View Full Version : The selection tool

Ken L
May 17th, 2018, 04:21
Is there a particular reason it's done the way it is for image controls? I mean... I can imagine worse, but the current predicament being better than the norm isn't one of them.

The 'Norm' being drag to automatically enter select mode, and clicking any empty space or non-group selected token canceling the selection.

There are also things that can greatly benefit selection mode functioning more... usefully.

1. Group select tokens to delete them rather than the choice of 'one or all'
2. Group change visibility rather than context clicking each and every one of the tokens in question.
3. Group effect application to selected.
4. Group roll selected attributes ie: insight, perception, saves, stealth, similar to the party sheet but on a selection.

For myself I've started using 'map tokens' more where I can pre-place tokens on the map rather than using the encounter system so I can easily eye-ball what's coming up as players move across a large map.

I see that the default behavior for 'click-and-hold' is to move the window itself which has caused more problems with myself and other players inadvertently moving the map around. The normal expected behavior is to get a handle on a header which can position the window, leaving other mouse events for the content of the window to handle.

May 17th, 2018, 11:53
You can group select tokens by using the group select button and dragging a box around them.

You can change visibility of the foes as a group using the CT.