View Full Version : Modules loaded while playing?

May 16th, 2018, 02:03
When I am preparing for sessions I often open and close several modules in order to get a particular NPC/item or whatever. Doing this tends to use up memory fairly quickly, so I'd like to be able to prep everything, then unload the modules during actual play. Are there certain modules that have to be open such as the monster manual to run combats? Or can I just add the NPC to the encounter, and use that to load them into the combat tracker without the MM being loaded?

What do you all keep loaded during playing sessions?

May 16th, 2018, 02:57
Copy the resources (NPC's etc) you use to your campaign by dragging and dropping them back onto the object list. That way a copy of it will be in the campaign and you don't have to worry about missing link references if the resource is closed.

May 17th, 2018, 15:31
I went back and found out that the memory issues I had were not because of having too many regular modules loaded, it was entirely due to having one overly large token module open. The token module is one I've been making and adding stuff to, but it turns out, that when I load it, it takes about 2.5G of ram. Oh well, lesson learned. Thanks