View Full Version : 5E - Referencing Rob2e spells as opposed to PHB spells

May 15th, 2018, 20:53
Please be patient with me... I am trying to learn to code magic items, of my own creation, for my home brew adventures.

I have created some magic items that are referencing spells in the players handbook, for instance:

<link class="reference_spell"recordname="reference.spelldata.lightningbolt@*>

What I would like to do is reference the rob2e 5E Spell Effects Coding spells, that I recently purchased. I want to take advantage of all the effects coding he has put together.

I am just not sure how his coded spells are to referenced, or where how I can find where their reference resides.

I hope this makes sense, I am very new to this, but having a blast learning.


May 15th, 2018, 21:03
You should be able to drag the spells from the PHB or from Rob's stuff and drop them onto the magic items notes space to create the links. Rob's stuff is basically the same as spells.

May 15th, 2018, 21:08
thank you Zacchaeus, this make perfect sense... I have been working in XML and didn't think about dragging a dropping from the client... Thanks