commission and re-assign it to another developer or to take it in-house for future development. That also requires that we have another developer available or staff are available to assign.
This particular project was different then pretty much everything else we've done to date. An interested customer really wanted to have support for 13th Age, so he commissioned Dulux Oz to build it for him. We informed him that he would be responsible for maintenance of the project. As part of that agreement, he negotiated with Dulux Oz to maintain it for 1 year. That has blurred the line on who the "developer" is.
Bugs and errors should be fixed in a timely manner
New features can be requested but are not a requirement
After that period is up in May 2019, we may re-assign it or open it up for another dev to take over if the original developer is not interested in continuing to maintain and manage it. That also requires finding another dev that is willing to invest more time and attention on it. That's the obviously flip side of this. While the arrangement is/was unusual, there would not have been a 13th Age Ruleset without it. 13th Age GMs and players would be relegated to playing using CoreRPG or MoreCore. We always offer a 30-day money back guarantee if you ever buy anything and are unsatisfied and we can extend this at our discretion if anyone is very upset.
November 23rd, 2018, 08:28
@Lokaire: It seems the 13th Age Bestiary slipped the latest update, as the updater showed the 13th Age ruleset, the Core rule adventure, and the core rules itself being updated, but not the bestiary. Therefore missing stats like from the Ghoul licklash weren‘t fixed.
December 3rd, 2018, 07:26
Issue 40.2: The GM can set the DC for any check in the party sheet section. It can be set in the ability check and background section.
January 6th, 2019, 21:52
I just got the ruleset, and I believe I am encountering a bug with the calculations to the AC, it is supposed to take the middle mod of Con/Dex/Wis, but right now it is also taking the INT modifier, when it should not.
January 7th, 2019, 03:25
I just got the ruleset, and I believe I am encountering a bug with the calculations to the AC, it is supposed to take the middle mod of Con/Dex/Wis, but right now it is also taking the INT modifier, when it should not.
Let me check into it and I'll get back to you
January 22nd, 2019, 16:57
Something we noticed in our last game was that if the escalation die is modified (eg if a Cleric invoked the Domain of War/Leadership to increase the escalation die by 1), when the next round is triggered by the Combat Tracker, that adjustment is lost.
For example, Round 1 (ED 0), the cleric invokes and increases the ED to 1.
When the CT triggered the next round, it's Round 2, ED 1 instead of ED 2.
Next round it's Round 3, ED 2 instead of ED 3
and so on.
I think what should be happening is that when the Next Round is triggered, it should add +1 to the ED instead of setting the ED to equal Round # -1.
January 23rd, 2019, 03:13
Something we noticed in our last game was that if the escalation die is modified (eg if a Cleric invoked the Domain of War/Leadership to increase the escalation die by 1), when the next round is triggered by the Combat Tracker, that adjustment is lost.
For example, Round 1 (ED 0), the cleric invokes and increases the ED to 1.
When the CT triggered the next round, it's Round 2, ED 1 instead of ED 2.
Next round it's Round 3, ED 2 instead of ED 3
and so on.
I think what should be happening is that when the Next Round is triggered, it should add +1 to the ED instead of setting the ED to equal Round # -1.
Thank you for the report - I'll get it fixed asap :)
February 4th, 2019, 08:38
Drag/drop characters onto the Party Sheet Main Tab, creates a script error:
[string „link“]:1: attempt to index field ‚listbackgrounds‘ (a nil value)
This error just happens once. Removing/adding the char again, will not generate an error.
February 4th, 2019, 10:21
Clicking onto the Party attack dice roll button in the Party sheet generates the following script error:
[string „scripts/IsManagerActionAttack.lua“]:288: attempt to perform arithmetic on global ‚nAddMod‘ (a nil value)
February 4th, 2019, 11:25
Hi Everyone,
Updates & Fixes - let me start out by saying "Sorry its taken me a while to get these sorted".
Below is a list of all of the outstanding Bugs identified by the Post Number that they were first reported under, along with (when necessary) a brief explanation, etc. But first let me remind everyone of a basic, fundamental fact about the 13th Age RPG - especially when compared to 5E and/or PF (for example): 13A is way, way more "unstructured" than a lot of other RPGs. By this I mean that the 13th Age is more "free-form" than 5E (for example) with instructions in the rulebook along the lines of "Do whatever the GM feels is right in this situation" or "The GM decides upon the result". So, instead of having a hard-and-fast rule for a given situation, or a fixed set of (limited) options to choose from for a character, the 13th Age is designed from the start to allow the GM and the Players to "do pretty much what they want." This is one of the strengths of 13th age, and one of the reasons its so popular.
Unfortunately, computers don't work this way. Computes *need* hard-and-fast rules and lack the ability to handle "fuzzy decisions". This means that, by design, the 13th Age Ruleset has a lot less automation than other, more "rigid" Rulesets (such as 5E). So when using the 13A Ruleset the Players and the GM can't rely on FG to do as much of the "work" as they can expect when using the 5E Ruleset. For example: because most classes in 13A can choose 3 of a number of starting Abilities (Powers) when starting out, the 13A CoreRules module lists those abilities along with the instruction to "Choose 3". Players can then drag their three choices to the character sheet (yes, that's now working), along with all the other choices they can make. This is but one limited example of design choices made by the Ruleset Dev Team to get the Ruleset done and in the hands of those desperately wanting it. Could we have coded all of the options, then presented them in a pop-up window when a class was dragged to a blank character sheet? Yes, but we'd still be coding the thing now if we had gone that route, which means that the 13A Ruleset still wouldn't be available.
TL DR - The 13th Age Ruleset, by design, doesn't have all the "bells-&-whistles" automation of the 5E Ruleset because the 13th Age RPG is more "free-form" than 5th Ed D&D.
Issue 17 - Cannot reproduce crash. @Eneko and @scotryder: can you provide any more detail info, please.
Issue 19, 36, 46 (and other similar issues) - Missing Stats - Fixed
Issue 37 - Character/Class Sheet Drag & Drop - As Designed (see explanation above)
Issue 40.1 - Backgrounds - As Designed. The play tests used Note Entries on those rare occasions they need too.
Issue 40.2 - Default DC 15 Background Checks - Still resolving.
Issue 40.3 - Multi- Miss Damage - this is as designed (at the moment) - still being investigated, may treat as a feature (see below).
Issue 40.4 - Weapons/Inventory - As Designed (see explanation above).
Issue 41 - Not as issue. When adding a Power (on the Powers Tab) and then a Power Action (from the Radial Menu) if you expand the Damage details section (by clicking on the right-hand Down Arrow) you can set Ability Scores, Level, etc, by clicking on the blank entryfield boxes and cycle through the options.
Issue 42 - Formatting of Text Boxes - More detail required, please (although I suspect this is as design).
Issue 48 - Escalation Die - Cannot reproduce. Could more info be provided, please.
Issue 50 - Drag & Drop Feats - Fixed
The updated Ruleset, etc, has gone to SmiteWorks for inclusion on the FG Updater - they'll send them out when they're ready (in the past its taken between a couple of days and a couple of weeks). In the meantime, if people could get back to me with the requested info then I'd appreciate it. I'm also updating the Ruleset for the new FGv3.3.7 (currently in the Test Channel) - if people could let me know if there are any issues there I'll get them fixed as well.
Finally, I'm open to discussing (politely) feature updates/improvements - but people need to realise that I don't get paid for any of this work - its all volunteer work, so it sometimes gets a lower priority than paid ICT work (which I do for a living) and/or family and my own relaxation/gaming/coding. :)
Issue # 19: Ghoul Licklash still missing the HP stat. It reads <<Hit Points>>, should read: 48
Issue # 41: Still not working to create spells manualls (e.g. for 13 True Ways). See 'Burning Hands' example with attached picture showing the error in detail.
Issue # 48.2: Rolling ability check die is still not considering Level bonus. See picture for more detail.
Issue # 48.3: Kobold Archer typo still present, should read Javelin, not Javalin
Issue # 50: Drag/drop of class features will only work with 'Powers', but not with 'Adventurer Feat', 'Champion Feat', or 'Epic Feat'
February 4th, 2019, 11:43
Then I suggest you haven't update (successfully) because it works AOK for me, and I've sent the fixes into SmiteWorks *BEFORE* I wrote the above post.
February 4th, 2019, 12:40
Then I suggest you haven't update (successfully) because it works AOK for me, and I've sent the fixes into SmiteWorks *BEFORE* I wrote the above post.
To be sure I removed the files from the vault and ruleset directory, did update again, but I still get the same errors described with pictures in my earlier post. Anyone else?
February 4th, 2019, 14:18
Well, in that case all I can think of is that SmiteWorks (for some reason) haven't released to the FG Updater the updates which I sent to them. :(
February 4th, 2019, 14:46
Just to check all options, could you please have a look at those pictures and verify those errors are not appearing on your end, as depicted?
February 4th, 2019, 15:10
Just to check all options, could you please have a look at those pictures and verify those errors are not appearing on your end, as depicted?
Yeah, sure - I'll get back ASAP
February 4th, 2019, 18:42
Issue # 48.2: Rolling ability check die is still not considering Level bonus. See picture for more detail.
A clarification on this, I don't know if it's as simple as not considering the Level Bonus. I am experiencing similar issues; I created a blank campaign with a new character (set Strength score to 14) and ran through the levels for a Strength test and here are the results:
Level 0, Mod 2 = Roll + 2 (Should be +2)
Level 1, Mod 2 = Roll + 2 (Should be +3)
Level 2, Mod 2 = Roll + 3 (Should be +4)
Level 3, Mod 2 = Roll + 3 (Should be +5)
Level 4, Mod 2 = Roll + 4 (Should be +6)
Level 5, Mod 2 = Roll + 4 (Should be +7)
Level 6, Mod 2 = Roll + 5 (Should be +8)
Level 7, Mod 2 = Roll + 5 (Should be +9)
Level 8, Mod 2 = Roll + 6 (Should be +10)
Level 9, Mod 2 = Roll + 6 (Should be +11)
Level 10, Mod 2 = Roll + 7 (Should be +12)
It looks like it's halving the Level in its calculations and rounding down.
February 4th, 2019, 18:58
Issue # 41: Still not working to create spells manualls (e.g. for 13 True Ways). See 'Burning Hands' example with attached picture showing the error in detail.
I'm experiencing this too, but the workaround I've found is to add all the combat text into the main text box of the power (eg Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD Hit: 1d6 + Charisma Fire damage.), then after adding the non-functional Power Attack, going through the radial menu and clicking "Reset Power Actions." This seems to re-parse the text from the power and automatically add the correctly-calculated Power Attack.
But I can confirm that after expanding the power attack to update the attack details, clicking on the button to add the level does not work. This is true for both the powers from the corebook as well as user-created powers. You can even see the blank field in Targas' screenshot.
February 4th, 2019, 19:00
Issue # 19: Ghoul Licklash still missing the HP stat. It reads <<Hit Points>>, should read: 48
Issue # 48.3: Kobold Archer typo still present, should read Javelin, not Javalin
I still see these typos as well.
February 4th, 2019, 19:15
Clicking onto the Party attack dice roll button in the Party sheet generates the following script error:
[string „scripts/IsManagerActionAttack.lua“]:288: attempt to perform arithmetic on global ‚nAddMod‘ (a nil value)
I am experiencing this issue as well.
February 5th, 2019, 03:31
Yes, the Ability Roll / Lv Bonus is an issue - I'll get it fixed as soon as I can.
As for the other stuff, I'll run through the ciode and try to figure out what's going on. Bare with me, I'll get back to people as soon as I can.
Thanks for pointing it out.
February 5th, 2019, 08:32
The 13th Age Core Rulebook conversion is lacking the Index & Glossary section. Usually not a big deal, but in this case the 13th Age rulesystem refers to definitions like ‚daily‘ to this secton, explaining lots of stuff, which cannot be found elsewhere. I‘d appreciate if this section could be added.
I found out, because I run an Intro session for my players being new to 13th Age, explaining some terms and definitions unique for this ruleset to them, and I couldn‘t find this section.
February 5th, 2019, 18:14
Release Updates on February 5th, 2019
The following products have been updated:
13th Age Ruleset
[Fixed] Various bugs
Any idea which bugs have been fixed?
February 6th, 2019, 02:54
Release Updates on February 5th, 2019
The following products have been updated:
13th Age Ruleset
[Fixed] Various bugs
Any idea which bugs have been fixed?
No idea - as I said previously, I sent the last set of updated files (at least I think they were the last set) to SW minutes before I wrote Post #52 (Nov 21st?). The updates released yesterday might have been them, but once we send in updated files its up to the SW staff to get them integrated into the FG Updater.
February 14th, 2019, 21:58
I din‘t know why, but in our last session we had a combat, where weapon damage was applied with 2 dice, instead of one die, and the damage was prefixed withna keyword ‚Focus 1,2D‘. I have no clue where this come from. In addition some players were unable to target enemies by normal means. Even by doing so, the target was not identified and they had to manually drag attack and damage die to the combat tracker entry of the foe.
I remember I had this last issue 4-5 years ago playing C&C, but I‘ve never had this since then.
Moon Wizard
February 14th, 2019, 23:09
It looks like something specific to the 13A rules that got set up on the PC; but I don't know the system at all. Hopefully, Dulux-Oz or one of the other people who play 13A can help clarify.
February 15th, 2019, 05:20
The strange thing is, 13th Age does not have a Feat/Talent/Skill called Focus to my knowledge. For damage it rolls 2 dice, adds the attribute bonus. So after the damage is applied I had to remove the second rolled die from the foe‘s total HP in the combat tracker, every time. We even removed the existing weapon and drag/dropped it again from the reference manual without success. Maybe it‘s something from the 4th Edition Ruleset?
The non targeting was annoying as well. :(
February 23rd, 2019, 05:07
I'm experiencing this too, but the workaround I've found is to add all the combat text into the main text box of the power (eg Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD Hit: 1d6 + Charisma Fire damage.), then after adding the non-functional Power Attack, going through the radial menu and clicking "Reset Power Actions." This seems to re-parse the text from the power and automatically add the correctly-calculated Power Attack.
But I can confirm that after expanding the power attack to update the attack details, clicking on the button to add the level does not work. This is true for both the powers from the corebook as well as user-created powers. You can even see the blank field in Targas' screenshot.
I had a bit of an epiphany tonight as I was working with some higher-level spells and couldn't figure out why the roll bonuses weren't right. From what I can tell, the underlying code is seeing the attack (eg Wisdom + Level vs MD) and in its calculation of the attack, automatically adding the level too. That makes the actual roll something along the lines of d20+(Wis+Level)+Level. Once you change the attack text to remove the + Level (eg Wisdom vs MD) and reset the Power Action, the attack is correctly calculating the bonus. d20+(Wis)+Level
So when you manually create a Power Action, the inability to add the Level actually makes things work correctly for those Power Actions. But for every Power Action that's automatically generated from the text, it ends up adding the Level twice.
March 13th, 2019, 20:02
Another bug: The Powers section of the character sheet does not support the Extra Info section for individual powers. So if as the GM I create Powers in the Powers section of FG, then I drag/drop it onto the character sheet, all that information is lost.
March 14th, 2019, 04:02
Thanks for the report - I'll get on to these as soon and as fast as I can.
April 9th, 2019, 06:11
Any update on these bugs being fixed, submitted, and rolled out?
April 9th, 2019, 07:09
Any update on these bugs being fixed, submitted, and rolled out?
No, sorry, not yet.
I'm still in the middle of a set of surgery.
I haven't forgotten, just been delayed.
April 9th, 2019, 16:42
Sorry to hear about your surgery. Get some rest, and I hope you have a good recovery!
April 22nd, 2019, 16:27
Another bug found: The Miss Damage section in the Combat tab is incorrectly calculating the amount of Miss Damage at Champion and Epic tiers. Miss damage is always equal to the character's level (unless they take a talent/feat/power/magic item that changes it, at which case, the player can make a manual adjustment). The character sheet is currently calculating [If Level = 5,6,7 (Miss Damage = Level x 2)] and [If Level = 8,9,10 (Miss Damage = Level x 3)].
I'm guessing this error comes from the fact that Damage Bonus from Ability Scores is x2 at levels 5-7 and x3 at levels 8-10. But that bonus only applies to normal damage rolls and not miss damage.
April 23rd, 2019, 07:25
Another bug found: The Miss Damage section in the Combat tab is incorrectly calculating the amount of Miss Damage at Champion and Epic tiers. Miss damage is always equal to the character's level (unless they take a talent/feat/power/magic item that changes it, at which case, the player can make a manual adjustment). The character sheet is currently calculating [If Level = 5,6,7 (Miss Damage = Level x 2)] and [If Level = 8,9,10 (Miss Damage = Level x 3)].
I'm guessing this error comes from the fact that Damage Bonus from Ability Scores is x2 at levels 5-7 and x3 at levels 8-10. But that bonus only applies to normal damage rolls and not miss damage.
Thanks for reporting this - I'll get to it asap
April 23rd, 2019, 21:05
Just picked up the ruleset over the weekend and played last night with friends. Thanks for the hard work on it Dulux-Ox - we had a great time!
I can confirm we ran into issue 48.2 (ability check calculation) listed in post #70 and #76. Not sure if it is already fixed and awaiting roll-out, but wanted to do my part in listing it.
Hope your recovery is going well!
April 24th, 2019, 05:26
Just picked up the ruleset over the weekend and played last night with friends. Thanks for the hard work on it Dulux-Ox - we had a great time!
I can confirm we ran into issue 48.2 (ability check calculation) listed in post #70 and #76. Not sure if it is already fixed and awaiting roll-out, but wanted to do my part in listing it.
Hope your recovery is going well!
Excellent! I'm glad you and your group liked it (even though it did have some bugs - sorry about that).
Yes, I will get things fixed asap, as soon as I'm recovered from my surgery (scheduled for May 3rd :) )
May 10th, 2019, 17:08
@Dulux-OZ, I hope your surgery went well and you're on the road to recovery! Do you have any updates on the bug fixes?
May 11th, 2019, 03:53
@Dulux-OZ, I hope your surgery went well and you're on the road to recovery! Do you have any updates on the bug fixes?
I got out of hospital 3 days ago (and spent that first day travelling). I know people are waiting, but please, give me a chance, OK? :)
May 11th, 2019, 06:19
I got out of hospital 3 days ago (and spent that first day travelling). I know people are waiting, but please, give me a chance, OK? :)
Sorry - I didn't mean to come across pushy or anything. I know how long it can take to recover and being on pain meds can really suck the mental energy out of you. I was just more curious than anything. Some of the bugs have been sitting there for a couple months and I was just wondering where things are at. I can certainly be patient. And if there's anything I can do to help, let me know!
June 7th, 2019, 17:21
Some NPC stats are incomplete (as noted earlier).
I did a super fast pass just checking hp and defenses of the npcs in the core book and I saw issues with the Common Trog, Derro Sage, Dire Bear, Medium Blue Dragon, and Trog Chanter.
There may be other issues with powers and spells but I didnt look for that. I didnt check the bestiary npcs.
June 7th, 2019, 20:18
Started fast checking the 13th Age bestiary, found issues with...
Centaur Raider, Common Rust Monster, Ogre Berserker, and Screaming Skull
Again, this is just a spot check of hp and defense numbers. Other parts of monster entries may or may not be off.
June 8th, 2019, 05:22
Started fast checking the 13th Age bestiary, found issues with...
Centaur Raider, Common Rust Monster, Ogre Berserker, and Screaming Skull
Again, this is just a spot check of hp and defense numbers. Other parts of monster entries may or may not be off.
Yeah, they're small typos, etc - I'll update them and get iot to SW ASAP.
I'll also see about getting the rest of the bug reported fixed as well :)
Thanks for letting me know.
June 23rd, 2019, 16:23
Another bug found: The Miss Damage section in the Combat tab is incorrectly calculating the amount of Miss Damage at Champion and Epic tiers. Miss damage is always equal to the character's level (unless they take a talent/feat/power/magic item that changes it, at which case, the player can make a manual adjustment). The character sheet is currently calculating [If Level = 5,6,7 (Miss Damage = Level x 2)] and [If Level = 8,9,10 (Miss Damage = Level x 3)].
I'm guessing this error comes from the fact that Damage Bonus from Ability Scores is x2 at levels 5-7 and x3 at levels 8-10. But that bonus only applies to normal damage rolls and not miss damage.
Yesterday my group was talking about this bug and found a decent, easy workaround to do while the bug is getting squashed. Thought I'd share it here to help any others. Under the Combat tab: Miss Damage section, if you add a 'Misc' modifier equal to negative your level for champion tiers, and negative double your level for epic tiers, then you can double-click on the Miss Damage and have it be applied correctly. You have to manually make that adjustment each time you level up, but it's a quick bandaid.
June 30th, 2019, 05:57
Started fast checking the 13th Age bestiary, found issues with...
Centaur Raider, Common Rust Monster, Ogre Berserker, and Screaming Skull
Again, this is just a spot check of hp and defense numbers. Other parts of monster entries may or may not be off.
These fixes (and other typos) have gone to SmiteWorks for loading into the update stream.
August 14th, 2019, 19:38
When applying any effect to any character, Staggered for example, when I do some kind of attack this error appears.
August 20th, 2019, 17:45
When applying any effect to any character, Staggered for example, when I do some kind of attack this error appears.
The developer that is working on the 13th Age ruleset is having health issues, but is still working on fixing things. We are looking for a developer to take over the upkeep of the ruleset with the original developers blessing.
August 20th, 2019, 18:11
The developer that is working on the 13th Age ruleset is having health issues, but is still working on fixing things. We are looking for a developer to take over the upkeep of the ruleset with the original developers blessing.
I'm a big fan of all the work Dulux-Oz has on this (as well as his other extensions that I use), but I understand his health limitations - especially considering this was originally a ruleset made for a single group. If there's a qualified developer that can step up and polish the ruleset, it would be awesome!
The ruleset certainly works for our weekly game, but I'd love to get stamp out the remaining bugs and more of the 13th Age line converted to FG!
August 21st, 2019, 04:59
I'm a big fan of all the work Dulux-Oz has on this (as well as his other extensions that I use)...
Thank you - it is nice to know that your efforts are appreciated - so often all you hear is the negative comments, so I really appreciate the positive ones when I see/hear them.
Yes, please bear with me on this - I am trying as hard as I can to get these all fixed, and I appreciate people's patience.
August 21st, 2019, 17:39
Thank you - it is nice to know that your efforts are appreciated - so often all you hear is the negative comments, so I really appreciate the positive ones when I see/hear them.
Yes, please bear with me on this - I am trying as hard as I can to get these all fixed, and I appreciate people's patience.
Your welcome. The work you and other folks have done on awesome rulesets and extensions has brought hours of entertainment to my friends and I!
August 22nd, 2019, 18:15
Fantasy Grounds is amazing, I bought my license a short time ago and I'm amazed by the program. You all are to be congratulated, the problem I reported is not that big, you can play quietly with some adjustments. It was my first message in the forum so I didn't want to give the impression that I just arrived complaining about rs.
Unfortunately I do not know anything about programming, if I knew I would be very happy to help.
Congratulations to everyone involved and that the developer's health improves.
Sorry for the bad english, I'm using google translator
August 23rd, 2019, 03:48
Fantasy Grounds is amazing, I bought my license a short time ago and I'm amazed by the program. You all are to be congratulated, the problem I reported is not that big, you can play quietly with some adjustments. It was my first message in the forum so I didn't want to give the impression that I just arrived complaining about rs.
Unfortunately I do not know anything about programming, if I knew I would be very happy to help.
Congratulations to everyone involved and that the developer's health improves.
Sorry for the bad english, I'm using google translator
We need to know about bugs, so don't worry about feeling bad reporting them - just keep your tone friendly and respectful (not that you didn't) and everything will be fine - and Welcome! to the Community :)
October 16th, 2019, 16:15
Any word on when an update will be available for 13A? Some of the bugs were reported about 8 months ago. Each time an update is rolled out, I cross my fingers and hold my breath that some of the issues will have been resolved, but so far no go. :(
October 16th, 2019, 16:21
We will be looking to transition this over to our internal team to maintain at some point in the future. There are a number of other rulesets ahead of it or in the same shape at the moment: Starfinder Starship Combat, Mutants & Masterminds, BRP, RMC, WOIN, etc. With the current project list, this is not likely to occur until 2020, unless dulux-oz manages to get to them first and submits it to us for the update.
October 16th, 2019, 17:35
I appreciate the update. Are you keeping a compiled list of current issues or would it be helpful for fans in this thread to do so?
October 16th, 2019, 17:48
It is probably best to report them here, for now.
October 16th, 2019, 18:10
Thanks for the update! (and btw, I'm really looking forward to Unity!!)
I think vvZODvv's question is more about consolidation - would it be helpful if we consolidated the list of bugs for you or is having them spread out through this thread good enough?
October 16th, 2019, 18:43
Thanks for the update! (and btw, I'm really looking forward to Unity!!)
I think vvZODvv's question is more about consolidation - would it be helpful if we consolidated the list of bugs for you or is having them spread out through this thread good enough?
Yep, that's what I was driving at.
November 16th, 2019, 18:42
Whenever an entry (PC or NPC) in the combat tracker has an effect applied to them (eg Vulnerable, Dazed, Hampered, etc), any attack against them or by them triggers the following script error
Script Error: [string "scripts/lsManagerEffect4E.lua"]:218: attempt to call field 'parseEffectComp' (a nil value)
The only way to remedy this is to remove the effect and make any roll modifications by hand.
Moon Wizard
November 30th, 2019, 01:43
The developer of this product is no longer active, so we've taken over maintenance of any errors as we can.
I've loaded a new build of the 13th Age ruleset into the Test channel that I believe addresses this issue, and asked James to schedule for Tuesday update to Live.
November 30th, 2019, 15:28
The developer of this product is no longer active, so we've taken over maintenance of any errors as we can.
I've loaded a new build of the 13th Age ruleset into the Test channel that I believe addresses this issue, and asked James to schedule for Tuesday update to Live.
Excellent Moon Wizard! I tried it in the Test channel and can confirm it works.
A new error recently popped up a couple of weeks ago. When opening the party sheet for the first time after loading the ruleset the following error is produced:
Script Error: [string "common/scripts/buttongroup_tabs.lua"]:62: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
Moon Wizard
December 1st, 2019, 20:24
I've pushed another build to the Test channel with the fix for the party sheet initial error.
December 1st, 2019, 20:27
January 20th, 2020, 05:43
Hello! I have recently migrated a game I was playing over to FG, and with the test version right now, most things that seemed to be bugs work great. So I am looking forward when that is live.
That said, there does appear to be a bug with ability checks that was not resolved. The character sheet shows it properly, first of all, but instead of adding the straight level as it should when rolling, it is using level/2, rounded down.
In any case, keep up the good work bug fixing people.
March 7th, 2020, 07:07
It does look like there was some update that showed up to fix some bugs, which is great, though there is also another that has been occurring. Specifically, recharge rolls throw the following error:
Script Error: [string "scripts/lsManagerActionRecharge.lua"]:35: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
Thanks again, bugfixing people!
Moon Wizard
March 7th, 2020, 20:51
Can you walk me through exactly how to recreate this error step-by-step?
I'm not familiar with the 13th Age ruleset; but I can see if I can address the issue if I can recreate.
March 8th, 2020, 08:10
Can you walk me through exactly how to recreate this error step-by-step?
I'm not familiar with the 13th Age ruleset; but I can see if I can address the issue if I can recreate.
Sure, and I also did some testing with Venorek's help this eveing, and we narrowed down exactly the issue.
So as the GM, if you go to the radial menu via right click on the Powers tab of a character sheet, there is the option to Roll Power Recharge. It rolls a straight d20 against a set DC, which is in each of the powers if present. Some powers with recharge must be present and marked as used (Lightning Fork and Shield were spells that worked good for testing it seemed). However, IF they SUCCEED, it is giving the error mentioned above. A failed roll actually does show up properly. (Also good to know the wizard has been using up his luck on all the times this has failed.)
Thanks for taking a look! :)
Moon Wizard
March 10th, 2020, 02:32
Thanks for the additional information. I got this far:
* Go to Library
* Activate Core Rules
* Create character
* Go to Powers tab
* Drag and drop Lightning Fork and Shield from Powers list onto Powers tab.
However, all the powers show up under the Situational header, and there is no Roll Power Recharge option when I right click. It seems like maybe I'm missing something in the setup?
Could you help me get the steps to see that option?
March 10th, 2020, 06:08
Thanks for the additional information. I got this far:
* Go to Library
* Activate Core Rules
* Create character
* Go to Powers tab
* Drag and drop Lightning Fork and Shield from Powers list onto Powers tab.
However, all the powers show up under the Situational header, and there is no Roll Power Recharge option when I right click. It seems like maybe I'm missing something in the setup?
Could you help me get the steps to see that option?
The only two things I can think of is that you do need to right click away from the powers themselves, if you were doing it that way. And otherwise, it is a GM-specific option if you were trying as a player. Otherwise, there are 3-4 options I get on the radial menu, depending on closeness to the power list: rest, close, roll power recharge, and create power when closer to the list.
Moon Wizard
March 10th, 2020, 19:09
Yeah, that was part of the problem; I was right clicking on the individual powers (assuming recharge was power-specific). I got the error now. Hopefully, it will be a simple fix I can get out quickly.
Moon Wizard
March 10th, 2020, 19:27
Just pushed a fix to the update server; so you should have the fix after you run a new Update.
March 12th, 2020, 06:16
Awesome, it worked great in our game tonight, no errors thrown!
There is one other error then I had forgotten to mention. When you go to the character button as DM, the Icons tab gets stuck. That is, it doesn't recognize the other tabs as things you can click, but instead get the window resize arrow when clicking there.
Moon Wizard
March 12th, 2020, 18:20
Thanks for feedback.
I'm not following the Icons tab issue. I tried opening the Character Selection window, opened a character sheet, then toggled among all the different tabs (including Icons) a few times. Perhaps you are talking about something else, or an Icons tab in another location? Can you provide a picture?
March 13th, 2020, 00:12
Ah ok, also it helps if I call it the right thing. It's the Party Sheet window, which just contains the characters, and which I have thus been calling that.
But Party Sheet button, then the Icons tab on there, and it gets stuck.
Moon Wizard
March 13th, 2020, 00:49
Great. Just pushed fix to update system.
March 21st, 2020, 03:56
Graphics bug:
The word Ability gets chopped off on either end
(the word background renders a little weird too, but not sure what can be done about that)
Using latest FGU on Mac
March 22nd, 2020, 14:05
Weapon list in the library is incorrect for Rogues and Sorcerers
Sorcerers look like they just have the entries for Rogues copy / pasted in
Rogues should do 1d8 damage with daggers, shortswords (and "wicked knives) but are instead listed with the same damage as other classes do
When entries are added into the Weapons / Implements panel in the character sheet combat tab, as the GM I occasionally see the toggleable value button text (e.g. Str -> Dex -> Wis or AC -> PD -> MD) floating up and to the left of where it should be. Cycling the values in this button fixes the
March 27th, 2020, 14:05
Character encoding issues with apostrophes in the core rules library book (e.g. example below from "Human Zombie" monster entry):
Grail Starseeker
March 29th, 2020, 00:49
There seems to be a bug concerning how Level is used/calculated:
I created a Lvl 5 Sorcerer. The modifier is indicated to be +5 (as expected). However, the miss damage is calculated as (Lvl * 2) instead of (Lvl * 1). If I reset my character level to 4 (Adventure Tier) the miss damage is correctly calculated as (Lvl * 1). If I reset the character level to 10 (epic tier) the miss damage is no (Lvl * 3).
Similarly, when I drag Lightning Fork spell into the Powers tab, the attack roll uses 1*Lvl at Adventure Tier, 2*Lvl at Champion tier, and 3*Lvl at Epic tier.
Any ideas?
March 31st, 2020, 08:30
Hello again! I thought I would add one more with detail that I have noticed as an issue. In particular, there is a minor level miscalculation.
For instance, here it shows character stats with +5 for con +4 level, giving +9 as shown:
When actually rolled however, it is giving half the level (+5 + 4/2 = +7)
This appears to be the case for all the stat checks from the character sheet that I can tell. If the ruleset is coded similarly to the 4e ruleset, which I can look at, it looks that it is just accidentally using halflevel in calculating.
Thank you for all the recent bug fixes!
March 31st, 2020, 21:08
I've just started using the 13th Age set in Fantasy Grounds Unity. I've coded the various characters in (level 6 party).
The combat roller seems to be adding level twice. Is there a way to check or fix this?
March 31st, 2020, 22:55
I will be looking over the issues you have reported. I've personally not used the ruleset, so please respond with the steps you used to create the issue so I can recreate them on my end if they are automation related.
Moon Wizard
March 31st, 2020, 22:59
I asked superteddy57 to help me look into the issues reported by @phantomwhale, @Grail Starseeker, @Bradius, @DarkEbon.
As he mentioned, neither of us are familiar with the game system, and there is no active developer. However, we'll do what we can to help patch up issues, if you guys can help by getting us exact steps to recreate. Assume we know nothing about the game system, so the more detailed the better.
March 31st, 2020, 23:34
@phantomwhale I was able to track down and fix the anchoring of the label and fixed it's width. I will have to do more digging for the weaponlists and the encoding issues to get those sorted. I'm not sure what you were referring to with toggleable value button. Can you provide an image please?
@Grail Starseeker Can you break down a bit more what the proper rule is needed in this case?
@Bradius I have verified that the ability checks are not adding the modifier into the box and only using half of the modifier. What is the correct way this is needing to be calculated?
@DarkEbon I created a level 4 character and later a level 6 character and the attack uses the modifier in the Total box. It appears to calculate the level bonus and the ability modifier. I was not able to replicate the level being added in twice. Can you show me some images of this being done and the steps you have performed to replicate this?
April 1st, 2020, 00:16
Thanks for the response.
I downloaded the ruleset and started to re-create my campaign's characters in it (6th level - we have moved online due to Coronavirus lock-downs). It seems there is a problem with powers and how the die rolls are calculated - basic attacks appear to work correctly.
The modifiers for power rolls are, however, much too high. It appears, in most cases, that the level is being added to the modifiers twice (it should be added once), but one example seemed to be a little off even from this and we've not been able to work it out. Unfortunately, whilst the ruleset allows you to click a button to see how modifiers have been calculated, it doesn't seem to be detailed enough in this case.
It would probably be easier to share the campaign files with you, telling you what the modifiers should be. Is there an address to send them to?
Thanks again
Moon Wizard
April 1st, 2020, 00:56
You can send the zipped up campaign folder to
[email protected]; and we'll get it forwarded to supperteddy57.
Please include details about the PC and rolls that are impacted; so that we can find them.
April 1st, 2020, 05:51
@Bradius I have verified that the ability checks are not adding the modifier into the box and only using half of the modifier. What is the correct way this is needing to be calculated?
It should be calculated as stat bonus + level.
April 1st, 2020, 06:01
Hi guys,
The devs will need to know EXACTLY what and how it works.
Bear in mind many RPGs are interpreted (misinterpreted?) differently by different groups.
Seeing as these sound like pretty core changes it would be good if those that are highlighting the issue can
a) agree that it is wrong
b) agree on exactly what it should be
c) post an extract from the rules to support that
April 1st, 2020, 14:13
I asked superteddy57 to help me look into the issues reported by @phantomwhale, @Grail Starseeker, @Bradius, @DarkEbon.
As he mentioned, neither of us are familiar with the game system, and there is no active developer. However, we'll do what we can to help patch up issues, if you guys can help by getting us exact steps to recreate. Assume we know nothing about the game system, so the more detailed the better.
Some of the issues that are being mentioned again we're previously reported and never resolved. I had previously outlined the power miscalculation (due to incorrectly adding the level twice) and the miss damage (incorrectly following the level damage progression) and maybe a couple others. I'm on my phone at the moment, but later today I'll dig back through the thread and link to the posts where the math had been outlined...both what it should be and what it is.
April 1st, 2020, 15:11
@DarkEbon I created a level 4 character and later a level 6 character and the attack uses the modifier in the Total box. It appears to calculate the level bonus and the ability modifier. I was not able to replicate the level being added in twice. Can you show me some images of this being done and the steps you have performed to replicate this?
Thanks for checking. The problem I'm having isn't with basic attacks (as demonstrated in your image) - those appear to be working fine. It's with powers. Similarly, if it was powers that I'd added myself, I'd assume that I've made a mistake somewhere, but the ones in question came with the ruleset. I've sent an e-mail including more detail and the campaign files.
April 1st, 2020, 17:32
Awesome, let me see about the powers. Sorry I thought you were referring to basic attack rolls. We will get this straight! I'll test out powers and see what we can do.
April 1st, 2020, 17:49
Ok I checked over the powers and it appears to be pulling in the level twice. I killed one of the checks and this is the result
Does this appear to be more right in terms of the modifier?
April 1st, 2020, 18:18
Yes - those power calculations are correct. D20+3+6
April 1st, 2020, 18:30
Thanks njohn858. I'm going to do some testing to see if this affects other parts of the sheet and if the CT uses this code as well. If all is well then I'll get it passed for inclusion with the next update for the ruleset.
April 1st, 2020, 18:36
There seems to be a bug concerning how Level is used/calculated:
I created a Lvl 5 Sorcerer. The modifier is indicated to be +5 (as expected). However, the miss damage is calculated as (Lvl * 2) instead of (Lvl * 1). If I reset my character level to 4 (Adventure Tier) the miss damage is correctly calculated as (Lvl * 1). If I reset the character level to 10 (epic tier) the miss damage is no (Lvl * 3).
Similarly, when I drag Lightning Fork spell into the Powers tab, the attack roll uses 1*Lvl at Adventure Tier, 2*Lvl at Champion tier, and 3*Lvl at Epic tier.
Any ideas?
Referencing the rules here:
and as an example, the sorcerer class (on the SRD site, Miss Damage is defined on each class' page)
If Miss Damage is applied (Combat tab in FG), it will always be equal to the character's level.
The bonus to damage from the ability score scales up as the game progresses:
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4: damage bonus = x1 ability modifier
Levels 5, 6, 7: damage bonus = x2 ability modifier
Levels 8, 9, 10: damage bonus = x3 ability modifier
What's happening with the Miss Damage is that it's being doubled and tripled according to the damage bonus progression instead of staying equal to the level.
For the spells and powers, the damage is being calculated correctly.
April 1st, 2020, 18:40
Also, please reference the bug reported here:
The Skill Checks are still being calculated incorrectly (halving the level and rounding down)
April 1st, 2020, 18:51
Awesome resources. Thanks for the information. I was able to find the Miss Damage calculation on the combat tab. I'll tinker with it a bit and see what I can come up with. Very helpful!
April 2nd, 2020, 00:01
Ok I checked over the powers and it appears to be pulling in the level twice. I killed one of the checks and this is the result
Does this appear to be more right in terms of the modifier?
Yes - those look perfect!
Moon Wizard
April 2nd, 2020, 19:14
The following fixes have been pushed to FGC Test channel (for standard Tuesday Live update); and FGU Live channel:
[Fixed] Some text not displaying correctly in FGU
[Fixed] PC sheet label display fix
[Fixed] Level incorrectly being added multiple times for non-basic powers and miss damage.
[Fixed] Some text not displaying correctly in FGU.
Thanks to supperteddy57 for the assist.
April 2nd, 2020, 21:35
Many thanks for the very rapid fix!
I'll let you know if I find any more problems.
April 5th, 2020, 15:47
Not sure if this is a bug or not - perhaps others can chip in.
When rolling melee attacks from the "Melee attack" section, it correctly adds the ability modifier PLUS level
But when rolling a melee attack from the weapons section, by default, it only adds the ability modifier, but NOT the character level? There is a spot when you can manually change the modifier from 0 to +X (for level X) but you'd have to update these each time the character changes level, and it's inconsistent with the melee attack section above that clearly DOES automatically add level to the roll.
Have other players seen / dealt with this?
April 5th, 2020, 16:45
Verified and a fix was pushed for review.
April 6th, 2020, 06:49
Couple of other things came up; both might be limitations of the ruleset, rather than bugs, but they were:
(1) The cleric power "Turn Undead" says you make a roll adjusted by "WIS + CHA + LVL" - but the entry in the powers tab only does a single attribute plus level. We have made it roll off WIS and added the characters current CHA modifier manually (-1 for this character) as we couldn't see a way to have multiple attributes modifiers affect a power.
(2) The class ability Heal says it can be used twice per battle - When copied into the power list, it doesn't "light up" in any way, and only has a single "tickbox" to track usage - is there a clever / automated way to note it has two uses? It seems to have that information in the library, but not sure if anything uses it.
April 6th, 2020, 17:21
The first one looks like an issue with the parser on collecting more than one attribute. I would set a hotkey to create a mode of the player's wisdom to add before clicking on the roll button. This will add in the correct modifier for now. As for Heal, this is also relevant to other similar rulesets (ex 5E), when placed into action lists, it will most likely only set it for a single use. If you cycle to preperation, you can see a number box that will allow you to change the number of slots that will be available once you switch to combat.
Grail Starseeker
April 21st, 2020, 01:15
On the main page, when rolling saving throws, EASY saving should succeed on 6+, NORMAL saving throws on 11+, and HARD saving throws on 16+. (by RAW)
When rolling via the roll button, the success/failure description in the chat box does not match the correct interpretation of the roll (i.e. failure/success status is incorrect). What's more, the interpretation is inconsistent, that is, sometimes a roll of 14 will listed as success and sometimes it will be a failure (I cannot figure out rhyme or reason for this). This inconsistency happens with easy, normal. and hard save difficulties.
April 21st, 2020, 18:00
On the main page, when rolling saving throws, EASY saving should succeed on 6+, NORMAL saving throws on 11+, and HARD saving throws on 16+. (by RAW)
When rolling via the roll button, the success/failure description in the chat box does not match the correct interpretation of the roll (i.e. failure/success status is incorrect). What's more, the interpretation is inconsistent, that is, sometimes a roll of 14 will listed as success and sometimes it will be a failure (I cannot figure out rhyme or reason for this). This inconsistency happens with easy, normal. and hard save difficulties.
I can confirm this bug. Through the use of the Manual Dice Roller, it seems that the difficulty toggle isn't doing anything, and it's locked into a Normal save. All saves currently FAIL on a 1-10 and all SUCCEED on an 11-20. If the toggle is set to Easy, it should succeed on 6-20, and if the toggle is set to Hard, it should fail on 1-15.
Easy = 6+
Normal = 11+
Hard = 16+
April 21st, 2020, 19:49
I was able to track down what was causing it as it was not linked to the save roll. I will push a fix for this issue.
April 21st, 2020, 20:05
I was able to track down what was causing it as it was not linked to the save roll. I will push a fix for this issue.
Thank you so much @superteddy57! You're a rockstar! :D
August 1st, 2020, 09:04
Hi there!
As you can see in the image, I think there must be an error in the 13th Age Reference Manual. The Armor Bonus for Sorcerers and Wizards should be +1, not +10.
August 1st, 2020, 15:35
Pushed a hotfix for this issue.
October 13th, 2020, 23:23
Hi all,
I've just tried to run my first combat in 13th Age since FGU was released (rather than the beta version) and it had lots of bugs that weren't there before:
1) Every time I try to open a character sheet it throws up errors - it looks like it's looking for a reflex save, which 13th Age doesn't have? I had the same problem trying to make defences appear on the combat tracker.
2) The combat tracker appeared odd - again, perhaps because it was trying to fit in a defence that wasn't there.
3) Character wounds weren't showing up on the combat tracker, but did on the party sheet
4) Defences values seemed to go a bit hay-wire, seemingly changing whenever somebody (including me) clicked into or out of a character sheet.
It looks like it's trying to rely too heavily on the D&D4th rules, which it's based on - but I have no idea why it might be doing that. Can anybody help?
October 14th, 2020, 15:54
Pushed a hotfix to address the errors you were experiencing. Please provide further feedback if you experience any other errors
October 14th, 2020, 15:59
Thanks - that appears to have fixed most of it.
I'm still getting an error when opening character sheets. It says:
Script execution error: [string "campaign/scripts/char_skill.lua"]:26: attempt to index global 'statname' (a nil value)
This isn't massive problem, as it only happens when I open a character sheet for the first time, but if there is an easy fix, that would be wonderful.
Thanks again.
October 14th, 2020, 21:49
Ok, thank you. I will check to see what is causing that.
October 17th, 2020, 03:12
Hi! I experienced something Odd when creating characters, I don't know if this is just happening to me or I'm doing something wrong, If this has already been reported please disregard my message.
On the character sheet: I'm adding the details for my character, name, class, and level, everything seems to be going fine, but the problem comes when I start to modify the character's stats, please see attached image for reference and evidence on what's happening.
13A has a weird way to add modifiers for AC, MENTAL and PHYSICAL Defenses, on the formulas below X is a fixed number depending the character class chosen
AC = X + middle mod of Con/Dex/Wis + Level
PHYSICAL DEFENSE= X + middle modifier of Str/Con/Dex + Level
MENTAL DEFENSE= X + + middle modifier of Int/Wis/Cha + Level
The middle modifier is the in between number on the Stat bonus, lets say a character has a STR=+2, CON=+1 and DEX=0 the middle mod would be 1
Taking this in consideration, when I start modifying the stats of my player characters, the defense numbers go crazy as detailed on the image attached, when you add level ( that also factors on the final number ) it works as intended, you add Misc Mod it works, but when you modify any stat ( and thus, the bonus ) the defenses go crazy again.
A workaround I found is that after the numbers go nuts, I just manually modify the MISC mod on the COMBAT Tab ( Change it to +1 or anything ) and then the calculation works again, but sometimes while I'm GM'ing, if there's any change to the mod and I forget to do this, the defenses doesn't calculate correctly and it screws the combat a little bit, I don't know if this is a known issue, but it would be great if this could be fixed.
I hope I didn't confuse anyone :)
Thanks a lot for your time!
October 18th, 2020, 01:37
I investigated your reported issue and you are correct that they are not following the 13th Age formula you have laid out in your post. Unfortunately this part of the code uses 4E very heavily. I also did a search of the 13th Age forums to find how it was done prior. It appears the best course of action right now would be to use the modifier boxes to zero in the correct numbers for your character.
October 18th, 2020, 05:18
I investigated your reported issue and you are correct that they are not following the 13th Age formula you have laid out in your post. Unfortunately this part of the code uses 4E very heavily. I also did a search of the 13th Age forums to find how it was done prior. It appears the best course of action right now would be to use the modifier boxes to zero in the correct numbers for your character.
Ok no problem, thanks a lot for your time looking into this!
October 20th, 2020, 15:37
In addition to the error I wrote about above, I'm receiving the following error messages which are resulting in me not being able to build encounters (monsters won't drag into the encounter):
Script execution error: [string "campaign/scripts/npc_main.lua"]:35: attempt to index global 'reflex' (a nil value)
Script execution error: [string "campaign/encounter.lua"]:16: attempt to index global 'type' (a function value)
Script execution error: [string "campaign/encounter.lua"]:57: attempt to index global 'type' (a function value)
Moon Wizard
October 20th, 2020, 15:55
Can you verify that you're not running any extensions? Or can you try without extensions loaded?
October 20th, 2020, 19:51
Only a theme one. I'll try without it.
October 20th, 2020, 19:52
No - doesn't help.
October 21st, 2020, 23:03
I am currently on vacation and will have a look at this once I return.
October 21st, 2020, 23:38
No worries - hope you enjoy your vacation.
October 28th, 2020, 03:28
Pushed hotfix for reported issue
November 7th, 2020, 02:01
Hi. Today I opened my 13th Age campaign in FG Classic and the first time I open any character sheet I get a "Console (GM)" dialog box with the following error message:
Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/char_skill.lua"]:26: attempt to index global 'statname' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/char_skill.lua"]:26: attempt to index global 'statname' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/char_skill.lua"]:26: attempt to index global 'statname' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/char_skill.lua"]:26: attempt to index global 'statname' (a nil value)
Did I do anything new? Yes, I just installed FG Unity on the same machine. I used the default directories, though, so there is no directory conflict. I also haven't used FG Unity at all. After installing FG Unity, the FG Classic updater installed a bunch of new items, mostly tokens that apparently came as a benefit of the FGU kickstarter. And then the FGC problems when opening a character started. I don't know if the FGU thing has any effect on my FGC campaign, but thought I'd mention it in case it's involved.
Any ideas on how to fix? Is this a bug or something else?
November 7th, 2020, 07:02
Hi. Today I opened my 13th Age campaign in FG Classic and the first time I open any character sheet I get a "Console (GM)" dialog box with the following error message:
Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/char_skill.lua"]:26: attempt to index global 'statname' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/char_skill.lua"]:26: attempt to index global 'statname' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/char_skill.lua"]:26: attempt to index global 'statname' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/char_skill.lua"]:26: attempt to index global 'statname' (a nil value)
Did I do anything new? Yes, I just installed FG Unity on the same machine. I used the default directories, though, so there is no directory conflict. I also haven't used FG Unity at all. After installing FG Unity, the FG Classic updater installed a bunch of new items, mostly tokens that apparently came as a benefit of the FGU kickstarter. And then the FGC problems when opening a character started. I don't know if the FGU thing has any effect on my FGC campaign, but thought I'd mention it in case it's involved.
Any ideas on how to fix? Is this a bug or something else?
I got the same error on Classic, but not on Unity. It probably isn't that you just installed Unity, mine was installed 6 months ago. More likely something that got updated in the main FG program has a conflict with something in 13th Age. I didn't Kickstart it so I don't have any of the new items so they aren't it either. I'm sure now that it's been reported it'll get fixed hopefully by the next update!
November 7th, 2020, 07:31
I pushed a hotfix that I believe this error is associated with the string of other reports coming in. I'm currently trying to track down all the script files that need to be declared. Thanks for the report.
March 21st, 2021, 07:37
Hello! We have noticed a couple new bugs recently. In particular, there is an error thrown when you add something to the combat tracker. In classic, it gives this error with an existing character:
Script Error: [string "ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua"]:298: attempt to index global 'reflex' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "common/scripts/number_crosslink.lua"]:64: bad argument #-1 to 'setValue' (number expected, got table)
And for a fresh character with nothing done, it gives this:
Script Error: [string "ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua"]:298: attempt to index global 'reflex' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua"]:207: attempt to index global 'reflex' (a nil value)
An npc gives just this one:
Script Error: [string "ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua"]:298: attempt to index global 'reflex' (a nil value)
In addition, it seems the ability to right click a combatant in the combat tracker to remove them is no longer present.
This happened in two classic games recently, so I went first and tried it with a new table with nothing else. I also went and just gave it a try in unity, and got the same errors. Thank you for taking a look at this!
March 21st, 2021, 18:49
I noticed that this one had reared its ugly head again too. Hopefully it can be fixed as easily as it was last time.
March 22nd, 2021, 01:20
I will take a look at this on Monday.
Moon Wizard
March 30th, 2021, 00:55
Just pushed hot fix for this. Please update; and let us know if you are still getting errors.
April 15th, 2021, 01:55
Just pushed hot fix for this. Please update; and let us know if you are still getting errors.
I finally had my full game as GM, and it is looking all good to me. :)
April 15th, 2021, 10:32
Yep - all seems to be working as it always did.
There are two outstanding problems (that occur every time for me) which would be amazing if they could be fixed:
1) Ongoing Damage is inflicted at the start of a character's turn, rather than the end, which means that I sometimes end up needing to manually give them the hp back if they get a save during their turn for some reason;
2) Miss damage doesn't seem to work properly for powers - as far as I can tell, level is being doubled and tripled at Champion and Epic tier (similarly to how attribute bonuses to damage are), which shouldn't happen.
April 21st, 2021, 00:30
Hi everyone, I will be taking over as the new community developer for the 13th Age Ruleset. I will make sure I have tracking on any issues reported in this thread that haven't yet been addressed by the ones who came before (looks at previous post by @DarkEbon)
June 15th, 2021, 06:00
A minor thing I have noticed now with the more recent updates is that on the Combat tab of characters, it is listing Fortitude and Will instead of Physical Defense and Mental Defense.
June 15th, 2021, 23:29
A new bug as of tonight (at least only noticed tonight) - ongoing damage doesn't seem to be triggering anymore?
June 16th, 2021, 05:24
A new bug as of tonight (at least only noticed tonight) - ongoing damage doesn't seem to be triggering anymore?
I did make a change to have ongoing damage trigger at the end of the targets turn, as is described in the core rule book. Could you verify whether that is the case, or it's not working at all? I will double check on my side too.
EDIT: it seems to be triggering at the end of the round, not at the end of the target's turn. I'll get a fix out in the next update.
June 16th, 2021, 09:43
I'm afraid it didn't seem to be triggering at all.
EDIT: Ah - I didn't think to look for it at the end of the round!
June 17th, 2021, 00:16
I just submitted an update for next Tuesday which should address the issues above.
June 17th, 2021, 10:24
Awesome - thanks!
Another problem I've recently encountered is that I don't seem to be able to expand NPC windows anymore. It's not a huge problem, as I can still scroll them, but it would be helpful to be able to see the whole set of stats at the same time...
Thanks again for sorting all of this stuff out.
June 17th, 2021, 15:54
deleted, wrong place lol
June 17th, 2021, 21:37
Awesome - thanks!
Another problem I've recently encountered is that I don't seem to be able to expand NPC windows anymore. It's not a huge problem, as I can still scroll them, but it would be helpful to be able to see the whole set of stats at the same time...
Thanks again for sorting all of this stuff out.
Just to clarify, by expand do you mean resize the NPC window?
EDIT: yeah that was it. I found the problem and a fix will be pushed on Tuesday.
June 18th, 2021, 09:08
Thanks - that is exactly what I meant.
June 22nd, 2021, 10:19
New weird bug - not sure how long it's been there, but I've only just noticed it.
It's working out AC incorrectly for some characters. It is supposed to add the middle modifier of Dex, Con and Wis to the AC, but for two of my characters, it is adding the highest. I have no idea why it would be getting it wrong for only 2 of the 9 characters - the commonality is that these are the characters that have high Dex so, as far as I can see, it is adding Dex to AC if it is the highest of the three, and then adding the middle one if Dex isn't the highest.
Currently I've got this fixed with miscellaneous modifiers, but if it could be investigated and corrected that would be awesome.
June 23rd, 2021, 21:32
I have to say, it's amazing to see all of these problems getting fixed so promptly now! Many thanks Darren!
I don't know if it's possible, but if there were some way to automate the Strong Recovery feat (allows the reroll of a recovery die, increasing as tier does) that would be fantastic - at the moment, it takes ages for our Barbarian to actually roll physical dice and heal. No idea if the system can actually handle something like that though.
June 23rd, 2021, 23:20
I have to say, it's amazing to see all of these problems getting fixed so promptly now! Many thanks Darren!
I don't know if it's possible, but if there were some way to automate the Strong Recovery feat (allows the reroll of a recovery die, increasing as tier does) that would be fantastic - at the moment, it takes ages for our Barbarian to actually roll physical dice and heal. No idea if the system can actually handle something like that though.
Added to my backlog, but don't expect to see it anytime soon ;)
June 25th, 2021, 16:40
Sorry - new bug.
I don't seem to be able to change character levels anymore? I'm trying to level people up...
I tried to create a new character, and that didn't allow the level box to be changed either.
June 25th, 2021, 22:01
That's my bad. I accidentally let some in-progress changes get into the last commit. I'll get a hotfix pushed ASAP to roll those back.
June 26th, 2021, 10:38
I wondered if it might be part of the update to allow automated levelling that was mentioned in the other thread.
No worries - I changed the levels directly in the xml so I could get it sorted for the moment.
June 27th, 2021, 23:06
Another bug whilst you're being so awesome at fixing them.
For some damage rolls, I'm getting the error message:
[ERROR] Script execution error: [string "scripts/lsManagerActionDamage.lua"]:68: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'nMult' (a nil value)
Is this something I'm doing wrong? Or is there a problem in the code?
June 28th, 2021, 23:17
It looks like I could do a quick fix to suppress the error, but I'm worried I might be bandaging over an underlying issue. Can you try to narrow down the cases where you see this and provide more information? The error happens because the 'basemult' field in the triggering action is nil, so it would seem to be an issue with the weapon or ability being used to trigger the damage roll. This could either be due to user error (not filling out a required field somewhere) or an error in the ruleset or core rules module (missing data on a weapon and/or ability).
June 29th, 2021, 09:30
I'll do some experimentation and get back to you. If we could only see the code ourselves, it would be easier to track down...
June 29th, 2021, 15:43
I think I've isolated the problem - it seemed to be triggering the error if I had assigned an implement to attack/damage power action. When I remove those, it works fine.
I have the implement listed at the top of the window as the default one, so I hope it will still pick up the magic item bonus from there.
June 29th, 2021, 18:23
I don't fully understand your description, can you provide an example?
EDIT: I see the "Imp" box for attack/damage actions. But I can't repro the error you're seeing. An example would be helpful.
June 29th, 2021, 18:31
Ok, I got a repro finally. I need to add some tooltips to the controls. I'm still learning how a lot of this stuff works in 13th Age and it was totally unclear to me that the "Imp" control is an index back to items on the Combat tab. I thought it was just a flat bonus field.
June 29th, 2021, 19:36
Fix has been checked in and marked for hotfix. Not sure if it will make today's update, or later this week.
June 29th, 2021, 23:35
Thanks again!
July 30th, 2021, 09:05
So this week, we ran into a bunch of errors, which kind of stopped everything. So first, regular weapons work fine, and effect applying does as well, but doing any attack or damage power throws an error instead without any resolution. That happens for both GM and player. In particular, this is the error in the console log:
[7/30/2021 2:48:56 AM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "campaign/scripts/manager_char.lua"]:1647: attempt to index local 'nodeFocus' (a nil value)
[7/30/2021 2:48:58 AM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "campaign/scripts/manager_char.lua"]:1647: attempt to index local 'nodeFocus' (a nil value)
[7/30/2021 2:48:59 AM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "campaign/scripts/manager_char.lua"]:1647: attempt to index local 'nodeFocus' (a nil value)
That is without any added extensions running, which I thought may do something.
I also note I get some of this in the log:
[7/30/2021 2:48:15 AM] [WARNING] Could not load script file (13th_Age) (Desktop13a) (scripts/data_desktop_13a.lua)
[7/30/2021 2:48:18 AM] [WARNING] Frame desktop contains out-of-range values in Decal.
[7/30/2021 2:48:49 AM] [WARNING] Frame tabs contains out-of-range values in BottomLeft.
I don't think the latter two relate at all, and unsure if the first is relevant. I note that also there were some extra errors when using the wizard desk theme (also shout out to whomever designed that, as it looks super cool).
[7/30/2021 2:55:16 AM] MEASURE: RULESETS LOAD - 6.1079893 - 13th_Age
[7/30/2021 2:55:16 AM] [WARNING] font: Font (idactivefont) defined with merge attribute, but asset name does not match existing asset. [SWKTHEME_WIZARDSDESK] [graphics/graphics_fonts.xml]
[7/30/2021 2:55:16 AM] [WARNING] font: Font (idinactivefont) defined with merge attribute, but asset name does not match existing asset. [SWKTHEME_WIZARDSDESK] [graphics/graphics_fonts.xml]
[7/30/2021 2:55:19 AM] [WARNING] font: Could not find TTF font file. (SWKTHEME_WIZARDSDESK) (graphics/graphics_tabs.xml) (graphics/fonts/Open_Sans/OpenSans-Regular.ttf)
(other loadings)
[7/30/2021 2:55:40 AM] [WARNING] Frame dicetower_normal contains out-of-range values in Middle.
Thank you for the continued work! Let me know if you need any other specific info about this.
July 30th, 2021, 22:35
I have just pushed fixes for the 'nodeFocus' errors, the missing script file warning, and the frame out-of-range warnings. I have marked this as a hotfix since it is blocking crucial functionality so a new build should be pushed today or tomorrow. The new reported version will "v2021-07-30"
I don't own the Wizard's Desk theme, so I can't troubleshoot that one.
dicetower_normal is defined in CoreRPG and neither 4E nor 13th Age layers changes it in any way. Does the Wizard's Desk theme change the dice tower? That might be the cause of that one.
July 30th, 2021, 23:43
Awesome, thanks! And the Wizard's Desk theme does change the dice tower to be bigger and look different. That didn't seem to cause any errors at least, but thought I would mention it.
February 12th, 2022, 20:01
Hi! Question: In the 13th age ruleset, it's not possible to drag and drop classes on top of the character sheet. I guess It's a bug, o maybe that's how it's supposed to work, but I find it weird. Does this happen to anyone else?
February 13th, 2022, 17:49
That's not a bug. Drag/drop of classes, races, etc. is a fairly huge feature that still needs to be added to the ruleset. It isn't a native capability of FGU, and there are numerous rulesets that do not support this.
February 13th, 2022, 21:37
Oh, I got spoiled by the level of automation of other Rulesets, :D, So I supposed all worked the same way.
Thanks a lot for the answer!!!
June 5th, 2022, 04:53
njohn858 reported this issue back in 2019:
Another bug: The Powers section of the character sheet does not support the Extra Info section for individual powers. So if as the GM I create Powers in the Powers section of FG, then I drag/drop it onto the character sheet, all that information is lost.
It looks like it's either an issue that didn't yet get addressed, or it cropped up again.
Pictured on the left is the Power that was copied onto a character, on the right is the ability as it exists in the Powers tab.
It looks like the Extra Info details are all lose, as well as the Flavor Text.
It's also not possible to add any Linked Powers. Clicking the Edit List button doesn't do anything.
June 6th, 2022, 20:56
It's also not possible to add any Linked Powers. Clicking the Edit List button doesn't do anything.
It appears to me that the purpose of the Linked Powers section is to add related powers to the character sheet when a power is dragged and dropped. For instance, if I create a power record in the Powers list and drop another power into the Linked Powers list, and then drop that power onto a character sheet, then the dropped power and the linked power are both added to the character sheet, and the linked power is removed from the list in the dropped power. That might be hold-over functionality from 4E? I can't remember seeing any powers in any of the content sources that require that behavior. I could either remove the linked powers section from the power window completely, just change the drag/drop behavior to something else, or leave it as-is. Thoughts/suggestions welcome here.
Note that as alluded to above, it is possible to drag and drop a power into the linked powers section to add items, and if there are items in the list, then Clicking the Edit List button does cause delete buttons to appear (they are currently on top of the reference link, and I'm fixing that now).
June 6th, 2022, 20:57
I have also confirmed that both flavor text and extra info fields are lost when dragging and dropping a power. I will fix that.
June 6th, 2022, 23:57
It appears to me that the purpose of the Linked Powers section is to add related powers to the character sheet when a power is dragged and dropped. For instance, if I create a power record in the Powers list and drop another power into the Linked Powers list, and then drop that power onto a character sheet, then the dropped power and the linked power are both added to the character sheet, and the linked power is removed from the list in the dropped power. That might be hold-over functionality from 4E? I can't remember seeing any powers in any of the content sources that require that behavior. I could either remove the linked powers section from the power window completely, just change the drag/drop behavior to something else, or leave it as-is. Thoughts/suggestions welcome here.
Note that as alluded to above, it is possible to drag and drop a power into the linked powers section to add items, and if there are items in the list, then Clicking the Edit List button does cause delete buttons to appear (they are currently on top of the reference link, and I'm fixing that now).
Oh, that's excellent, I had no idea you could drag things onto them, thank you!
I had been using the Extra Info field to list off the additional feats that could be taken for a power, but I like using the Linked Items field even more. Currently, as someone who's still learning about class features, I don't know if a power has additional feats to take, but linking them there helps me identify what's available without having to pull up the class again each time. Here is how I'm linking them so as a player I know what's available to me: 53044
I have also confirmed that both flavor text and extra info fields are lost when dragging and dropping a power. I will fix that.
Excellent, thank you!
July 4th, 2022, 22:01
I found that the weapon attacks in the Mini Character window don't get the character level added to their attack and damage rolls.
Though the number of damage dice rolled at higher levels in the Mini window do add the additional damage dice.
July 7th, 2022, 19:51
There's a big update to all rulesets coming next week. Once that is out, I'll take a look at this issue. Thanks for reporting.
July 13th, 2022, 22:37
The issue is now fixed. There were two problems in there. First, weapons on the mini sheet weren't updating when the level changed. Second, the bonus was being calculated using half level instead of level for some reason. I'm guessing some hold-over from 4E that was overlooked. The fix should roll out next Tuesday.
July 20th, 2022, 15:58
When I dragged over a picture from the asstes to the character sheet, this error came up :
July 20th, 2022, 22:41
I just checked in a fix, will be out next Tuesday.
October 21st, 2022, 10:24
(Please forgive this cross-post for the FGU Support Forum, but I realised it may be better served here.)
I'm using the official 13th Age products, running Fantasy Grounds Unity. Latest update (yesterday)
No other extensions as far as I know.
And I get a persistent error when PC or Monsters try to attack (regular weapon melee attack) a target.
Simply rolling attack without any target selected seem to work.
But with a target I get a Script Execution Error.
[string "13th_Age:scripts/manager_action_attack.lua"]:475: attempt to ... (can't remember exactly what this part said) ... 'oTargetEffectsNode' (a nil value)
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I cannot imagine this is ageneric problem, since I can't find anyone else complaining about it, so it's probably me. Right?
EDIT: Applying Damage to target works fine for some reason. And playing around with adding and removing creatures from the Action Tracker... sometimes it works with Attack Rolls as well.... but I cannot figure out why it works sometimes and sometimes not. Most of the time the error is there and then it is persistent.
November 25th, 2022, 18:09
...I cannot imagine this is ageneric problem, since I can't find anyone else complaining about it, so it's probably me. Right?...
I'm late to the party with a reply, but anyhow...I was doing some work on my Midgard World adaptation last night and didn't notice any Attack errors when testing NPC and PC builds. That was the case whether I was testing combat on a map image or just within the Combat Tracker.
...And playing around with adding and removing creatures from the Action Tracker...
By "Action Tracker", I take it that you're referring to the Combat Tracker? For the PCs or NPCs you're attacking with, are they on a map image, or are you just targeting within the Combat Tracker? I ask because, if you're using maps and then deleting and re-adding NPCs or PCs in the combat tracker, I recommend removing the token from the map and then dragging & dropping it to the map from the CT again.
Otherwise, a good way to ensure you have all of the most recent ruleset components for 13th Age, would be to do the following while FGU isn't running:
Rename the \Fantasy Grounds Unity\rulesets\4E.pak file to something else.
Rename the \Fantasy Grounds Unity\rulesets\CoreRPG.pak file.
Rename the \Fantasy Grounds Unity\vault\4E.dat file.
Rename the \Fantasy Grounds Unity\vault\CoreRPG.dat file.
And rename the \Fantasy Grounds Unity\vault\13THAGERULESET.dat file.
Then restart FGU and click the [Check for Updates] button. That will re-download the 13th Age ruleset and the other rulesets it's built upon.
Renaming the 4E rulesets may not be necessary, as I vaguely recall that ruleset's code was rolled into 13THAGERULESET.dat at some point. I'm not a 100% about that though, so better to rename those files too just in case.
November 26th, 2022, 19:45
The 13th Age ruleset no longer inherits from 4E. Please replace 4E.pak in the previous post with 13thAge.pak.
November 26th, 2022, 19:46
(Please forgive this cross-post for the FGU Support Forum, but I realised it may be better served here.)
I'm using the official 13th Age products, running Fantasy Grounds Unity. Latest update (yesterday)
No other extensions as far as I know.
And I get a persistent error when PC or Monsters try to attack (regular weapon melee attack) a target.
Simply rolling attack without any target selected seem to work.
But with a target I get a Script Execution Error.
[string "13th_Age:scripts/manager_action_attack.lua"]:475: attempt to ... (can't remember exactly what this part said) ... 'oTargetEffectsNode' (a nil value)
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I cannot imagine this is ageneric problem, since I can't find anyone else complaining about it, so it's probably me. Right?
EDIT: Applying Damage to target works fine for some reason. And playing around with adding and removing creatures from the Action Tracker... sometimes it works with Attack Rolls as well.... but I cannot figure out why it works sometimes and sometimes not. Most of the time the error is there and then it is persistent.
I"ll see if I can reproduce this.
November 26th, 2022, 19:47
FYI - Code does not exist in the .dat files. The code (LUA) and UI (xml) are entirely contained within the .pak files.
November 27th, 2022, 19:55
The 13th Age ruleset no longer inherits from 4E. Please replace 4E.pak in the previous post with 13thAge.pak.
Good to have that confirmed - I removed the 4E file references. Note that I do not have a 13thAge.pak file in my \rulesets folder, nor to the best of my memory have I ever had one. I only have the 13THAGERULESET.dat in my \vault folder. So if I'm supposed to have that PAK file, it's not being downloaded by the FGU update manager.
FYI - Code does not exist in the .dat files. The code (LUA) and UI (xml) are entirely contained within the .pak files.
Yes, I opened the 13THAGERULESET.dat archive and noticed that it doesn't have any XML or scripts folders - very different than my Call of Cthulhu 7 and Traveller 2 DAT files, which are the rulesets I own which are vaulted. From what you're saying, the 13Age ruleset is not vaulted, which is terrific and welcomed info. Unfortunately as I mentioned above, I don't have a 13Age PAK file to browse the XML or LUA files.
November 28th, 2022, 01:25
Did you purchase the ruleset?
That's the only reason I can think of that it wouldn't be in your rulesets folder.
If you did purchase it, then you should contact support.
November 28th, 2022, 19:01
Did you purchase the ruleset?
Yes I've purchased the 13th Age ruleset as well as the bestiary - both bought through Steam. My Steam account is synchronized with my Fantasy Grounds account and the 13th Age products are listed on Steam as having been purchased. Both the 13th Age ruleset and the bestiary DAT files are present in my \vault folder. I renamed both of those files today and both re-downloaded after an update, but still no 13th Age PAK file in my \ruleset folder. The other ruleset (Savage Worlds Adventure Edition) I've purchased that's not vaulted, has it's PAK file in my \ruleset folder.
I'll contact FG support.
November 29th, 2022, 02:36
Ok, confirmed that this ruleset IS vaulted. Even though I'm the developer, I never was gifted the official copy of the ruleset, so I was seeing the .PAK file I manually generated as part of development/testing.
November 29th, 2022, 05:13
Ok, confirmed that this ruleset IS vaulted. Even though I'm the developer, I never was gifted the official copy of the ruleset, so I was seeing the .PAK file I manually generated as part of development/testing.
Oh OK. So are the LUA scripts and the XML files that are utilized by 13th Age in the 4E.PAK file? I ask, because unlike my vaulted Call of Cthulhu 7 and Traveller 2 rulesets, the 13THAGERULESET.dat file doesn't contain a single folder with LUA or XML files.
November 29th, 2022, 17:56
So are the LUA scripts and the XML files that are utilized by 13th Age in the 4E.PAK file?
No. As I said previously, 13th Age no longer inherits from 4E. It is it's own self-contained ruleset inheriting directly from CoreRPG. However, I do see all the ruleset files in the .dat file, see attached image.
November 29th, 2022, 19:33
OK I'm following you, I must have missed it during my last browse. I'm now seeing \campaign along with a \scripts and \strings folder within the DAT.
Is there any chance a PAK will ever be released for this ruleset?
November 29th, 2022, 19:48
Because it's a paid ruleset, I would guess not.
November 30th, 2022, 00:22
Because it's a paid ruleset, I would guess not.
Note though, that not all rulesets that are paid for are vaulted. The D&D 5E and Paizo RPGs have to be purchased to obtain all of the ruleset features, yet they're non-vaulted and provide PAKs that can be modified. They're admittedly not the best examples though, as those TTRPGs all have Open License Agreements. Savage World Adventure Edition and Savage Worlds Deluxe (both paid for rulesets) on the other hand, don't have OLAs yet they provide PAK archives in the \ruleset folder which owners can modify.
There's customizations I'd like to make to the 13Age Character Sheet, in order for it to better suit the way I run the Midgard World setting. Without a PAK archive though, I wouldn't know where to begin.
March 27th, 2023, 02:39
I'm not 100% sure when this error appeared, but my group is all experiencing an error each time they open any item.
I tested with a fresh campaign with no extensions loaded, but it still appears. It appears each time an individual item is opened.56850
Moon Wizard
March 27th, 2023, 03:10
Just pushed a ruleset update that should address that issue. Please run a new Check for Updates, and try again.
March 27th, 2023, 04:00
Thank you! It's all sorted out
April 26th, 2023, 19:27
I'm working on creating some custom feats for 13A and found that when I try adding a Feat to a character that has another feat with a Linked Power that links back to it, I get a stack overflow error in the logs. If I try accessing the Powers tab after placing that feat on the character all of Fantasy Grounds locks up. I replicated the behavior in a fresh campaign without any extensions.
I'm still learning the ins-and-outs of the 13A ruleset, so I'm not 100% sure how the Linked Powers section is intended to be used. If it automatically adds Powers to the Powers tab I'll definitely be using it for that, but I happened to encounter this bug while working with it so I thought I'd report it. Perhaps an error check to prevent powers from being self-referring?
Moon Wizard
April 26th, 2023, 23:27
It sounds like there is a recursive call somewhere in the data you set up. (i.e. linkedpowers contains link to itself, or to another power with a link back to the original, etc.)
I believe that the linked powers section was original set up specifically for Feats to specify certain powers which were granted. (i.e. such as the Armor of Bahamut feat granting the Armor of Bahamut power.)
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