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View Full Version : LFG D&D or Starfinder or Pathfinder

May 23rd, 2018, 09:46
I took up a new job but it's 2nd shift, so I had to drop out of gaming group I was in (played in person). I've played mostly 5E since it came out, and played 4e before that. I've also played some Pathfinder and Starfinder. I'm a pretty easy pleaser with systems so I'd have a blast with any of those or anything new that seems fun.

As for days and times. I work mon-fri 3pm-11:30 PM EST (eastern standard time). I have weekends off but I usually do stuff on the weekends, however I could definitely make room. Ideally I'd like to play sometime during the week, anytime between midnight (12:00 AM) to 2PM. I'm cool with playing with a group that is way ahead or pretty far behind in their time zones compared to mine, so if that's you don't be afraid to hit me up.

Overall I have about 4 years experience playing the above mentioned games. I've played 5e the longest, at 3 years with same group. I've used Roll20 a few times in the past but am not an expert with it, and I'm new to Fantasy Grounds (as of May 22 2018).

I'd like to be involved with a game that has longevity to it, either weekly or bi-weekly, and has a respectable blend of RP and combat.

If interested, please hit me back on here or directly at my email here: [email protected]