View Full Version : New Way To Create Sound Triggers in Fantasy Grounds

May 22nd, 2018, 02:49
Ok, so first things first. I love Dulux-Oz's extensions and I absolutely plan to keep using them as they do tons of things that I want/need! Also, props to ProNobis who got me really thinking about alternatives to creating and triggering sounds withing Fantasy Grounds. Most of us know the standard method of using the wonderful DOE: Sound extension to create sound links. That still works of course and it is glorious. I'm going to keep using it for chatsound triggers among other things.

This post is about an alternative now that might help folks that either don't want to use any extensions or just want an alternative. ProNobis posted something regarding a change Moon Wizard made in one of the recent FG updates that allows for url recognition within the chat window in FG. Basically, if you copy and paste a url into the FG chat window it automagically creates a link with that can be clicked on/dragged dropped to a story entry, etc.. Great stuff. After seeing what ProNobis did within xml to create a way to trigger Syrinscape sounds directly from a link I wanted to figure out a way to do the same thing without cracking open xml.

So, after some googling I figured out a couple things. 1) there is a way to get windows to recognize uri links on your hard drive and 2) you can create shortcuts for syrinscape sounds to trigger them from a windows shortcut. Putting those two concepts together, you can create links within the FG chat window to trigger sounds on your hard drive and/or syrinscape sounds as follows:

Hard Drive Sounds:

1) Open the location of the sound you want to trigger on your hard drive and right click on it and select properties
2) Go to the security tab
3) Copy and paste the "object name" that appears in the window into FG chat
4) note that the string will look something like this: ‪?C:\Users\Allen\Downloads\Alchemists_Lab.mp3
5) change the wording in the FG chat window to the following structure exactly as I type it: file:///C:Users/Allen/Download/Alchemists_Lab.mp3
6) Hit "enter"
7) You should see a link now in chat and the word (LINK)

You can now drag/drop that link into a story entry and change the name to whatever you want it called. Note that I added the "file///" in front of the "C" AND I changed all of the backslashes to forward slashes. I think you need to make sure there are no spaces in the file name but I'm not sure. You definitely can't have spaces in the syrinscape structure that I will explain next.

Syrinscape Sounds:

1) Open Syrinscape, enable 3rd party sounds and click on the + sign for the sound mood or one-shot that you want to create a trigger for.
2) Right click somewhere on your windows desktop and click on "new", then "shortctut"
3) Paste the syrinscape url that you copied and click "next"
4) Name the shortcut whatever you want but make sure there are no spaces (e.g. ForceMissile and not Force Missile)
5) Save the shortcut to whatever location you want
6) Open the shortcut you just created and right click on it and select properties
7) Go to the security tab
8) Copy and paste the "object name" that appears in the window into FG chat
9) This time you only need to change the backslashes to forward slashes
10) Hit "enter"
11) You should see a link now in chat and the word (LINK)

Now you can drag/drop the link into a story entry, etc..

I attached a file image from within FG that shows the basics of what I describe above. The reason I find this interesting is I think in some of the free modules I have created, I could now go back and include sound boards or sound entries right within Fantasy Grounds so that they appear where relevant in the story and DM's could click on them to trigger than during an encounter, as a trap is triggered, etc.. And, I think I should be able to distribute that without violating anyone's copyright as the link will only work if you own the appropriate Syrinscape sound. There are other applications I'm thinking about as well.

Anyway, when I have time, maybe this weekend, I'll create a video on this. Huge thanks again to ProNobis who inspired me to think about how to do this (and who did this in xml for one of his modules) and Moon Wizard for making this possible. And again, this doesn't change my use of Dulux-Oz extensions which I can't live without!

Hope this helps a few of you...

May 22nd, 2018, 04:41
Hi Everybody,

Just me sticking my $0.02 worth in - yes, this will work, although I find it rather more complicated than simply using the DOE:Sound - but each to their own. There is also some concern around whether the resulting links will be exportable (and then re-importable) into a Module correctly 100% of the time - originally, with version 1 of the DOE:Sound the approach listed in the first post here was the one we took to getting sounds working, but there were a lot of problems in getting the links working properly (especially around exporting the links in modules and then re-importing them). However, I know Moon Wizard has changed some of the URL-sub-engine in the FG-engine, so those issues may have since been reduced, or even removed; I don't know, as I haven't done the extensive testing (again) that we did when we came up with our original solution to the problems (which was released in version 2 of the DOE:Sound).

So yes, if you want use the above technique it'll work, and thanks to Gwy for laying it out - I, personally, will continue to use the DOE:Sound with the Miniboards (as described in the DOE:Sound Manual) because I know it works and its easier to set up - not only for Syrinscape Sounds but for mp3 files (and others) as well.

Well done Gwy


May 22nd, 2018, 20:22
I found easier to use Dulux-Oz extension for Syrinscape sounds and i will cotinue also using it, its great.
For the hard drive sounds i use another method that i found easier:
1.First i copy the file adress where my sounds are for example: C:\Users\Salvador\AppData\Roaming\Fantasy Grounds\Sounds
2.Then i paste it on a browser like fire fox and press enter and i will have the list of the content (sounds or any other type of file i will want to trigger like help material in word etc) in the firefox result.
3.Just right click on the sound or file you want and choose "Copy link location" and thats all.
You will have the url needed for FG.
Hope this help.

May 23rd, 2018, 03:38
I found easier to use Dulux-Oz extension for Syrinscape sounds and i will cotinue also using it, its great.
For the hard drive sounds i use another method that i found easier:
1.First i copy the file adress where my sounds are for example: C:\Users\Salvador\AppData\Roaming\Fantasy Grounds\Sounds
2.Then i paste it on a browser like fire fox and press enter and i will have the list of the content (sounds or any other type of file i will want to trigger like help material in word etc) in the firefox result.
3.Just right click on the sound or file you want and choose "Copy link location" and thats all.
You will have the url needed for FG.
Hope this help.

Actually, you can do this for a DOE:Sound as well (if you wanted to control the sound off of your hard drive / youtube /whatever from inside FG ie as a chatsound, etc), :)

May 23rd, 2018, 07:01
Actually, you can do this for a DOE:Sound as well (if you wanted to control the sound off of your hard drive / youtube /whatever from inside FG ie as a chatsound, etc), :)

Of course, thats the way i have been doing since i see the light with your extension. Thanks!

Hector Trelane
May 23rd, 2018, 09:12
The timing of this thread couldn't be better. I'm making use of the techniques listed here for a community ruleset that has not been recently updated so isn't compatible with DOE:Sound. This is working well (including exported links as part of a .mod file), thank you!

The High Druid
May 23rd, 2018, 17:53
Having alternatives is good though because (unless the situation has changed?) you can't use DOE extensions for anything commercial . . .

May 23rd, 2018, 17:58
Having alternatives is good though because (unless the situation has changed?) you can't use DOE extensions for anything commercial . . .
Unless you reach out to Dulux and get a license from him. I don't think it's hard. I know others have done it.

The High Druid
May 23rd, 2018, 18:40
Unless you reach out to Dulux and get a license from him. I don't think it's hard. I know others have done it.

That's good to know. Having read one of his posts a while back about not being able to use them for streamed games, I was left with the impression this wasn't an option.

May 23rd, 2018, 19:06
Wasn't that more about having a license for the music or sounds played?

May 28th, 2018, 03:59
One CON of using this alternative method is that the links wont show any name or title on them. With the DuluxOz one you can name them......

May 28th, 2018, 06:48
One CON of using this alternative method is that the links wont show any name or title on them. With the DuluxOz one you can name them......
Can’t you name the links within a story entry or other formatted text control?

Hector Trelane
May 28th, 2018, 14:54
Can’t you name the links within a story entry or other formatted text control?

That's what I did. In this case, I first typed the text I wanted to name the link, then made the paragraph a link paragraph (Ctrl+5), then dragged the URL link from the chatbox onto the blank link box in the story window.

DOE Sound has lots more functionality, so use that if possible. But if you can't for some reason, this technique can work. I created two dozen sound links for an upcoming investigation.

May 28th, 2018, 15:01
DOE Sound has lots more functionality, so use that if possible. But if you can't for some reason, this technique can work. I created two dozen sound links for an upcoming investigation.

My thoughts exactly!

May 28th, 2018, 16:29
Can’t you name the links within a story entry or other formatted text control?
Yes, just saw that you can do it that way. Thanks!!
I was drag and droppin the link that appeared in the chat box directly to the map and was seeing no name on the link.
I think it will be good to make a "sounds" entry that contains all the sounds links named or place them inside the respective story entry rather than place them directly on a room or place on a map unless you create a story entry for each of them.

May 28th, 2018, 16:33
A lot of GMs create a story entry for a specific location on the map, and drag a link for that story entry to the location on the map. This story entry contains information about that location - description, notes, images, NPCs/encounters, treasure packages, etc.. This would be a good place to put link/s to relevant sound for that location.

March 17th, 2019, 12:44
Has anyone been able to get Syrinscape Online to integrate with DOE: Sound? When I create the new sound item, and click, it doesnt trigger the effect on the Syrinscape control panel.

March 17th, 2019, 13:39
Has anyone been able to get Syrinscape Online to integrate with DOE: Sound? When I create the new sound item, and click, it doesnt trigger the effect on the Syrinscape control panel.

As I explained in a thread here on the FG Forums and also over on the Syrinscape Forums, the the Syrinscape Online player uses a different set of URL commands from the Syrinscape Desktop Player which are incompatible with the way the the FG Engine and therefore the DOE: Sound work.

So no, until and unless Syrinscape re-architect their Online Player (because SmiteWorks have already said on numerous occasions that they are not going to re-architect FG) then the Syrinscape Online Player will not work with the DOE: Sound.

March 17th, 2019, 13:47
Sorry Dulux, that post was buried in the past when I searched and I overlooked it. Thanks for the timely reply!

March 17th, 2019, 13:51
Sorry Dulux, that post was buried in the past when I searched and I overlooked it. Thanks for the timely reply!

No need to apologise - the DOE's are popular (YAY!) so yes, there *are* a lot of posts :)

March 17th, 2019, 14:42
Its a catch 22. Im not a big fan of the local fantasy player, but the online doesn't integrate. Ive just spent the morning trying to force it. I can get wget to run the REST to call the audio, but FG doesn't like calling wget either. Was worth a shot.

March 17th, 2019, 14:46
Its a catch 22. Im not a big fan of the local fantasy player, but the online doesn't integrate. Ive just spent the morning trying to force it. I can get wget to run the REST to call the audio, but FG doesn't like calling wget either. Was worth a shot.

Yep. This is why I won't switch to the online player...... :)

Hector Trelane
March 17th, 2019, 21:17
Yep. This is why I won't switch to the online player...... :)

With the voicemeter banana and cleanfeed broadcast solution that Gwydion has described in a video tutorial, which I use, it’s quite possible to skip the Syrinscape Online Player. In fact it’s even better with this cleanfeed set up, because you can still use the Syrinscape Fantasy Player desktop edition, but also tabletop audio, and other sounds directly from YouTube etc.

March 31st, 2020, 19:36
Hi Everybody,

Just me sticking my $0.02 worth in - yes, this will work, although I find it rather more complicated than simply using the DOE:Sound - but each to their own. There is also some concern around whether the resulting links will be exportable (and then re-importable) into a Module correctly 100% of the time - originally, with version 1 of the DOE:Sound the approach listed in the first post here was the one we took to getting sounds working, but there were a lot of problems in getting the links working properly (especially around exporting the links in modules and then re-importing them). However, I know Moon Wizard has changed some of the URL-sub-engine in the FG-engine, so those issues may have since been reduced, or even removed; I don't know, as I haven't done the extensive testing (again) that we did when we came up with our original solution to the problems (which was released in version 2 of the DOE:Sound).

So yes, if you want use the above technique it'll work, and thanks to Gwy for laying it out - I, personally, will continue to use the DOE:Sound with the Miniboards (as described in the DOE:Sound Manual) because I know it works and its easier to set up - not only for Syrinscape Sounds but for mp3 files (and others) as well.

Well done Gwy


Is DOE:Sound no more? Do you have any suggestions other than the post above now?:cry:

March 31st, 2020, 20:01
Is DOE:Sound no more? Do you have any suggestions other than the post above now?:cry:

DOE: Sound was removed. There are two alternatives available. One published here on the FG forums by Celestian. The other I wrote which is available on DMsGuild.
